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  1. Z

    Hahn206 + Chester_Chaz00 Sig Requests

    I need tips on SIG making.
  2. Z

    I need a siggy..

    if not, I will.
  3. Z

    Poll: Open Challange

    r u supposed 2 make 'em urself?
  4. Z


    I though ATlien said it has nuttin' 2 do with post kount.... :confused:
  5. Z

    "The Green Member"

    i wont be NOW, i'm talkin' "EVENTUALLY". :)
  6. Z


    i know ATlien said that but slang actually takez up LESS space[considering it's much shorter]. i dun c y it's spam.
  7. Z


    *laughs* i was kiddin' back then, lol :)
  8. Z


    who says i wanna be a MOD? I juzt wanna be elite, which eventually I'll get 2 B.
  9. Z

    "The Green Member"

    so if i stay herre long, i get 2 be elite?
  10. Z


    It's kalled SLANG dud3! :-p
  11. Z

    This or that!

    I'll take minority this once[fort minor, lol] PSP or NOKIA N-GAGE?
  12. Z

    This or that!

    ok, it seemz Vash carried out absent-mindedness[no offence, Vash] so I'll take over 4 him[u r a male, rite?] Oprah. Jeopardy or The Weakest Link?
  13. Z

    Your Own Reanimation Videoz.

    [sorry, double post] juzt imagine if LP chose u as 1 of the directors 4 reanimation videoz. u have 2 make sumthin that doesn't have LP in 'em and have a logical concept. i'm doin' all of 'em but u kan do any u want. if u kan't make videoz[i'm expecting Jenessa to do it, lol] than post ur idea...
  14. Z


    [2 posts, sorry] i juzt wanna know exakly wut the green 1's r, :)
  15. Z

    HELP!!! [plz, lol.]

    Any1 who has a Machintosh Computer know where 2 get a vokal extraction[notice, EXTRAKT, not remove] program 2 get accappellas? Thanx in advanz3, -z. :) :) :)
  16. Z


    thanx. call me stupid, but i though gren ppl were mods, lol.
  17. Z


    ok, i dun understand. Is it Blue ppl normal users, green mods, and yellow admins, and red ATlien?
  18. Z


    chill, lol :confused:
  19. Z


    i hope i get 2 be a Mod b4 i die, lol oh, and who r the green members, i'm konfused, lol.
  20. Z


    Y do mods and admins always have a lil' title under their username? :)