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  1. keza

    the keza journal

    hmm kinda abandoned lpf for awhile whoopsie daiseh anywhos me be gdleh school tomorrows which isnt so gdleh AND i dont think i have free periods tomorrow ahhh full day of actuallee having to t h i n k tuhness and my lip hurts and its all swolleness..gotted it pierced yesterday AND...
  2. keza

    Heart LP´s Journal

    herro honeh jeest uno quickleh visit hope alls gdleh!! <333 *mwah*
  3. keza

    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    my lip hurts and its big i look like a goldfish so i know have teh memory and looks of one yey for that kaii ¬.¬
  4. keza

    What Song Are You Listening To? vol. 3

    lemon katy rose
  5. keza

    Member's Pictures 9.0

    LPsolider yoore sooo purtyful <33
  6. keza

    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    im borrrreddd rawr lalala
  7. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    arww thankies foxeh thats so luffly!! allie ish jeest amaze shes mine *takes an allie home* lalala one of a kinda innit
  8. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    hmmm josh right witha diff name? or not? 0.o *is all confused and falls off chair* well if it is then hes jeest immense and i luffs him haha edit haha its in yoor sig yey i was right gawsh im ghey
  9. keza

    Vegetarian/ Vegan

    arr thatd be rich >.< thankies mattleh
  10. keza

    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    rawr stoopid stoopid people foning up and asking if i wanna buy something **** OFFFFF if we wanted to buy something id go and get it not wait for yoo to fone me about it RAWR anywho...ima sleepy
  11. keza

    Vegetarian/ Vegan

    wow personally, with no disrespect i think being a vegan is stretching it a bit far 0.o thats just me i watch something on tv to with it and this woman was getting interviewed about how she was a vegan and i realleh didnt aggree with most of what was said...lots red meat is bad for yoo yesh...
  12. keza

    Book Of Matt

    i twill make sure that if i ever was gonna explode id explode near yoo jeest to annoy yoo rawr mattleh <3
  13. keza

    Book Of Matt

    im so glad yoore not patronising cuz that would jeest be teh worst LMFAO *bites yoor hand*
  14. keza

    Happy B-Day ShinodaBear

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY i would sing but that would be painful^^ *nods and hugs yoo* <333
  15. keza

    the keza journal

    narrr dont say that!!! <3 bet yoo are and anyway yoo dont need to be like REALLEH highleh not im more average than anything and lazy^^ yoo jeest have to work hard... i dunno i think i dont try in school cuz im fed up of it...once uni comes itll be okaii cuz i'll be treated...
  16. keza

    the keza journal

    takes time to make friends yer...once yoo find some yoo click with twill be gdleh hehe<3 gd luck sweetie and yer ima sooo scared about uni and all teh teacher are pure pressuring me to pick subjects im like arghhh go away
  17. keza

    Book Of Matt

    lmfao yoor updates are getting smaller into nice keza-managable type chunks *nods* before it was like big ass block of writing:P <33 lalala hope mattlehs okaii
  18. keza

    the keza journal

    arwww...but yoore nice and lil <3 *hugs yoo*haha yer we do...onleh one more yr...! *does a dance* omgawsh yoor vereh luckeh tuh hehe and i jeest found out today scotland (in 6th yr) they start doing yoor UCAS form for uni acceptance in a few weeks arghh why that sooon >.<
  19. keza

    Member's Pictures 9.0

    that took me a while to understand that ima s-l-o-w haha smexiful shoes taylor yerp yerp <3 *steals them* mwhahaha and nice pics clogz and as always jenessa looks wowish <3
  20. keza

    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    bored sleepy grumpy