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  1. Chestersbabi7

    Killswitch Bitches!!!

    IT WAS THE BEST... lol.. And that guy *Nick* is comming up all next WEEK!! hehehe YESSS!
  2. Chestersbabi7

    Killswitch Bitches!!!

    OOooooOOOOoooo it was!! hehehehehe
  3. Chestersbabi7

    ChesterBabi´s Journal

    well he wasnt my 1st bf...
  4. Chestersbabi7

    Killswitch Bitches!!!

    oooooh ****...that was a CRAZY.. time.. man o man. Well... Well I went with Jed (my friend), and we left at like 3 cuz it take like an hour and a half to get there. So we got lost, went to, then found the gas station that me and him found when we got lost last time going to see...
  5. Chestersbabi7

    My Mom, the Metal Head!

    hahaha my dads the Metal head... he's the one who got me into Linkin Park in 1999 ( gave me the Cd when he got it)... yea but my dads fun to go on long car rides with, cuz he likes the same music. He went to The Taste of Chaos tour with me, even tho i didnt even see him the WHOle night!lol
  6. Chestersbabi7

    Killswitch Bitches!!!

    Yes yes, i cant wait.. im going to see Killswitch tommorow night.. hehe... Umm.. anyone a fan of them?..or any adivice? lol
  7. Chestersbabi7

    Azem's journal

    hehe sounds like total fun!
  8. Chestersbabi7

    ChesterBabi´s Journal

    Yea, i think i might date Kris... hmm i gotta think more about it
  9. Chestersbabi7

    Azem's journal

    Azems a silly boy...HAVE FUN AT THA MOVIES
  10. Chestersbabi7

    ChesterBabi´s Journal

    W0w i am crazy.....
  11. Chestersbabi7

    ChesterBabi´s Journal

    4/6/05 Well today was, okay... i guess.. I didnt talk to Paige much today, ummm anyone for that matter... i just felt like being alone... i dunno....Kris walked me to class today... mmm...i dunno...he likes me, but i dont know what i feel about him. But Azem is moving on fine, so maybe i should...
  12. Chestersbabi7

    Azem's journal

    hehehe i would have looked there too, and under the matress... hmmmm... lol.... well im sorry that there was a missunderstanding at skool... i know what the missunderstnding was, and it happens ALL the time at my skool to...
  13. Chestersbabi7

    Best Moment/Day of YOUR Life?

    lol... ya hypped wasnt the word like
  14. Chestersbabi7


    Umm of course i havent fell in love with with anyone else, how can i fall in love with someone else when im still madly in love with Azem? I just wanted to see what everyones veiws were... it really interesting too see what you all had to say!... ill come back and put my veiw on it later!
  15. Chestersbabi7

    ChesterBabi´s Journal

    Ohh...haha i knew that was korn you silly...thats why i sung it... lol
  16. Chestersbabi7

    Azem's journal

    Thats why i was put in this earth for. You serve and entertain ppl, so im good at my job....hehehe
  17. Chestersbabi7

    ChesterBabi´s Journal

    Im going to do a poll thing like Azems.. cuz its kool, and im a copycatter.. hahahhaha...o man... or not... what a bummer.. lol
  18. Chestersbabi7

    Best Moment/Day of YOUR Life?

    Okay... well i was talkin to a Friend on Aim... and it made me think of this topic. I mean, i think it would be interesting to see what was the best time/moment/day/event...w/e of you lives... i mean its gotta be good... well... i have to say the BEST day of my life would be: The day of the...
  19. Chestersbabi7

    ChesterBabi´s Journal

    "I Flirt with suicide some times kills the pain, i cant always say, its going to be better tommorow, falling away from me, falling away from me... Beating me down, beating me beating me down..."
  20. Chestersbabi7

    Azem's journal

    hehehe....ya you were talkin to me when that o man... I LOVE AXE tho....mmMMMMmmmm.... lol.. yea... lol...hmmm hahaha dont ask alright...