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  1. ugur90

    Parental Issues

    Well I havent been talking to my dad for 2 is how it started I'm going to university next year in America away from my parents. My parents argue that I don't spend enough time with them or share enough with them. I like my alone time but I don't mind chilling with them except...
  2. ugur90

    The Official YouTube Thread LOL
  3. ugur90


    can sum1 translate what the judges say
  4. ugur90

    Anzac Day

    haha...but Aus and NZ havent been in that many wars so I think Anzac Day is really made memorable I think its a cool a Turk I think we also have someday to honor Anzacs..i shud check the news today maybe theres some festival somewhere
  5. ugur90

    New LPTV Episode - Europe 2008

    is there a youtube link?
  6. ugur90

    LP Shoots Video With Busta Rhymes

    well atleast there werent any naked chicks around
  7. ugur90

    LP Shoots Video With Busta Rhymes

    HAHA LMAO!!! yea and spending the first minute of the song introducing themselves lol
  8. ugur90

    South Park Season 12

    I'm not your friend buddy I'm not your buddy guy Well I'm not your guy friend Mr Garrison: Kids have you seen my penis my penis is on the loose if you see it catch it with some cheese Butters: ow...that hurt my brain :P:P:P
  9. ugur90

    South Park Season 12

    so whos seen it...first 2 episodes werent that funny imo but 3,4,5 were hilariously especially 3(major boobage) was hilarious -CHOCOLATE RAIN!!
  10. ugur90


    stuff i know so far -all city no desert stuff like SA -new melee fighting style -u dont just hop in cars u hotwire and **** -when u comit a crime there is a radius if u escape that radius without police getting visual contact on u escape if ure seen the radius is recenterd around u the more...
  11. ugur90

    New LPTV Episode - Europe 2008

    wheres the widget? myspace?
  12. ugur90

    Projekt Revolution 2008

    come to turkey already LP god!
  13. ugur90

    Projekt Revolution 2008

    Shitty list imo so far better add some better bands
  14. ugur90

    Battle of the Songs 5

    i think as an ending song to an album TLTGYA away is the best but as just a song Numb is the best even tho its overplayed its still the song that everyone knows off LP
  15. ugur90

    It's snowing in England!!!

    lol global warming is ****ing the world over
  16. ugur90

    LOATR new single

    everyone has different opinions so theres no point of this arguement nemore
  17. ugur90

    Projekt Revolution Europe! (all 2008 dates inside)

    who headlined the last PR with LP then MCR?
  18. ugur90

    Projekt Revolution Europe! (all 2008 dates inside)

    why the **** rnt they coming to turkey oh btw what does it mean that headlining band is HIM
  19. ugur90

    Battle of the songs 1

    OSC imo linkin park's best song
  20. ugur90

    Classical Music Mass Download

    i went to that but how do u downlaod there