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  1. N


    me...i can relate...... my parents fight everyday 2 ..... and i get da sam feelin. i am gettin 2 no thins which have disturbed me even though it is past. my mom usually starts the argument wat is it for u? im 2 scared 2 think abt my parents get divorced.
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    Oh My God I'm So Happy!

    dats coooool . i never cried of happiness. i have cried a number of times but never out of heppiness.
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    Top 10 Shows Eva ! !

    seinfeld friends scrubs alias joey 8 simple rules accordin to jim
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    What's Your Family Like?

    ya and i forgot to add he rules at computers he can hack people and ofcourse if any guy messes wid me. heel get his gang and then they mes with him.
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    What's Your Family Like?

    as for me my brother is awsome. hes 17. and tells me everything. i can share my feelins with him. my mom and dad are too over protective and wont let me do wat i want to. i look so forward to meeting him. he asks me for advice on girls. i ask him for boys. he always sticks up fpr me. he...
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    Riskeh's fan club- JOIN HERE PPL!

    he is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*hugs and loads of hugs* iu should be goin mad rishikesh wat more would a person want????
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    i am 12............not 22

    im sorry im 12 today not 22. i had put 22 cause i was bugged that everyone was treating me like a kid. and ofcours today is my birthday exept i just turned 12 and not 22. sorry peace!!
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    give me some idea!!!!!!

    its my birthday in 8 days . i dont no how to celebrate it please give me some ideas.] i am 12 so keep that in mind i hate those baby parties in which u have to play lame games like parcing the parcel so please help thanx peace
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    Future Career

    ii have 4 choices- 1.interior designer designer engenieeer i dont want to become any of theese i want to be in a band like amy lee or any rock band but if i have to engenieer since i am pretty good at computer stuff
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    Asking for help for the first time, please........

    snipevirus , your thing is so much like me even my brother gets what he wants. and i dont immortal r u a traditional indian??? wat cast????
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    Asking for help for the first time, please........

    even im an indian. almost facing the same problem as u exept the thing is first i am a girl secondly my problem is with going out with my frnds. they think i cant take care of myself. how much ever i tell them i am mature enough they wont listen but anyway dont worry . they will understand ...
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    please join me with msn

    hey guys i am adding all the people who have got their emails out here mine is please dont block me thinking it is someone else.
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    What Color is Your Hair?

    i am gonna put golden streaks i have brown hair and my friends say it will suit me
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    Come see my baby!

    she is the cutest thing i have ever seen. i am mad after children i really love them this one is the cutest kid i have ever seen.
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    i have heard of it but dont use it. my elder brother is more into mirc,icq.irc and ****. so basically i have never used it .
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    The End of the World is Near?

    here in dubai (which is a desert ) there r flods. and the palm island they were building has moved a little from its place. (it is goin to be the 8th wonder of the world) and it is so damn cool. it has never been so cold in a desert.
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    Percings anyone?

    only ears. i am happy that i got nothin else peirced when i was a kid i wanted to get my navel peirced. but now since my friend got it she says that u cant sleep on your stomach as it hurts like crazy.
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    school (sux in dubai!! atleast for me.)

    thank God atleast some one realizes how crappy and ****ed up it is to live out here. and u no wat i do after comming back home????!!!! the treadmil in oder to get thin. though i am not so fat but i really want to get thin. how is school there. i bet it is much more fun than school here...
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    school (sux in dubai!! atleast for me.)

    my school actually sux!! we dont have co-head(which means girls and boy are not in one class). and if u talk to a guy u r screwed by the principal. we go to school at 6:30 in the morning and r back at 4:30 in the evening. all the girls r stupid bitches (sorry for using bad words but i am...
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    has anyone met famous people (movies,singers,tvshow artists, vjs, anyone famous )

    sorry sucide king. i will read the stickies next time! (fooling) hey man u guys r lucky i have not met anyone at all.