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  1. Lonely_darkness

    Darky's Journal

    whats happening with you?
  2. Lonely_darkness

    omg this what ive just found out

    aw thats sad
  3. Lonely_darkness


    Aw ya it is sad when someone young dies. A guy at my school commited suicide in October. My whole town was devasted.
  4. Lonely_darkness

    another accusation

    ^ I agree with what she says. These people are not your real friends or why would they do something like that to you?
  5. Lonely_darkness


    I do it when I am emotionally hurt. I take the emotional pain and make it physical and then it doesn't hurt as much anymore. I have 13 scars on my left wrist. Dark carved into my forearm, an x on the heel of my palm and like 3 cuts on the palm of my left hand.
  6. Lonely_darkness

    Is this love?

    Obviously if you miss her you must have feelings for her of some sort at least. Also if you miss her so much why don't you buy her some flowers or something and go hang out with her at her house?
  7. Lonely_darkness

    For Candle Lovers

    Nice Site I'm gonna let my mom see it she likes candles alot ^^
  8. Lonely_darkness

    Vent Your Anger

    Wow thats really disturbing... I like the mix of red with the black and white. It gives it a really disturbing effect.
  9. Lonely_darkness

    Grey's Anatomy

    aw darn I haven't seen the show the book is cool though ^^
  10. Lonely_darkness

    Darky's Journal

    Aya Fujimiya (shinde kudasai) So ya I am having a crappy week. School is stressful, thats like the most minor of my problems. I'm just depressed in general for the most part. So ya we got a call from my aunt for the first time in like two years. She called to tell us that my grandpa was in...
  11. Lonely_darkness

    Konnichi wa

    for sure ^^ much better than the typical cookies
  12. Lonely_darkness

    Konnichi wa

    a paperclip? haha XD
  13. Lonely_darkness

    When you're upset, what makes you feel better?

    I listen to music or sing or draw or write poetry or talk to my best friend
  14. Lonely_darkness

    Konnichi wa

    I would have thought this place would have been way more busy but it is like... Normal forum paced. I am used to places like Gaia. I like In the end too. Somewhere I belong is only ok.
  15. Lonely_darkness

    Portable Media: What do you use?

    I only have a cd player ;_;
  16. Lonely_darkness

    Konnichi wa

    I like numb, I would have to say it is my favourite, Whats yours?
  17. Lonely_darkness

    Give Cristina A Nickname.

    Eh.. personally I don't really like any of them. Maybe its cause I don't know you though. I guess I like slip the best since you said you wanted it to be morbid. WTF is up with all the people voting kitty that isn't morbid *sigh*+-
  18. Lonely_darkness

    I would like to address an issue some of you may be fimiliar with.

    Humans aren't animals. If we were animals then why would be called humans? Humans are humans.
  19. Lonely_darkness

    Konnichi wa

    Yes n00bs are the devil. I may be new to this forum, but I am sure not a n00b
  20. Lonely_darkness

    Konnichi wa

    So umm... ya I am new. I like linkin park and anime. Thats me in a nutshell