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  1. DevilDog420

    Worse Day EVER!!!

    GOD DAMNIT, I was just about to say that. RIP Micheal Henderson an real hero.
  2. DevilDog420

    The President Barack Obama Thread

    I think the whole Israel/US thing goes farther back to the beginning of the Cold War where they had our backs and the Russians had the Egyptians and other Oil Rich Arab countries. Also their was no UN back in 1930........The UN was made after the wake of WW2 in 1945 in June to make sure a 3rd...
  3. DevilDog420

    The President Barack Obama Thread

    I agree with everything but the Afganistan remark, he should have sent the wrath of god to that country and not just *****-footed around their so we could have ended the war in 02, I'm saying Bush is a horrible president but just because he isnt the smartest man in the world (Which means he...
  4. DevilDog420

    The President Barack Obama Thread

    Oh I know, I'm just saying alot of those guys arent the nicest people. Some of them like the real assholes they should just be dragged out back and given a 5.56 right to the back of the head. I really hope we never have another incident like Gitmo though, We're America and were kinda too good...
  5. DevilDog420

    The President Barack Obama Thread

    Ok I really hope you guys don't get your hopes up to high, First off I voted for Obama he seemed like the more logical choice. At the same time he is a POLITICIAN, A smart one at that but he is a politician none the less, He will stay thing to inspire you but at the same time take it with a...
  6. DevilDog420

    Dragonball Z Movie Trailer

    I think I died a little inside.
  7. DevilDog420


    NOBODY! You guys suck =P.
  8. DevilDog420


    Anyone else buying the EndWar the WW3 RTS game, I don't know if any of you are gamers but it looks awesome considering you can control the entire game by your voice and with Europe, America and Russia all fighting each other. Plus most of the things that lead the world into war are kinda coming...
  9. DevilDog420

    VP debate gets rickrolled on national television!

    Internet is Serious business amirite?
  10. DevilDog420

    VP debate gets rickrolled on national television!

    You guys must have gotten rickroll and belaired way to many times to not find any humor in this.
  11. DevilDog420

    Recommended Music or Videos.

    Hands Held High Sorry for the double post but I think this should be the Official Music Video for Hands Held High
  12. DevilDog420

    Member's Pets Pictures!

    My Cat Jack.
  13. DevilDog420

    Recommended Music or Videos.

    LOL I don't know if I should laugh or be extremely confused...Maybe a little of both?
  14. DevilDog420

    Recommended Music or Videos.

    Well I was thinking maybe we should have a thread where people can put their favorite songs or videos not sure if we have a thread like this but I'll give it a go. I'm not sure if General Chat would be the best place to put it so a mod could correct me if i'm wrong but maybe this could maybe...
  15. DevilDog420

    Member's Pictures 11.0

    From a few months ago when I had long hair.
  16. DevilDog420

    Name Your Kids!

    I'd probably just pull a Johnny Cash and name my son Sue.
  17. DevilDog420

    LPF Matchmaker

    LOL come on woody u know I was joking :-P , but damn I even get rejected over the net thats a real blow to my self-esteem lol.
  18. DevilDog420

    The TV Thread

    Scrubs,Family Guy, Sons Of Anarchy, Frasier, Just Shoot Me,Any Gordon Ramsay cooking show, The Shield and Generation Kill.
  19. DevilDog420

    LPF Matchmaker

    DevilDog420 + WoodyLovesLinkin = 96.5% DevilDog420 + StupidSoul1 = 79%. Come on Woody this Yank will treat you real well ;) .
  20. DevilDog420

    Breast Milk Ice Cream?!

    Anyone know if this comes in Keira Knightly flavor?