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  1. E

    Cutting...A serious issue.

    thnks im a ****wit really... say soz to ur friend from me...
  2. E

    Cutting...A serious issue.

    look im not re writing it but i will apologise i was out of order, my step dad is ****ing with my head at the mo and im sorry...
  3. E

    Cutting...A serious issue.

    **** u i dont feel that but a mate of mine does, and i wasnt meaning the working out thing, i was meaning cutting and cutting isnt u think a cutter is totally sane!!!! prob not sorry to have offended ur intelligence
  4. E

    Cutting...A serious issue.

    u cut and it vents, it may hurt in the long run but its a nice pain, kinda like.....if i cant control the fact that blah blah blah is going on, i can control wot happens to my body~bit like eating disorders really doesnt really make sense to non cutters i dont think..
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    Cutting...A serious issue.

    wow ur passionate about this subject....people do for different reasons and quite alot of peoples probs r bad some people r better at dealing with life than others....
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    lpp's journal

    hmmm...not meaning to be rude...well i am kinda but i hope to **** i dont end up like a mary poppins impersonator...look u dont no y she cuts, i dont no y she cuts but she prob has a good reason just like most people.... it gets kinda annoying people constantly getting at u to 'look on the...
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    Boys A-Z name game

    zelda... all i could think of, my stepdad has the game on gameboy advance...
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    em's pointless journal

    lol, its ok...its ten past five here and i act freaky... thanks, that made me feel a little better about myself if only things like this would last longer than a couple of mins...
  9. E

    Cutting...A serious issue.

    yeah it may be, but cutting isnt the 'normal' (i hate that word) way to vent ur feelings so u and so many other people need help now, me too i guess....but most of us dont accept the help
  10. E

    Cutting...A serious issue.

    oh ok...i needed help and my mum sent me to a crappy my opinion she ****ed me up more than i was before...but she was a cheapo 1 im hoping all of them arent that bad...friends help better than a stranger who is paid to listen
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    Cutting...A serious issue.

    y do u not want help with stuff now?
  12. E

    Cutting...A serious issue.

    need help? with wot....
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    Cutting...A serious issue.

    same, and killing myself is something im too scared to do so i dont think i'll be making that mistake anytime soon
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    Cutting...A serious issue.

    i usually wear long sleeves and if i dont then i wear my fingerless glooves or i wea sweat bands on both....kinda gay i no but i dont care, hate it when my mum comes in suddenly and i have to cover up while they are bleeding cuz its soo uncomfortable and painful to take off..... soz if that...
  15. E

    em's pointless journal

    that wasnt patronising at all, it was sweet, i understand wot ur saying but its kinda hard to see it like that when ur the not the biggest loner and i feel for the people that are...more poeple are scared of me which i dont like because im not wierd... im hopefully leaving my school...
  16. E

    Cutting...A serious issue.

    me too, i tlking about about my yeaterday cuts, my new ones are on my right arm
  17. E

    Cutting...A serious issue.

    i no wot u mean... takes away alot of stress and hurt, maybe i went too far i think, my whole left arm is red and swollen....oh dear, gonna go and put a jumper on now...
  18. E

    Cutting...A serious issue.

    hmm...not good stop or u'll end up lking like ur dating edward scissor hands~not really a bad thing though cuz its johnny depp :)
  19. E

    em's pointless journal

    about my day~had an exam and suffice to say i sucked, i have 4 in total and i cant be arsed to care about any of them...too many exams.... my god this gurl came onto the bus today and i swear she lked like 1 of those children cartoon whitches, she even had the green hair!!! one of the girls...
  20. E

    em's pointless journal

    lol, thats a good 1