Cutting...A serious issue.

You cut to vent emotions, yet gain nothing but pain and feelings that just come back later on.

You workout, you vent emotions and feel healthy and then are too tired to think about any bad things and its a cycle.

Sorry if I think too logical, but you are only hurting yourself in the long run.
u cut and it vents, it may hurt in the long run but its a nice pain, kinda like.....if i cant control the fact that blah blah blah is going on, i can control wot happens to my body~bit like eating disorders really doesnt really make sense to non cutters i dont think..
That is the most retarded thing I have heard. I cant control my shitty life, but I can destroy my body. /retardation

You are always in charge of your life. If you cant change something bad, you dont know what you are doing and it is your fault for not acting on it. If you would hate something so much to destroy your body, you might as well leave the situation.

And just for the record, working out is control of your body, you make it healthier and stronger.
SNiPeRViRuS said:
That is the most retarded thing I have heard. I cant control my shitty life, but I can destroy my body. /retardation

You are always in charge of your life. If you cant change something bad, you dont know what you are doing and it is your fault for not acting on it. If you would hate something so much to destroy your body, you might as well leave the situation.

And just for the record, working out is control of your body, you make it healthier and stronger.

**** u i dont feel that but a mate of mine does, and i wasnt meaning the working out thing, i was meaning cutting and cutting isnt u think a cutter is totally sane!!!!
prob not

sorry to have offended ur intelligence
SNiPeRViRuS said:
You cut to vent emotions, yet gain nothing but pain and feelings that just come back later on.

You workout, you vent emotions and feel healthy and then are too tired to think about any bad things and its a cycle.

Sorry if I think too logical, but you are only hurting yourself in the long run.

hmm i kinda see your point SNIPER.....

but i cut is because i feel like no in my family cares about me .
and i mean this my family i live with.
andi had 2 bestfriends abandoned me
and i hold back my emotions also.
^ Your family who you say doesn't care about you isn't your entire life. Are you sure they don't care about you? Because most teens say that because....well I don't know why, but from experiance, I know their families cared about them a lot =D Have you noticed most stories about people cutting / suicidal have families that CARE when they're gone?? You should try and talk to them. They blame themselves and it's just kinda selfish to leave it at that. I'm sure they do, you are their daughter after all.
You can move out when you're 18 you know =D!
And friends come and they leave. If they weren't the right friends for you, leave it at that and find some new ones. They could've have been THAT good if they abandoned you. So it's pretty safe to say they're not your friends now.
Cummon, you gotta have more control of your life =D!
emma said:
**** u i dont feel that but a mate of mine does, and i wasnt meaning the working out thing, i was meaning cutting and cutting isnt u think a cutter is totally sane!!!!
prob not

sorry to have offended ur intelligence

Please refrain from talking like that as most people here know, its not good to start with me. I am on a restraining order now but I wont hesitate to break free of my chains if you continue speaking like that. Now go and re-write your post and make it more friendly.

And Becky,

Yet you dont know if they care or not for sure. The family only does what they feel is best for you and you must look at it as a sign of love not hate.

All of my friends betray me everyday in multiple ways. I am not complaining. Remember, friends you have before college are not going to be with you forever.

I hold back emotions and it works great for me.
SNiPeRViRuS said:
And Becky,

Yet you dont know if they care or not for sure. The family only does what they feel is best for you and you must look at it as a sign of love not hate.

All of my friends betray me everyday in multiple ways. I am not complaining. Remember, friends you have before college are not going to be with you forever.

I hold back emotions and it works great for me.

yea you got yor sports you do...........

and i have left aroom before and they were talking and laughing.
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Yes indeed Emma. Try not to provoke him lol ^.^

is anyone mad i didn't listen to them?

but i feel alot better when i cut.

all i did was take the razor from a little pencli shapener
look im not re writing it but i will apologise i was out of order, my step dad is ****ing with my head at the mo and im sorry...