Cutting...A serious issue.

emma said:
hmm...not good
stop or u'll end up lking like ur dating edward scissor hands~not really a bad thing though cuz its johnny depp :)
hmm it doesn't hurt..............

and plus i feel good after words.
i no wot u mean...
takes away alot of stress and hurt, maybe i went too far i think, my whole left arm is red and swollen....oh dear, gonna go and put a jumper on now...
emma said:
i no wot u mean...
takes away alot of stress and hurt, maybe i went too far i think, my whole left arm is red and swollen....oh dear, gonna go and put a jumper on now...

hmm i get my to bleed ooopps
emma said:
me too, i tlking about about my yeaterday cuts, my new ones are on my right arm

i only do it on ly left because my wrist band feels perfect on the left.
i usually wear long sleeves and if i dont then i wear my fingerless glooves or i wea sweat bands on both....kinda gay i no but i dont care, hate it when my mum comes in suddenly and i have to cover up while they are bleeding cuz its soo uncomfortable and painful to take off.....
soz if that disgusts any1
LPChazlover83 said:
Thats true i've never tryed but it's true u can end killing ur self!

hey sometime it can lead to that............but that is if they go down the street.

i just do it as a pain killer to numb my emotions
lpp said:
hey sometime it can lead to that............but that is if they go down the street.

i just do it as a pain killer to numb my emotions

same, and killing myself is something im too scared to do so i dont think i'll be making that mistake anytime soon
emma said:
same, and killing myself is something im too scared to do so i dont think i'll be making that mistake anytime soon

i won't kill myself i wil just cut till i feel like i need help
lpp said:
i don't know

oh ok...i needed help and my mum sent me to a crappy my opinion she ****ed me up more than i was before...but she was a cheapo 1

im hoping all of them arent that bad...friends help better than a stranger who is paid to listen
emma said:
oh ok...i needed help and my mum sent me to a crappy my opinion she ****ed me up more than i was before...but she was a cheapo 1

im hoping all of them arent that bad...friends help better than a stranger who is paid to listen

funny, it only to vent the pain i bare
lpp said:
funny, it only to vent the pain i bare

yeah it may be, but cutting isnt the 'normal' (i hate that word) way to vent ur feelings so u and so many other people need help now, me too i guess....but most of us dont accept the help
You ask for help, everybody is trying to help by making you see that cutting is bad and you're not taking it in >.< What more can we do.
If you wanna harm yourself, we know it's completly YOUR decision, we can't tell you what to do, we can only advise you. You have to make yourself believe that you want to stop. I mean sheesh, what is it that's making you cut?! It can't be something THAT bad. Well it can, but nothing you can't deal with if you TRY. You gotta try. That's what life's about. How much pain are you in? Let me tell you, there are people in a lot worse positions than you, so just accept whatever you have, it could be even shittier but it's not. All I ask is that you TRY to stop doing this. It's for your own sake. If you wanna carry on living, then do it ^.^ You're still young with your whole life ahead of you, and you don't even know how your future is going to turn out like. Don't jepodize it now at the age of 16 o_0 Thank you.
I'm sorry, I've tried to understand but eh, I just don't "get" what people do it =( It's depressing.
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
You ask for help, everybody is trying to help by making you see that cutting is bad and you're not taking it in >.< What more can we do.
If you wanna harm yourself, we know it's completly YOUR decision, we can't tell you what to do, we can only advise you. You have to make yourself believe that you want to stop. I mean sheesh, what is it that's making you cut?! It can't be something THAT bad. Well it can, but nothing you can't deal with if you TRY. You gotta try. That's what life's about. How much pain are you in? Let me tell you, there are people in a lot worse positions than you, so just accept whatever you have, it could be even shittier but it's not. All I ask is that you TRY to stop doing this. It's for your own sake. If you wanna carry on living, then do it ^.^ You're still young with your whole life ahead of you, and you don't even know how your future is going to turn out like. Don't jepodize it now at the age of 16 o_0 Thank you.
I'm sorry, I've tried to understand but eh, I just don't "get" what people do it =( It's depressing.

wow ur passionate about this subject....people do for different reasons and quite alot of peoples probs r bad

some people r better at dealing with life than others....
Sorry, I do go a bit over the top when I'm trying to get my point across ^.^ I'm not passionate, it's just.... why do people cut is all >.< Like I said, I myself get really sqirmish and ewwy about stuff like that, but eh, I'm trying to understand and not get freaked out lol.
Dealing with life is not about cutting, it's about handling situations and uhh, I dunno lol, it's surviving through life I guess =D Ahh I don't know lmao.