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  1. S

    ...But we love Chef...:(

    Can I attack Bob for no reason and have the post stand? Lets find out? lol Bob I don't know you that well,but you seem like a major asshole! Suck dick in hell ,ya bastid!
  2. S

    Illegals are really pissing me off!

    Can I attack Bob for no reason and have the post stand? Lets find out? lol Bob I don't know you that well,but you seem like a major asshole! Suck dick in hell ,ya bastid!.....
  3. S

    Illegals are really pissing me off!

    I think you need to remember your meds grandpa ,you are'nt making any sense.
  4. S

    The Jewish Nazi State Pisses Me off...

    Yeah mother **** Walt-Disney yo! Finding Nemo was cool though.:rolleyes:
  5. S

    Let sixes out? Or let 'im rot?

    I voted the way I did so I won't have to kick builder's ass and make him look stupid. He is a MOD and needs respect ,if he thinks he can kick my ass ,I would like to see him! A Idiont Box is something a ***** would use.
  6. S

    Let sixes out? Or let 'im rot?

    I am God and you will do as I say.;)
  7. S

    Let sixes out? Or let 'im rot?

    For once I agree with you.
  8. S

    Let sixes out? Or let 'im rot?

    Alot of BBS forums consider the GF Idiot Box setting to be a form of Bann. I know it is not because you guys don't think it is. On the BBS forums, the setting you call the Idiot Box is a Bann setting. The last one before making a full bann on the user account. Acting like this is not a Bann...
  9. S

    Let sixes out? Or let 'im rot?

    Let me rot?? <--I don't understand that? How am I rotting? I cant edit my post ,big ****ing deal! So it says idiot by my name? Look at my profile picture! ****ing A ,you're doing me a favor! I asked you to leave the setting alone builder. If this is the best punishment you guys can think of, you...
  10. S

    Let sixes out? Or let 'im rot?

    I'm not going to change. I will still be an attention whore. You guys still will not like my threads or post and I hope you all get Aids! Other than that ,vote as you will. As the Mormoms say ,choose the right. :rolleyes:
  11. S

    I'm a noob

    I could take PCP for the next five generations and not be as ****ed up as you Aussies! You are all just a product of English inbreeding.
  12. S

    Just a question......or two.

    We Are The All Seeing All Dancing Crap of The World
  13. S

    ***** abuse

    We Are The All Seeing All Dancing Crap of The World
  14. S

    "juba" sniper in Iraq - grim viewing

    snipers are bad ass! I'm glad I have not pissed any off.
  15. S

    To Hell With Your Equal Rights

    Did Jenn write that? I guess I had her pegged wrong. She is an Idiot, not a dumbass. Sorry Jenn.:D
  16. S

    Site Bugs?

    I found a major site bug. Most of you don't understand that I am your god. You may not believe in me, but this changes nothing! You will answer to me sooner or later. You have all been updated. I expect lots of asskissing and a blowjob from all the MODS. Thanks for your time.
  17. S

    The Jewish Nazi State Pisses Me off...

    OK, here is what you need to do. Renouce your god and accept me as your personal savior. Then these things will not upset you anymore.
  18. S

    I'm a noob

    Well the only thing you really need to know about this site is IM GODother than that. Have fun, mock the MODS cause they all suck **** and have fun. Welcome.
  19. S

    To Hell With Your Equal Rights

    Yeah like bust on Lethal! Damn women ,I need to feel like a man to dammit! Do you mind if I act like a mindless child around you to Lethal? Thanks so much ,I can't beat my wife till she comes home.:rolleyes:
  20. S

    Another fresh boatload of Bat Guano.

    Cool first thread man. I like the humor with the edge of sarcasim.