Site Bugs?

Yeah, it's a bit ****ed up... would you rather I just clear ALL the high scores and have everyone start over ???
I'm having trouble with chat.
When I log into chat I can see what everybody is typing but I don't have a list of who's there. Also I have no box to type in.
The top of the page shows The welcome snafu then add and X.
That's it. If I click on the outside of the chat area it will change the font color. Then when I log out of chat it locks up the board and sends the error message.
That is from the ads. The compnay that supplies the ads must have a problem. Hey you shouldn't be seeing the ads anyway.
I have to check the conditional that shows them.
Okay, this is not a bug, but a query on the increased bandwidth I'm using just being on the front page here.

The page loads, and is static, but my zone alarm usage meter shows that every two seconds, both the red and green bars indicate in and out traffic hit the maximum.

Is this part of the IM set-up? Or do I have some problem that has nothing to do with this site?
builder said:
Okay, this is not a bug, but a query on the increased bandwidth I'm using just being on the front page here.

The page loads, and is static, but my zone alarm usage meter shows that every two seconds, both the red and green bars indicate in and out traffic hit the maximum.

Is this part of the IM set-up? Or do I have some problem that has nothing to do with this site?

Any progress on this one Bob? My usage meter tells me that GF is sucking more mb's per minute than a live feed. :confused:
GF said:
Don't they have broadband down under.
No, they use a system of boomerangs with messages on them to communicate long distances... only problem is, getting a PING is a bitch.
phreakwars said:
No, they use a system of boomerangs with messages on them to communicate long distances... only problem is, getting a PING is a bitch.

LOL. And you always have to look over your shoulder, because the boomerangs just keep coming.
I found a major site bug. Most of you don't understand that I am your god. You may not believe in me, but this changes nothing! You will answer to me sooner or later. You have all been updated. I expect lots of asskissing and a blowjob from all the MODS. Thanks for your time.