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  1. cynthiaa89

    Why Am I Home Tonight?

    Hmm, bringing back an old topic is what I do..So...Yeah. My boyfriend is gone for like a week. We always drink together, hang out together, hell...we're always around each other. I thought that I'd be bored shitless, but I went out, and got a ****ing life... It's quite simple....
  2. cynthiaa89

    Frog Gigging?

    Geeeez, I was never on crack. I just didn't get a new picture of me on the internet for like 3 years. Those are the most recent ones, from like 1 or 2 weeks ago. :cool: Yay. I've settled that Phreak. Now, if only I could make you believe me.:(
  3. cynthiaa89

    Frog Gigging?

    Lmao. Why do I have the feeling I'm going to be mad at the results?:o
  4. cynthiaa89

    Frog Gigging?

    Outlaw2747, the first post on this thread should explain your question. Unless the concept of frog giggin' confuses you as much as it confused me. Lol. Wow...did I just call myself retarded by accident? What a same.;) I guess that proves my point, though.:cool:
  5. cynthiaa89

    Frog Gigging?

    Lmao. They are kind of retarded. But where I live..............everyone else is fully retarded.:rolleyes:
  6. cynthiaa89

    Frog Gigging?

    Ooh. Brought out the old picture. That's back when I had down syndrome. I've been cured.
  7. cynthiaa89

    I hate Goths.

    Lmao. Wow, something I said was taken as funny. I was just trying sarcasm out.;) Anyways, I'll agree with the "preps" thing, but, at the same time preps are much harder to detect than goths. Goths make it pretty damn obcious that they're gothic, but preps...they are always undercover these...
  8. cynthiaa89

    What kind are you?

    1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%) 2. Liberal Quakers (90%) 3. Neo-Pagan (85%) 4. Unitarian Universalism (85%) 5. Reform Judaism (77%) 6. Mahayana Buddhism (76%) 7. Sikhism (76%) 8. New Age (76%) 9. Bah�'� Faith (75%) 10. Theravada Buddhism (69%) 11. Taoism (65%) 12...
  9. cynthiaa89

    Frog Gigging?

    Urban Anyways, they were doing it because they were extremely intoxicated. I sure hope like hell they weren't dancing...
  10. cynthiaa89

    Frog Gigging?

    Lol. It's just...:( Well, I have to tell the truth now, I am a bitch. Goddamn you. Look what you've done to my reputation. The reputation I never had in the first place. Well, I try not to act like one on here...:rolleyes:
  11. cynthiaa89

    Frog Gigging?

    Lmao. You should build me a shrine? I have YET to reach that level of self-conceitedness. Then again, if someone else was willing to devote their time to build me a shrine and worship me..I'd be more than happy to accept. Anyways, I'm shaving my head soon. So people will see how smart I...
  12. cynthiaa89

    Who's uglier: Lethalfind or Hugo

    Wow..this is a mean debate. :):D I'll have to go with....Whoever is the bigger asshole. Anyone care to enlighten me?
  13. cynthiaa89

    Frog Gigging?

    :rolleyes: Wow. My Myspace.... Runs and deletes it before other people can see it.. ...or not. Damn. I'm glad I give you a hard on though. ;) :cool: :rolleyes: I love sarcasm.
  14. cynthiaa89

    Frog Gigging?

    Giggidy Giggidy..Lol. Quagmire is great.....I liked the Italian..or was it Spanish..Quagmire...?
  15. cynthiaa89

    I hate Goths.

    Whoever said "Goths run around saying how they love satan"....WTF? I'm exTREMELY far from "Goth" or any other stereotype close to it for that matter, but I know a lot of them. They spend 50% of their time convincing people they ARE NOT satanists. For the record, SATANISTS are the ones that...
  16. cynthiaa89

    Frog Gigging?

    Okay, me and my friend come to her house from down the street because our boyfriends left for a little while. They come down to her house to let us know they are back..... But they're leaving again...To go Giggin? Lol. Okay..I know I'm from Louisiana and all, but I am NOT redneck..neither...
  17. cynthiaa89

    Thief Gets Bodyslammed!

    Wow...I would've just sat in the corner and cried because someone stole my purse and when I tried to kick their ass, they kicked mine......:cool:
  18. cynthiaa89

    Get drunk, live longer

    I'm IMMORTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
  19. cynthiaa89

    I Hate American Idol!

    That would NEVER happen over here...You can't win here unless you're skanky, ****ing retarded, or a big black guy like Ruben..or a nerdy motard like Clay Aiken...or fat like Kelly Clarkson.....;) And she totally has NONE of those beautiful traits.....
  20. cynthiaa89

    Osama dead? :|

    I didn't really know where to post this. I just have a question for you guys on here....I'm too lazy to look it up myself. I was talking to someone the other day and they told me that the U.S. government recently admitted to KNOWING that the Osama tapes were old, older than 9-11, and they...