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  1. Elmoish

    Blacks and Whites in the Big Easy

    I've been to New Orleans a few times recently. The poverty is obvious and overwhelming. Most of the blacks are very poor. I think it is more a classs issue than a race issue. When you are dirt poor, raised by dirt poor parents (most undereducated)....chances are that you could grow up to...
  2. Elmoish

    Teachers and Students. Battle it out here.

    Ha ha...I was going to rip you a new you know what for being a silly, spoiled kid, then you go and say the above. You are going to be quite an adult!
  3. Elmoish


    Oh, I forgot one of my favorite ones. The victims that constantly have crap happening to them, but whine "It's not my fault." Ugg. It, of course, is ALWAYS their fault....for example, they are idiots who don't study and fail courses, but INMF! They call into work sick too much and get fired...
  4. Elmoish


    I am sick of people who act like victims, but are not. A victim is someone who has been victimized. Not someone who is looking for sympathy for being lazy, or not paid enough attention to... or "it's sooooo hard".... or my Dad wouldn't pay for university even though I barely made it out of...
  5. Elmoish

    All you ****s who try to change me

    Time to ups the meds, ding-dong.
  6. Elmoish

    All you ****s who try to change me

    Wow, Komrade! This is the most fascinating post I've encountered since I started looking, over a month ago. Congratulations. You portray yourself as a Communist, but get angry when people respond in kind. Why not just call yourself "Joe" and not mention it if you don't care for feed back...
  7. Elmoish

    Gay Ass Names

    Hello, my little Pop Tart. I recently read Freakonomics. It is a really good book. Pisses everyone off, which is always a good thing. My favorite (of late) name is one I heard while riding the subway in NYC. These two cute 15/16 year olds were talking and I was eavesdropping: Girl 1...
  8. Elmoish

    Another pregnant women killed by her husband

  9. Elmoish

    Latest bombings....

    Wow. That so sucks. Why do you think Allah is grea? Enquring minds want to know.
  10. Elmoish

    Another pregnant women killed by her husband

    Hey, Vaness! I don't hate the idea of kids at all. I am the favorite kid friendly person in my extended family. I just can't stand women trying to trap men and seeing the kids suffer. It does sound harsh, but women...who carry the baby are not doing those kids any favor by forcing their...
  11. Elmoish

    What if God and Satan, made up after all these years ??

    Love the topic. I haven't a clue as I don't have a religous background. I do think you could make a cult out of this line of thought, though. Wouldn't that be great? Bringing Satan and Geezus together? I'll be there if you do it!
  12. Elmoish

    Another pregnant women killed by her husband

    Vaness (ps I love that name)... Men don't clip it because they don't get preggers, fyi. Angie... Please don't say we normals don't recognize a psycho from the get go. We SO do. Why didn't you? Sorry to be a skipping cd, but PUHLEEEEZE ladies. Don't get impregnated by jerks and expect...
  13. Elmoish

    Another pregnant women killed by her husband

    Babies are NOT a gift from Heaven. They are the result of biologic consequence. It's lovely if you think your little darling came from Heaven, but not everyone would agree. Trust me. Murder is a murder. These slime should be locked up for the rest of their lives. It doesn't matter that he...
  14. Elmoish

    Those damn Liberals

    Boo-hoo... Now, the end of the story: Although Joe is only 32, he stubs his toe and gets Post Traumatic Stress Thingy...his wife has chronic fatigue syndrome and their little darlings have ADHD and bipolar/conduct disorder. It's the schools fault those "special" kids are social outcasts and...