All you ****s who try to change me

40 is OLD?????? And you say you aren't an adolecent? LOL I am sorry but you crack me the **** up! REALLY!!!! HEHE
Komrad... like so many 21 year old, is an idealist... But when he comes around in age and has seen the world for what it is, and realizes what the choices are, he will hopefully become a realist like ALMOST everyone by the time they hit 30...

Communism is the idealists choice... Communism would work GREAT in heaven... But here on earth the rules are stacked against it... The one problem that keeps cropping up with communism is the fact that Humans are involved... If you could remove us, it would work great!

I understand your idealism... I even understand your 'rebel without a clue' attitude about communism, but first try to understand, then try to be understood... You're 21... You're an idealist... Like myself at that age, and probably everyone else here at that age... But your opinions WILL change...

Your claim that communism is a 'workers paradise' is just further evidence that you really don't know that much about communism... But yet you cling to it like it is the governing rosetta stone... It doesn't work... simple as that... The logic that makes communism possible is inherently flawed... I don't really wish to get into all of the flaws in this thread, but maybe you and I can debate this in another...

Just know that you are an Idealist... Idealist don't last long in this world, and that is why 99% of them become realists by the time they hit 30... It is necessary to survive and progress... Unless of course you don't want to improve things... but that would be anti-Idealist, wouldn't it....;)
If you want to know what comunism is to the extreme (and I mean to the tee extreme) I would suggest reading "A Cambodian Odessy" by Dr. Hang S. Ngor. The Khmer Rouge took communism and tested it to the extreme. EVERYONE equal, EVERYONE did the same jobs, no religion, just working for "the cause". No Dr.'s or teachers because they had education and were therefore above the average worker, not allowed. Children killed their parents for the cause, neighbors turned in neighbors for an extra bowl of rice. Ya comunism works LOL I think you need to research the difference between comunism and socailism. If you still think it can work I suggest you move to a country with a dictator that agrees ;)
Hmmm...two more people for my ignore list

Bla bla bla, communism doesn't work, bla bla, like **** like that **** off to cambodia, bla bla, change when you hit 30 bla bla bla

I DON'T GIVE A **** IF YOU PEOPLE THINK IT DOESNT WORK. I told you, YOU WON'T CHANGE ME. You think I'm going to read your post, then suddenly drop my beliefs, run out and vote for Dubya, go move out to the backwoods, and invite Jimbo, Bubba and Cletus over to my trailer to slobber over the international demolition derby championships while guzzling down can after can of Old Milwaulkee, and maybe go become some greedy self righteous money worshipping Crapitali$t hell bent on success (aka, thriving to be the biggest ****ing pack rat on the face of the earth) who spends piles and piles on some corporate bullshit that they sell at the mall or become some jesus freak who's so holier than thou and jacks off with a cruxifix? Well guess what. I'M NOT. And no I'm not going to **** off to Cambodia so get used to it.

And yet another person who obviously thinks I'm going to live to an old age. I REFUSE TO. I'd rather die. You may want fecal juice bubbling out of your asses 24/7 while plagued with baldness, wrinkles, arthritis and people giving you dirty looks thinking you're a creepy old perv, but I'm never going to let that happen to myself.
Can anyone spot the teen in the crowd here LOL But seriously if you are so into comunism, i have to ask if you are schooled on Cambodia. The years of the Khmer Rouge is the only working example of pure comunism. I am not trying to change you, just wondering if you actually have a clue what it is you believe in or if perhaps you are one of the ignorant masses that think comunism is socialism. As for you getting old, well who cares, one less sap to recieve SS. All good for me :p
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Hmmm...two more people for my ignore list

Bla bla bla, communism doesn't work, bla bla, like **** like that **** off to cambodia, bla bla, change when you hit 30 bla bla bla

I DON'T GIVE A **** IF YOU PEOPLE THINK IT DOESNT WORK. I told you, YOU WON'T CHANGE ME. You think I'm going to read your post, then suddenly drop my beliefs, run out and vote for Dubya, go move out to the backwoods, and invite Jimbo, Bubba and Cletus over to my trailer to slobber over the international demolition derby championships while guzzling down can after can of Old Milwaulkee, and maybe go become some greedy self righteous money worshipping Crapitali$t hell bent on success (aka, thriving to be the biggest ****ing pack rat on the face of the earth) who spends piles and piles on some corporate bullshit that they sell at the mall or become some jesus freak who's so holier than thou and jacks off with a cruxifix? Well guess what. I'M NOT. And no I'm not going to **** off to Cambodia so get used to it.

And yet another person who obviously thinks I'm going to live to an old age. I REFUSE TO. I'd rather die. You may want fecal juice bubbling out of your asses 24/7 while plagued with baldness, wrinkles, arthritis and people giving you dirty looks thinking you're a creepy old perv, but I'm never going to let that happen to myself.

Wow, Komrade! This is the most fascinating post I've encountered since I started looking, over a month ago. Congratulations.

You portray yourself as a Communist, but get angry when people respond in kind. Why not just call yourself "Joe" and not mention it if you don't care for feed back?

You are convinced "people are trying to change you". This is so funny it nearly made me spit my double skinny decaffe latte with a soupcon of nutmeg out my nose. Nobody cares, Komrade. This is a dopey, fun forum for people to exchange ideas, try to be funny, articulate, outrageous or angry.

I do have a theory about you, though.

I think you have had a bit too much therapy. What it is clear you are doing now is transferring. I know it's Freudian and he has fallen out of favor in the psychiatric community...but it is quite obvious to me.

You don't want "US" to try to change you. Let's replace "us" with your Mammy and Pappy, perhaps? Or/and the therapist, the school teachers, the kids at school who don't think much of you?

...And, your total anxiety of getting old and sharting yer wrinkled butt at 40! I'm sorry someone in your immediate sphere is in such shape. It doesn't mean that you will be that effed up. It must be hard living with someone like that. If you are in your 20's (I think I read) why don't you get your own place?

You keep screeching about suicide, not wanting to be like your (fill in the blank: Mom or Dad) at 40. Get a frigging grip. Nobody here wants you to kill yourself or not kill yourself. Oh, the drama! You are just an amusing poster on this board. I'm sure it is comforting to be all nihistic. That is so Goth. The fashion/societal statement for those that don't fit in. Maybe next year you can try preppie.

Look, nobody hates you here. Nobody is trying to change you. Nobody really cares if you are a communist. It's a dopey forum. Most here are into their own witty comments. In fact they are quite focused on that...not you, darling. If you put alot of effort into a post, a few people will match you for that. BELIEVE ME, THEY DON'T GIVE A WIT ABOUT YOUR CHANGING OR NOT.

You sound quite young. Nothing wrong with that, but I have met people who were quite emotionally immature until the mid 20's. Until their emotions catch up to their physcial age, they have one over-riding theme to their lives: THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND THEM. Their emotional understanding of the world is so much more "REAL" than anyone else's. Everyone is trying to CHANGE them. Love is harder, parents are more horrid, the world is a much colder place!!!! For them!!!! It is so unfair and TRAGIC!!!!

In reality, you are just a little speck in the universe. As we all are. Don't be such a drama queen. I think you need to spend some time in a wilderness camp, personally. Like those kids on Brat Camp. Oh, now those would be some of your comrads. Isn't it odd, that if the world revolves around the heck is it revolving around them too???
Elmoish said:
Wow, Komrade! This is the most fascinating post I've encountered since I started looking, over a month ago. Congratulations.

You portray yourself as a Communist, but get angry when people respond in kind. Why not just call yourself "Joe" and not mention it if you don't care for feed back?

You are convinced "people are trying to change you". This is so funny it nearly made me spit my double skinny decaffe latte with a soupcon of nutmeg out my nose. Nobody cares, Komrade. This is a dopey, fun forum for people to exchange ideas, try to be funny, articulate, outrageous or angry.

I do have a theory about you, though.

I think you have had a bit too much therapy. What it is clear you are doing now is transferring. I know it's Freudian and he has fallen out of favor in the psychiatric community...but it is quite obvious to me.

You don't want "US" to try to change you. Let's replace "us" with your Mammy and Pappy, perhaps? Or/and the therapist, the school teachers, the kids at school who don't think much of you?

...And, your total anxiety of getting old and sharting yer wrinkled butt at 40! I'm sorry someone in your immediate sphere is in such shape. It doesn't mean that you will be that effed up. It must be hard living with someone like that. If you are in your 20's (I think I read) why don't you get your own place?

You keep screeching about suicide, not wanting to be like your (fill in the blank: Mom or Dad) at 40. Get a frigging grip. Nobody here wants you to kill yourself or not kill yourself. Oh, the drama! You are just an amusing poster on this board. I'm sure it is comforting to be all nihistic. That is so Goth. The fashion/societal statement for those that don't fit in. Maybe next year you can try preppie.

Look, nobody hates you here. Nobody is trying to change you. Nobody really cares if you are a communist. It's a dopey forum. Most here are into their own witty comments. In fact they are quite focused on that...not you, darling. If you put alot of effort into a post, a few people will match you for that. BELIEVE ME, THEY DON'T GIVE A WIT ABOUT YOUR CHANGING OR NOT.

You sound quite young. Nothing wrong with that, but I have met people who were quite emotionally immature until the mid 20's. Until their emotions catch up to their physcial age, they have one over-riding theme to their lives: THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND THEM. Their emotional understanding of the world is so much more "REAL" than anyone else's. Everyone is trying to CHANGE them. Love is harder, parents are more horrid, the world is a much colder place!!!! For them!!!! It is so unfair and TRAGIC!!!!

In reality, you are just a little speck in the universe. As we all are. Don't be such a drama queen. I think you need to spend some time in a wilderness camp, personally. Like those kids on Brat Camp. Oh, now those would be some of your comrads. Isn't it odd, that if the world revolves around the heck is it revolving around them too???

Oh, so now you think I have to put up with "Kids at school" Ummm, I'm 21, I graduated school over three years ago. And I don't live at home with my parents. I have my own home. I have a job I pay rent, so there goes that. As for my parents and family, I rarely (if ever) go out of my way to bother with them. The only time I hear from them is if they speak to me first.

And I'll say it for the millionth time I didn't say I wanted to kill myself for attention/drama/depression/other bullshit. I said I would off myself if I turned 40. Why? because I don't want to be plagued with fecal juice bubbling out of my ass non-stop, the typical boring life of an old middle aged man, and not to mention not being able to get up because of all that arthritis. If you people want to live like that, you have the right to. I just choose to exercise my right NOT to live that life.

Try for preppie? WHAT THE ****!? Preppies are AGAINST everything I believe in. They're petty, self centered, blind consumerists that don't give a **** about anything other than becoming the biggest pack rat and the most spoiled rotten yuppie surburbanite on the face of the Earth. Not to mention all the other I'd never be one of these people. I wouldn't be caught dead owning a SUV, buying designer clothes at the mall or giving a **** about college sports and all that other **** even if someone had a Desert Eagle .50 pointed in my face. I'd take the ****ing bullet before I take THAT road. And what the **** is a "Goth?" Are they those anti-social people who wear unusual outfits and have a fascination with the more taboo unaccepted and shunned things in society? Well, if that's the case, I guess I must be one. And now this thread is going to twist into some bullshit debate about social subcultures. Just great.

Not trying to change me, Fun goofy pointless forum? Funny how it's taken so seriously by everyone. Not just me. And it's funny how someone who doesn't give a **** would go and make such a post

Doesn't matter now though, since I put the bulk of all these Bushitler loving, money grabbing, rednecked nazis and assholes on my IGNORE list.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Oh, so now you think I have to put up with "Kids at school" Ummm, I'm 21, I graduated school over three years ago. And I don't live at home with my parents. I have my own home. I have a job I pay rent, so there goes that. As for my parents and family, I rarely (if ever) go out of my way to bother with them. The only time I hear from them is if they speak to me first.

And I'll say it for the millionth time I didn't say I wanted to kill myself for attention/drama/depression/other bullshit. I said I would off myself if I turned 40. Why? because I don't want to be plagued with fecal juice bubbling out of my ass non-stop, the typical boring life of an old middle aged man, and not to mention not being able to get up because of all that arthritis. If you people want to live like that, you have the right to. I just choose to exercise my right NOT to live that life.

Try for preppie? WHAT THE ****!? Preppies are AGAINST everything I believe in. They're petty, self centered, blind consumerists that don't give a **** about anything other than becoming the biggest pack rat and the most spoiled rotten yuppie surburbanite on the face of the Earth. Not to mention all the other I'd never be one of these people. I wouldn't be caught dead owning a SUV, buying designer clothes at the mall or giving a **** about college sports and all that other **** even if someone had a Desert Eagle .50 pointed in my face. I'd take the ****ing bullet before I take THAT road. And what the **** is a "Goth?" Are they those anti-social people who wear unusual outfits and have a fascination with the more taboo unaccepted and shunned things in society? Well, if that's the case, I guess I must be one. And now this thread is going to twist into some bullshit debate about social subcultures. Just great.

Not trying to change me, Fun goofy pointless forum? Funny how it's taken so seriously by everyone. Not just me. And it's funny how someone who doesn't give a **** would go and make such a post

Doesn't matter now though, since I put the bulk of all these Bushitler loving, money grabbing, rednecked nazis and assholes on my IGNORE list.

Time to ups the meds, ding-dong.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Now someone thinks I might possibly believe myself to be a ****ing comic book character. Go figure.

Actually, you'd make a pretty kickass comic book character. May I draw a comic about you?
Never before here on GF has SO MUCH been said about SO LITTLE of such UNIMPORTANCE.

The kid is a sick angry little puppy and this forum about himself is his only jolly. Who cares. :confused:

Some moderator close this topic please...It's old.
Communism WOULD be pretty cool but its too often a catalyst for totalatianism.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I don't want you to change Komrade! We need a commie here to make the debates interresting.

I totally concur!

What alot of people don't realize is that we push those who are different away. I don't want to debate with a bunch of assholes that agree with me all the time. I certainly don't agree with what most people say, Komrade included.

**** all this understanding and sensitivity bullshit, what we need is someone to bring their brutal opinion. No more tip-toeing, no more kitten-gloves. That's the way things should be.
It's one thing to debate issues with an opposing perspective, it is another if that perspective is from a standpoint of something that has allready been proven impossible on a global level. I would still like to hear our little "red" friend here, explain teh difference between communism and socialism and why he chooses to support comunism even though it has been proven globally that it cannot work on the larger scale.
After temporarly removing TIZZ from my ignore list, and she's sitting there pounding her fists on the ground and kicking her heels wanting me to explain my choice in beliefs

let's see.....I like being a "Commie pinko faggot ******* (insert other grade-school lever remark here) Because:

I don't like seeing the working man get screwed out of jobs because of corporate downsizing when some ****ing shareholder wants his third yacht

I don't like actors, models, athletes, manufactured popstars and other assholes who get paid millions to do non-work while people that are ESSENTIAL to society are in the poor house.

I don't like war wacky nutcases bombing the **** out of other countries and killing millions for oil.

I don't like some corporate sleezebag stomping out entire communities and ****ing over local family owned businsesses who are just trying to feed their families.

I don't like privatized health care systems that are so costly that rich people are the only ones alive and the poor are left to rot and die.

I don't like corporate factory farms that mass produce animals in shitty conditions where they're drugged up, beaten and forced to lay in their own ****, and then when come butcher time, people eat disease, drug laden meat that can be potentially harmful.

I don't like privatized schools that enable only rich kids to get an education, leaving those less fortunate without a chance to get an education and to be able to get ahead.

I don't like some nazi shithead who thinks a ****ing skin color causes all the problems in the world

I don't like how the rich people get so big and powerful that the average man has no chance at competing and therefore gets nowhere. As the rich grow in power, the gap between the haves and the have nots gets so big that soon enough all that will be left are some elitists sitting on top, while everyone is enslaved by them

Speaking of enslavement, I dont like little kids working in sweatshops because some ****ing corporate stooge is too damn cheap to pay them a decent wage for working in shitty conditions doing repetitive tasks for 12 hours a day.

Is that enough reasons to allow me to be entitled to my beliefs oh great lord **** who sits in thine high horse while boosting a holier than thou attitude all thy time?
Ok so now let's here you describe the difference between socialism and comunism.

BTW in pure comunism NO ONE gets and education because then they would see it can't work ;). Any way... let's here it.
I cannot stand sugar coating the truth? How else are morons gonna learn? Sweeping **** under the carpet IS NOT gonna make the truth go away but it will just become a bigger problem, one that someone cannot handle. So people need to get the stick out of their ass and clean up after themselves.

I also find it FUNNY that someone makes millions for playing a sport and having fun, tell jokes, and act like a goofball on national television but someone who gets fired at by stupid sucidal bomber ****tards and helps preserve the freedom of their own country gets paid less than most people on minimum wage. It could be the whole "make a sacrifice without asking for anything in return" but I could be wrong.

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