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  1. Gray~Gal

    Religious Nazis Piss Me Off!

    What Is The World Coming Too?
  2. Gray~Gal

    Kids In Cages???

    Um...why does everything revolve around race...OMG ****ING GOD! I am so tired of the color of ppl being thrown into every discussion or excuse. HOW LAME!
  3. Gray~Gal

    Religious Nazis Piss Me Off!

    LOL i was just about to make the EXACT same thread. What a loser! Ya know no child HAS to say the pledge. They chose to. I believe if a child wants to recite the pledge they can and should be able to when and wherever that might be. I cant believe ppl are so ****ing idiotic to take something...
  4. Gray~Gal

    Kids In Cages???

    Geez who can be more dimwitted..HUH? Yeah lets lock kids in cages like they are doggies or cats... I am so glad you chose not to breed KVH. Children dont need to be locked up they just need discipline, love and a nice bed so when they are done for the day thats where they will be. Not a ****ing...
  5. Gray~Gal

    Jokerarewild Idiot?

    AWE ok..I am a little SLOW and just like to know why we are locking ppl in the stockades...THANK YA ;)
  6. Gray~Gal

    Jokerarewild Idiot?

    Why is he an IDIOT? Didnt mean to start whole thread about it ...just curious!! ANNOUCE THESE THINGS PHREAK!! ;)
  7. Gray~Gal

    Today's Thoughts on God

    I believe God has NO gender...Yet Jesus does but the Lord himself does not. So i believe that its just easier for people in general to refer to GOD as HIM because back in the day...(like my dating back thingy here?) it was known for the man to be the "head of the house hold or bread maker" so...
  8. Gray~Gal

    Window Picture?

    WHat the **** is in that ladies window? I mean i have been watchin ghost hunters ya know on like A&E and i saw this after words and i am wondering what the **** is in their window? Ghost? Flash? I mean to me it looks like a mean ass grandma and her pet bulldog...
  9. Gray~Gal

    Marrying Future Brother-In-Law...BIZARRE?

    Girl weds lover's brother to beat the law Tue Sep 13,12:02 PM ET NEW DELHI (Reuters) - An Indian college girl has temporarily married her teenaged boyfriend's elder brother so she can live in the same house as her lover until he is old enough to marry her, the Indian Express reported Tuesday...
  10. Gray~Gal

    Kids In Cages???;_ylt=Ap482VvVaOfwIz4chdcnI2Ss0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ- This site might show up if not its found on Yahoo! I cant believe adults can do this to children. Put their kids in cages like dogs in heat. What the ****!?! I mean...
  11. Gray~Gal

    Vocabulary improvements

    Butt kisser utterly in longing during elabrant rants with AIG!
  12. Gray~Gal

    wanna hear some bullshit?

    No its not how the world least it shouldnt be. People like that..(the morons who deal drugs) need to be locked away cause they are like the bruise that never heals in a society. I am tired of ppl getting to get away with things like drawing a concealed weapon on a cop.
  13. Gray~Gal

    Porn on Off Topic Forum... WTF ??

    I think there is a place for porn..the trash. Seriously! But if perv's wanna look at it and get off to get it cause they cant get real booty its their problem but not all wanna click on a thread and get a ****in dick and ball in the face or some girls ***** which is all jacked up looking back at...
  14. Gray~Gal

    Katrina has offically PISSED ME OFF!!!

    well see i have 4 kids...SUV's are like the **** for us but now its mini vans r us...I love an suv..we look like ****in old foggies when we get our mini. But its all good...Trucks still are out there so...thats our next truck purchase
  15. Gray~Gal

    Katrina has offically PISSED ME OFF!!!

    I just want everyone to know i blame SD for this disaster...she made that hurricane come so we couldnt buy anymore SUV' Could Katrina kill the SUV? Sun Sep 11, 6:52 PM ET DETROIT, United States (AFP) - Even before Hurricane Katrina tore through the southern United States, hampering a big...
  16. Gray~Gal

    Check this out guys

    Outlaw you sounded like Yoda there... HAHA
  17. Gray~Gal

    i feel so alone

    Builder dont hate on 60 cause hes liked here. And you keep on him we are gonna start thinking your "swinging your way down yonder" if you know what i mean ;)
  18. Gray~Gal

    CES, RO, M-60, and Crispy Critter

    OK lets see who act 12 Today at GF!!!
  19. Gray~Gal

    Dating younger people

    I am just going to say i dated younger ppl....ONE yr younger but nothing else. My hubby is 1 yr and 4 days younger then me. My 1st husband was 1 yr 3 mths younger. I figure i'd marry a young guy so we would live about the same lenght of time together. Knowing I will probably still live longer...
  20. Gray~Gal


    Ol Glory's Day (Sept 11, 2001) Why so many, why so fast Why does this hatred have to last? The lives taken, were in vein This terrorist act has left so much pain We live for justice and hope for peace Pray to God about the deceased The Evil lingers now every day The U.S. will eventually...