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  1. K

    I failed

    Your attitude is so unhealthy.:rolleyes: This is the um Rant forum right? Listen bitch, i do not care if some ulgy bitch, like you cares or not about my problems, infact, not passing an exam is not a problem, it's just a set back.:eek: And i can post anything i want. It's not the...
  2. K

    I failed

    All my exams. :rolleyes: I was more scared of my parents than the results itself. except eng. i got a C.
  3. K


    Jesus was a prophet. God bless us all. and no i did not read that.
  4. K

    Questions You Have... Answers You Need

    Aww cheers..Hamza..
  5. K

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    AHAHAHAHahaha u guys are so funny.
  6. K

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    Lol... :)
  7. K

    Top Stories > Iraqis appoint prosecutor over troops' rape case (Reuters)

    Well that sucks. I do take pride in being a brit because if I did not live in this country and make friends in this country then I would not be the person I am. I cant compare my country to Britain, cos it's different you know...
  8. K


    LOL... Guys want the best chicks...well they too want the best guys. If you rate yourself from 0-20, giving yourself a 8, you should go for a girl who is a 4. :)
  9. K

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    ohk. No i dont, pissed :(
  10. K

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    Oh and you must be the clown.
  11. K

    Top Stories > Iraqis appoint prosecutor over troops' rape case (Reuters)

    I live in london, but i was born in iraq.
  12. K

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    :p ahh comeone...
  13. K

    Questions You Have... Answers You Need

    And sara, what the **** is the matter with you? why u preaching when nobody wants to know? if you truely want to be a good muslim, you'd deal with your life,
  14. K

    Questions You Have... Answers You Need

    i am a muslim, so y'all show a little respect to my faith please.
  15. K

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    Your from philly? cool. Are you a girl or a guy?
  16. K

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    I like this account better..
  17. K


    However, unlike christians or muslim scum, I use my brain and I don't worship the idiotic all-powerful sky pixie well mr ****ing bitch What do you believe?
  18. K

    Re: Definition of God

    God is the creator of everything.
  19. K

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    so how do i become a Premium Member?