Questions You Have... Answers You Need


New Member
Aug 20, 2006

Who are you?

From where did you come?

Why do you exist?

How will you end?

What about you after death ?

If you are muslim, this is a simplified book which will help you to get the answers.

If you are not muslim, why not look for the answers
of these questions ?

Direct link:

Download link:

At the end I dedicate this excellent islamic song (nasheed) to all of you .

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Not the smoothest introduction ever.

You mind getting to know people here before you spam your religion?
sara1 said:

Who are you?

From where did you come?

Why do you exist?

How will you end?

What about you after death ?

If you are muslim, this is a simplified book which will help you to get the answers.

If you are not muslim, why not look for the answers
of these questions ?

Direct link:

Download link:

At the end I dedicate this excellent islamic song (nasheed) to all of you .

Direct link:

Download links:
mohammed was a faggot.
sara1 said:
Who are you?
Mohammed Rots In Hell.

sara1 said:
From where did you come?
Austin, Texas.

sara1 said:
Why do you exist?
To enlighten muslims of the EVILS of their religion.

sara1 said:
How will you end?
I will die.

sara1 said:
What about you after death ?
I will be with Jesus.

sara1 said:
If you are muslim, this is a simplified book which will help you to get the answers.

sara1 said:
If you are not muslim, why not look for the answers
of these questions ?
No need.
sara1 said:
Who are you?​

From where did you come?​

Why do you exist?​

How will you end?​

What about you after death ?​

If you are muslim, this is a simplified book which will help you to get the answers.​

If you are not muslim, why not look for the answers
of these questions ?​

Direct link:

At the end I dedicate this excellent islamic song (nasheed) to all of you .​

I already know the answer to all these questions

My name is none of your business.

I came from my Mother.

I exist because she and her lover failed to take precautions and use birth control.

I will probably die of Congestive Heart Failure

Whatever happens after my death is just a bonus because I plan on living well while I am here rather then depriving myself of everything in the hopes that will get me into the hereafter.
Who are you?
I'm super, thanx for asking!!
From where did you come?
A vagina.
Why do you exist?
I don't know? Now I feel bad. :(
How will you end?
Hand outstretched, exclaiming to the nearest person "Avenge meeeeee".
What about you after death ?
I imagine the smell will be rather unimpressive.
If you are Muslim, this is a simplified book which will help you to get the answers
Muslims require things in simple format. Keen idea.
If you are not Muslim, why not look for the answers
of these questions ?
I'm busy. Obviously. Can't you see that I spend my free time arguing with idiots on the internet?
sara1 said:
Who are you?
It doesn't matter what my name is.
From where did you come?
From my daddy's jizz
Why do you exist?
My mom is a Catholic and abortion was forbidden
How will you end?
My heart will stop beating.
What about you after death ?
The worms will be fed well.
If you are muslim, this is a simplified book which will help you to get the answers.If you are not muslim, why not look for the answers of these questions ? Direct link:

Download link:
I am not a muslim, and I don't need answers, I already gave mine.
At the end I dedicate this excellent islamic song (nasheed) to all of you .

Direct link:

Didn't ABBA do a remake of that ??
Did we just get spammed ?? I'm not sure.:rolleyes:
sara1 said:
Who are you?
The original "Charlie Brown"

sara1 said:
From where did you come?
Made in Taiwan.

sara1 said:
Why do you exist?
Sole purpose is to **** with people like you.

sara1 said:
How will you end?
I'll probably end by saying "Hay dumn ****! **** off!" but that's just a guess.

sara1 said:
What about you after death ?
You'll still be a moron if you ain't dead first.

sara1 said:
If you are muslim, this is a simplified book which will help you to get the answers.
Koran for dummies. Pass it around, you muslims need it.

sara1 said:
If you are not muslim, why not look for the answers
of these questions ?
Just answered them but thanks anyway.

sara1 said:
At the end I dedicate this excellent islamic song (nasheed) to all of you .
phreakwars said:
Didn't ABBA do a remake of that ??​
Yes they did but I think UB40 are doing an even better rendition.:D
sara1 said:
Who are you?
The original "Charlie Brown"

sara1 said:
From where did you come?
Made in Taiwan.

sara1 said:
Why do you exist?
Sole purpose is to **** with people like you.

sara1 said:
How will you end?
You'll get pissed and leave.

sara1 said:
What about you after death ?
You'll still be a moron and pissed.

sara1 said:
If you are muslim, this is a simplified book which will help you to get the answers.
Koran for dummies. Pass it around, you muslims need it.

sara1 said:
If you are not muslim, why not look for the answers
of these questions ?
Just answered them but thanks anyway.

Direct link:

Download link:

At the end I dedicate this excellent islamic song (nasheed) to all of you .
sara1 said:

Who are you?​

My name is Vostok

From where did you come?

My mother's womb

Why do you exist?

See, my parents were really horny 22 years ago and then I ended up being concieved

How will you end?
I do have the tendency to have bouts of depression, so suicide could be a possibility

People don't seem to like me too much so murder could be a possibility

There have been cases of cancer in my family history, and my love of pot don't help that, so yeah.

I have low blood pressure. I heard that can be a killer.

What about you after death ?

Hmmm....worm food?

If you are muslim, this is a simplified book which will help you to get the answers.

And they're subject to specialized answers to simple black and white questions why?

If you are not muslim, why not look for the answers
of these questions ?

I believe I already found them and I don't think my lack of islam had anything to do with the outcome

HAY!! There's no pictures!!

At the end I dedicate this excellent islamic song (nasheed) to all of you .

Direct link:

And I dedicate this excellent song that reflects MY religion to you all:


blocked mind
you can't go through - miss
manipulated move
I can't handle this
controlled dreams
the real one
never comes true
passive eyes
they never will see through
silent screams
causing no reaction

the maggot is waving with the cross
living in his own world
he thinks he is the boss
celebrating rituals
he'll never understand
and the worst thing is
the world lies in his hands
god is dying in mother's womb
so trust your own instinct
stop the holy bomb

constructed ways
built up for us
you feel the comfort
you spend them your trust

decisions about
things you can't know
will made by them
will made by them

controlled dreams
the real one
never comes true
passive eyes
they never will see through
so spit on this lie
and find your own aim

the maggot is waving with the cross
living in his own world
he thinks he is the boss
celebrating rituals
he'll never understand
and the worst thing is
the world lies in his hands
god is dying in mother's womb
so trust your own instinct
stop the holy bomb
sara1 said:

Who are you?

From where did you come?

Why do you exist?

How will you end?

What about you after death ?

If you are muslim, this is a simplified book which will help you to get the answers.

If you are not muslim, why not look for the answers
of these questions ?

Direct link:

Download link:

At the end I dedicate this excellent islamic song (nasheed) to all of you .

Direct link:

Download links:

Does the product your selling have adverse side effects?

Such as;

-Leaky oily discharge?
-erectile disfunctions?
-problems falling asleep?
-Stomach Cramps?
-abnormal attraction to the patchouli scent?
-despising that women can vote?
-unnatural attraction to learning how to fly a plane?
-Unable to operate heavy machinery?
-Dry Mouth?
-Looking for head wear at "Bed Bath & Beyond"?
-painfull urination?
-Chest Pains?
-Sore Knees?
-Spamming forums like an email address?

If so...then im not buying!!!!!!!
sara1 said:

Who are you?
I am the OmegaManiac
From where did you come?
I am more interested in where I cum
Why do you exist?
I exist for the sole purpose of entertaining myself untill I die
How will you end?
I am still torn on the details, but currently I'm thinking a nice laudinum/absynthe induced buzz capped off with a blowjob
What about you after death ?
Just keep sucking
If you are muslim, this is a simplified book which will help you to get the answers.
I was actually looking for "the cat in the hat"
If you are not muslim, why not look for the answers
of these questions ?
pretty much got it covered but thanks for the links to nothing interesting

Direct link:

Download link:

At the end I dedicate this excellent islamic song (nasheed) to all of you .

I dont listen to hip hop
Direct link:

Download links:
twould seem we have indeed been spammed batman.
And sara, what the **** is the matter with you?
why u preaching when nobody wants to know?
if you truely want to be a good muslim, you'd deal with your life,
kellyjaz said:
i am a muslim, so y'all show a little respect to my faith please.

There's no respect for any person, place or thing here. (name of site "what pisses you off")
Good luck.
Oh and do you know any london bombers?