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  1. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    hugo The US is a democracy last time I checked. Let the people decide. I believe the majority WOULD want a ban on assault rifles, and don't see any justification for regular citizens needing assault rifles...any more than regular citizens need RPGs. So they should be banned. When it comes...
  2. cybacaT

    George Bush QUITS!

    (sent to me via email, for your discussion...) The speech George W. Bush SHOULD give: Normally, I start these things out by saying "My Fellow Americans." Not doing it this time. If the polls are any indication, I don't know who more than half of you are anymore. I do know something...
  3. cybacaT

    Al Gore Invented Global Warming

    I think many of these scientists should get a real job, so they don't have to sponge millions of our govts for research into their latest scare story.
  4. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    hugo It's already a balancing act - there are some weapons allowed...others not. So we have to look at each item on it's merits, and the question remains - for what reason do regular American citizens need assault rifles? Paranoia about the banning of all guns isn't a valid answer. The...
  5. cybacaT

    Al Gore Invented Global Warming

    Komrade Actually...first it was cooling, now warming. Sometimes it pays to learn from history - and the panic that ensued in the 70's when we were told our planet was entering another ice age. I recall being told by scientific experts in the 80's that the world would completely run out of oil...
  6. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    hugo Actually no. Australia had a declining rate of gun deaths - that was rapidly accelerated the year the gun laws were introduced. Australia has one of the highest rates of suicide in the world - and has for years. Not sure why people revert to guns when there are far easier, less-violent...
  7. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    jhony Sounds like we're finding some middle ground. Given the entrenched gun culture in the US, and the massive number of weapons, probably the best that can be hoped for is a minimisation of damage by tighter regulations on the types of weapons available. A ban on assault rifles, automatic...
  8. cybacaT

    VA shooting

  9. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    jhony Did you know that repeating a lie - however many times - still doesn't make it true? The BS "if guns are outlawed, only criminals will have guns" has obviously been tatooed on your brain. Hence I encouraged you to check your facts. I live in Australia - gun crime are virtually unheard...
  10. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    jhony5 Wow - that's really sad man. I wonder what permanent damage you do to the psyche of a child teaching them to kill things at such a young age? Nothing wrong with hunting mind you (although 7yo??), but if you're teaching her about shooting and killing people then you have some issues...
  11. cybacaT

    Al Gore Invented Global Warming

    I think we should all panic IMMEDIATELY. The world is in crisis due to our polluting ways, and soon will be inhospitable due to GLOBAL COOLING. Yes - Global Cooling. Read all about the panic from Time magazine:,8816,944914,00.html
  12. cybacaT

    Help appreciated over at

    I appreciate your distinction between atheists and anti-theists. Unfortunately, I think too many atheists get tarred by the same brush as the anti-theists. Most atheists I know are happy in their own beliefs, aren't hateful of christians, and adopt a "live and let live" approach to life. I...
  13. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    hugo Figures from 2001, and some interesting observations: And sorry, but I'm going with the University study - not some study done by a couple of gun advocates (undoubtedly NRA funded):
  14. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    jhony And if your daughter is one of the thousands killed each year because she touched your gun, or it malfunctioned, or it went off while you were transporting it/changing bullets/cleaning it etc? You'd probably have a greater chance of her being shot by you, than being assaulted on the way...
  15. cybacaT


    SBHDYBH Our time on Earth is but a blink of an eye compared with eternity. For people to have sinned and died on Earth in the Old Testament, is nothing in comparison to the free gift God granted to everyone - eternal life. As for the Bible, which bits to read, which bits to interpret. Well...
  16. cybacaT

    Help appreciated over at

    I got your back. I'll try honey instead of vinegar though... ;-)
  17. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    Jhoney5 Yes - you have more guns. You have a bigger problem. also have more tools that are part of the solution - bigger govt budget, more cops, more courts etc. So the scale isn't the issue - no-one's denying it's a massive problem in the US and would take decades to fix. We...
  18. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    Nah - not too soon. Jokes are jokes - let em fly... In Australia we heard all the same arguments: - you'll never get gun owners to turn in their guns. - if guns are outlawed...only outlaws will have guns! - it's just too hard, so just leave things as they are. Here were the factors that...
  19. cybacaT

    Go Morph Yourself!!

    Knock yourselves out - this has given me some pretty good results - especially the "Old" morph and "Modigliani"...
  20. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    snafu Yes...look across the border. Or...look to Australia. We had plenty more guns out there 10 years ago, but decided to tighten gun laws. We got rid of thousands of weapons, and the number of gun deaths has dropped dramatically. It's logical. It's factual. And you have real evidence...