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  1. Crispy Critter

    Switchblade will be out for a while

    Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while.It's just that I found a way better website than this 1.I found a ton of rocker chicks and I'm going to hang over there for a long time.In the mean time u might be able to continue chatting with my father that is if I'm not hoging up the computer.Ok...
  2. Crispy Critter

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Hey,First of all the only Jackass I see is clearly you!I met them in school 1 day and I don't do their HW.And we all just hang out,Sure some of the time we wrestle a bit,but still we always know how to have fun,unlike all the rest of you that just sit at the computer like nerds and spend endless...
  3. Crispy Critter

    FEMA Unconstitutional

    It's clear by now that FEMA is all about politics now... The ignorant people had no plan and those who are now being approached to evacuate are refusing evacuation since they had water and food stored for survival... If you can see a category V storm coming and don't have Spam and frozen 2...
  4. Crispy Critter

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    What kind of name is Switchblade for a Puerto Rican? Everyone is going to picture the killer in the movie Ghost and see you... What were you thinking?
  5. Crispy Critter

    FEMA Unconstitutional

    I won't reply directly to individual comments but I will simply say this, it is not the government's responsibility to ensure all problems are solved in civil issues... If you think it is then you should demand the government adopt all the homeless people and protect their civil rights. I think...
  6. Crispy Critter

    Look at me! I'm an attention whore! (My pic)

    I bet you said you are fat and have pimples to distract the fact that one of your **** is smaller than the other... or do you have big feet?
  7. Crispy Critter

    Blacks and Whites in the Big Easy

    I've been to New Orleans and I'm here to tell you the girls have five o'clock shadows and maybe the blacks are whites dressing up like Amos and Andy?
  8. Crispy Critter

    FEMA Unconstitutional

    I think folks should be offered government help only in form of a loan and after saving their sorry asses they should pay back every penny. People demand freedom and fredom is the absense of government so you can't have it both ways... You can build a house in a dry river bed, earthquake...
  9. Crispy Critter

    Having to read Fox news every other day at school

    The ACLU, NY & LA times and Jimmy Carter are anti american organisms.... Bill calls it right more than the other news opinion shows...
  10. Crispy Critter

    Awesome Site

    The dude wrote: Got this link from someone at school today. Tucker Max is an asshole, a sexaholic, and drinks too much. His site's pretty cool, too. The dude poster thinks all of that is very cool since it is non conformist... I don't think non conformity is cool even though I'm an asshole, a...
  11. Crispy Critter

    FEMA Unconstitutional

    There is nothing in the US constitution to require an agency like FEMA... Why should tax payers pay for such an agency? Is FEMA too generous with tax money and will this hurricane twist the agency into the political tool it actually is? Socialism with mother government guaranteing happiness...
  12. Crispy Critter

    Who Should Americans Blame When the Killing Starts?

    The Sunni's marched in the streets praising the Al Sadder crew for killing non Sunni's and American's in protest to the draft constitution so if they proclaim to have Burger King and have it their way then the absense of them would allow peace to return to the nation... or do you think their...
  13. Crispy Critter

    Too many stereotypes at once

    Weirder than that is my wife is Puerto Rican and out from work for an injury and she watches CMBC financial news until she gets bored and then turns on CMT and I see these black chicks in line dances in some of the music videos... Well why not? I had to ask my son who Rob Zombie was and he...
  14. Crispy Critter

    Awesome Site

    Guess you posted this one before the nationwide sting on meth labs today?
  15. Crispy Critter

    Who Should Americans Blame When the Killing Starts?

    Let's be realistic... your dad, brother, sister or fellow American was killed in Desert Storm and then Saddam pissed on him and dared you to do something about it... The war is just and will be won but a quick victory would require us to carpet bomb the Sunni demonstration against peace today...
  16. Crispy Critter

    Pat Robertson calls for Chavez assination

    Vortex you're always worng... we don't get French benifits... Thesonofabitch needs to be killed so we don't have to kill a bunch of his soldiers.
  17. Crispy Critter

    Having to read Fox news every other day at school

    Bill is my favorite news guy even though I often dissagree with his analsys of the war... What kind of filtered news do you like? Bill is on a rampage on child molestors and has confronted several governors what are the other stations doing? I like to look at the news on the Internet and Fox...
  18. Crispy Critter

    Having to read Fox news every other day at school

    Fox news is refreshing to CNN and other cable news networks... The bias must be defined in facts and Fox allows you to decide the facts and offers differing points of view on news... If you are interested in spinn or balance PM me and I'll send you a list of addresses from both political...
  19. Crispy Critter

    Gas prices are HIGH? Not nearly high enough

    I agree that gas prices are too low. Yet it is bad they increase so fast while not allowing people to adjust to the change. During the Iraq hostage situation in the 70's when gas lines and rationing took place I was stationed in Korea. I had a new car, a Saburu that cost $1890 delivered in...
  20. Crispy Critter

    US May Nuke Mecca

    My sorry ass is too damned old to be there or I would be... I think Iraq would be a good place to send a lot of folks in our jails that way they could self suppot themselves rather than live on the tax payers dime. Don't go sleepless nights about the depleted uranimum I'm sure we wouldn't drop...