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  1. Crispy Critter

    Newest Moderator

    Congrats dude... what does a dude in your position do? Kindof like unloading a wrecked watermellon truck with a pitchfork to see if the ******s are still tring to steal watermellons... And I don't mean that in an non PC sort of way...
  2. Crispy Critter

    Work realted accident

    Thanks! We have spent a couple days at the Fondo and it is getting a little old... Now we are gathering the forms to start the AFLAC insurance and of course we need to go back to the Fondo to get the necessary form copies to support the claim. What is screwed up is the Fondo is a nice new...
  3. Crispy Critter

    Serial Killer or Computer Programmer?

    For folks who have far too much time on their hands ... take the test. Serial Killer or Computer Programmer? By looking at a picture of a person, you have to decide if he is a computer geek or a serial killer. Go with your gut feeling and click on your choice. Your score will be given at the...
  4. Crispy Critter

    I must take my leave, soon enough.

    Echos of those before me... with sex not an issue you should still have time to visit from time to time... Best of luck in your education... and to think I had to discribe the kids in BDU's and jungle combat boots taking down the flag in the military school across from his school to get my...
  5. Crispy Critter

    Work realted accident

    I always laugh at physical theorpy but I guess it really makes a difference... hugo funny I always recommend "the cure" you mention as the PT for everything that ails the ladies... it sure couldn't hurt and has to help a headache.
  6. Crispy Critter

    Work realted accident

    Of course I know everyone is correct to say she should not work and should take the bennies but I just think maybe the office management may hold something against her. The week before she prepared a contract bid for a quarter million dollar job and another company under bid her company but if...
  7. Crispy Critter

    Work realted accident

    That's what is messed up since she has AFLAC she will end up with more money than if she was at work... maybe her boss will hold that against her in the future. Then the doctor at the emergency room and Fondo weren't specialist so maybe she actually has a fracture and she also hit her head...
  8. Crispy Critter

    Work realted accident

    Has anyone been involved in a work related accident? My wife was helping another employee carry a box downstairs last week and luckly on the bottom step twisted her ankle. We spent all morning in the emergency room and all afternoon in the Fondo, the Pureto Rican name for workmens...
  9. Crispy Critter

    What is a Deist?

    That is why I indicated Deism is related Social Darwinism in theory verses Darwinism...
  10. Crispy Critter

    What is a Deist?

    I find your pet peeve interesting and then I think about the hen house and rams banging heads to decide who will breed to make the new generation and wonder how such a gene could have affect unless it was in the superior specimin of the species. I was watching this thing on the history chanel...
  11. Crispy Critter

    What is a Deist?

    But the Deists related to the debate period applied Social Darwinism where the colonial nations of Western Europe used ethnocentric theories, the belief of ones ethnic group
  12. Crispy Critter

    School is open

    Chucle chucle... My kid got kicked out of school for chocking out his bitch girlfriend who accepted a jewelry gift and then dumped him... He watches way too much WWF and Smack down... I have never hit or abused my wife and show nothing but respect towards women. He was in a class with filthy...
  13. Crispy Critter

    What is a Deist?

    It means the survival of the most dominate of the species... when I was a kid we would buy baby chicks for raising for fresh eggs and Sunday fried chicken... If the goal was 25 adult chickens then you buy 100 chicks because Darwinsim would demand the weak would be pecked to death followed by...
  14. Crispy Critter

    School is open

    Public school opened last Tuesday here and my other son starts this coming Tuesday in private school. Just wondering if you folks are ready? I have two teenaged sons and one is in private and the other in public school. They were both in private school but one was expelled for bad behavior so...
  15. Crispy Critter

    What is a Deist?

    So all Deists should support Intelligent Design being taught in school along with Darwinism? Deists are President Bush thinkers or not?
  16. Crispy Critter

    What is a Deist?

    Builder what is a chook mate? I wrote: America was based on a system of the survival of the fittest... the weak were at the mercy of the family and church... I didn't say America was founded on any type of compassion. Compassion for the weak is a progressive secular modern concept. At...
  17. Crispy Critter

    What is a Deist?

    Deists had several different beliefs at the time of the founding of America. Some supported a creator and some were atheists. Our nation's government was not founded by Deists; rather Deists had influence in the founding of our nation. Deists cannot be equated to progressive secularist...
  18. Crispy Critter

    Which of the following should be legal (fixed version)

    Folks that toke are usually passing through with little ambition... I tried it and missed the taste of beer and never got past that bubble in the back of my nose when I tried to hold in a cough... In Korea you could buy a pack of Marboros with the tobacco replaced with weed for twenty five...
  19. Crispy Critter

    Which of the following should be legal (fixed version)

    I'll give you three... First cigarettes and alcohol are tests of ability of a person to tollerate addiction... Alcohol regulates sex drive. You can't tax marijuana.