Which of the following should be legal (fixed version)

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Spleefman said:
I still want somebody to come up with one...one decent reason why marijuana should not be legal in a society where cigarettes and alcohol are.
I'll give you three...

First cigarettes and alcohol are tests of ability of a person to tollerate addiction...

Alcohol regulates sex drive.

You can't tax marijuana.
Crispy Critter said:
First cigarettes and alcohol are tests of ability of a person to tollerate addiction...

Still not a reason. Ok, Marajuana is a test of the ability of a person to keep laughing to a minimum...

Alcohol regulates sex drive.

Yes, as in you regularly have sex with ugly chicks with STDs. Then you DRIVE to the doctor to get medicine.

You can't tax marijuana.

The only real reason you have given. And if they made it legal, they might be able to tax it.
I think you shouldnt have to have a doctor referal for pain killers and muscle relaxers. These are great. I wouldnt need a website to vent on. I would be watching tv on a beanbag, naked, eating cheetos.
what is an "assault rifle"

They're automatic, semiautomatic or select fire rifles with medium sized barrels and large magazines.


M-4 Carbine
Steyr AUG
Calico M100
jokersarewild said:
Still not a reason. Ok, Marajuana is a test of the ability of a person to keep laughing to a minimum...
Folks that toke are usually passing through with little ambition... I tried it and missed the taste of beer and never got past that bubble in the back of my nose when I tried to hold in a cough... In Korea you could buy a pack of Marboros with the tobacco replaced with weed for twenty five cents... they have fourty acre fields 14 feet high all around the country but hardly no one smokes the stuff, they use it for ropes, clothes for old men to be burried in and welcome mats to wipe your feet. Yea it get you high but without the fun of tasting the beer.

Yes, as in you regularly have sex with ugly chicks with STDs. Then you DRIVE to the doctor to get medicine.
Yes it can relate to cyotte dates... but I was speaking of rum for a result of not being pissed when she says not tonight and a philips screwdriver (orange juice and Jin) to result in if not you someone is going to do something about this...

The only real reason you have given. And if they made it legal, they might be able to tax it.
It's a ****ing weed and growes almost everywere and very hard to grow it wrong... why would anyone pay tax or money for it if it was legal? Grow your own and give it away as gifts during the holidays... It would just create a society of folks with atitudes of **** it, later, work later cut the grass later feed the kids later ...
Crispy Critter said:
...It would just create a society of folks with atitudes of **** it, later, work later cut the grass later feed the kids later ...
rob the liquor store later, beat the wife later, **** the dog later...
Crispy Critter said:
That explains why you are here on Friday night instead of in the bars...

It must be quite an experience to go through life without mood altering chemicals? I used to do that too but I didn't have much fun... wait a minute I did have fun but in a different category...

I'm so "out there" just on breathin air...jezzos..if I imbibed I'da probably been put away years ago.

Home on a Friday night is a relief - Friday's are a long day at work. Cuppa earl grey and a spate of computer - and I am replete.
Spleefman said:
Well...I don't have a stash..but I'll give you my address to where your Federal buddies can come over and make total asses of themselves! :cool:
Your lack of ability to detect facetious speech and your obvious paranoia suggest otherwise.
Crispy Critter said:
they have fourty acre fields 14 feet high all around the country but hardly no one smokes the stuff, they use it for ropes, clothes for old men to be burried in and welcome mats to wipe your feet. Yea it get you high but without the fun of tasting the beer.

This would be known as hemp. Nobody smokes this.....it is used for an endless list of goods and such. Also, did you know that you can produce a clean burning, inexpensive (if it were legal) form of fuel witht the oil from hemp? You can.

Crispy Critter said:
It's a ****ing weed and growes almost everywere and very hard to grow it wrong... why would anyone pay tax or money for it if it was legal? Grow your own and give it away as gifts during the holidays... It would just create a society of folks with atitudes of **** it, later, work later cut the grass later feed the kids later

Tobacco is a plant that grows....

The government could allow under legalization the packaging of marijuana cigarettes, and tax them. A whole lotta people would gladly pay the tax for pre-rolled primo bud!

Of course.....plastic baggy sales might be adversely effected. :D
Green Dragon said:
Paul Harvey said it best, if pot was legal, the national deficit would be gone by Tuesday.

grow it, tax it, put it in the corner store
Talk to any heroin or other hard drug addict wastoid, and there's a 99% chance they started on marijuana. It's a step into harder drugs. There was a piece on the news last night where heroin addicts are saying if they hadn't started on weed they'd have never been on the path to ruining their lives.

I personally know a few people who a dopeheads, and it's screwed up their relationships, jobs and lives in general.

What little evidence there is compiled on road safety suggest doped users account for as many accidents as drink drivers - if not more. Just because stats aren't collected (yet) this major problem is going largely unseen except by those who have to scrape the remains off the bitumen.

Dope use can trigger a range of psychological disorders including schizophrenia, memory loss, and so on.

I'm not comparing marijuana to alcohol (which has many negative effects too), but given the above results of dope use, you'd have a hard time convincing me that it should be legalised!
cybacaT said:
Dope use can trigger a range of psychological disorders including schizophrenia, memory loss, and so on.

where did you get that info? that is my first time hearing that. I've heard of the memory loss, but is schizophrenia proven to be triggered by pot? If it is, are there outstanding numbers of it, or are the chances slim? Are the components of schizophrenia already present in the brain and pot just acts as a catalyst, or does it just make you go nuts after one puff for no reason? what are the other psychological disorders it triggers?
It's overuse that can cause psychosis. Dependency on cannabis increases amounts of dopamine in the brain. Excess amounts of dopamine cause hallucinations.


However there is another study that shows that people that end up with schizophrenia MAY have a genetic abnormality that makes them more susceptible to the disease.

Ujike and his team examined the gene for the marijuana receptor in 121 Japanese patients with schizophrenia and an average age of 44. When they compared this gene in schizophrenics with the same gene in 148 normal men and woman of the same average age, they found distinct abnormalities in DNA sequences called nucleotides among the schizophrenics. Some of their nucleotides in the marijuana receptor gene appeared significantly more often than normal while others appeared less frequency.
angie said:
It's overuse that can cause psychosis. Dependency on cannabis increases amounts of dopamine in the brain. Excess amounts of dopamine cause hallucinations.


However there is another study that shows that people that end up with schizophrenia MAY have a genetic abnormality that makes them more susceptible to the disease.

wow, thats weird. Our minds are our most powerful weapon, yet its so easy to screw it up. Makes me wanna think twice before lighting up. thanx angie.
LOL no problem...I don't think it would effect the occasional smoker. Just those that smoke a little TOO much.
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