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  1. S

    Switchblade will be out for a while

    well 2 bad ppl.I'm back and i'm sure i'll b staying till i die,on the other hand when i'm 30 u'll all b 89 gargling on ur saliva as u lay down on a medical bed trying 2 hit on the 26 year old nurse with huge knockers,while i'll b playing sold out show's and in the the end of every song flipping...
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    Are demons real?

    Well this forum is called:Off Topic Forum,so apparentely I pissed you off hahaha :p .Where do you think the bible came from,who wrote it mister.Who is Jesus to you,huh mister.There is only 1 Almighty God,and you should believe in him.He can take your life away in less than a nanosecond.What...
  3. S

    What's the worst genre of music?

    Sounds more like a Ocarina.By the way when I said"that I was only 1 with a mutual bond to music"I didn't mean that you have to play 1 song of Iron Maiden,I meant that I was the only 1 that truly understood what was good music and what wasn't,Dumbass.And I already went through puberty,which for a...
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    Are demons real?

    Well that just proves that you don't read from the bible.Tell me then who was it that created us,I mean all of us people.Answer the damn question.Trust me your going to regret the day you said that you never believed in God,and that goes to all of you.
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    What's the worst genre of music?

    I'm sorry for my stupidity,but what is a skinflute? :confused: And I don't know that song,sorry.And it's Switchblade,ok Small Rectum
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    Are demons real?

    What makes you think that God and the Devil don't exist.Along with Heaven and Hell.Next thing you know,a terrible natural catastrophe will happen and the only person that dies is you,and then when your almost in Heaven,a giant hand from Hell will grab you and you will spend an eternity in Hell...
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    What's the worst genre of music?

    Aha,I should have know that there's no one who truly has a mutual bond with music besides me.
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    What's the worst genre of music?

    Can you play The whole entire guitar solo from Iron Maiden's hit song:Fear of the Dark.I can.L8r Bitches
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    Are demons real?

    I'm both religios and opinion.I think that they exist.God does exist,but there's also a devil.Doesn't that remind you of something PG? ;) I wish I didn't but I do believe that Demons,Ghost,etc,do exist.
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    Firearms: Banned or Brandished

    Do you think that it would be saffer to have a fully-automatic M16 paintballgun?If so then i'm definetely going to buy 1 of those.L8r
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    Should Sex in videogames be banned?

    They do know what they're letting their children play.But still there are people that don't like to play by the rules such as myself.I most of the time get what I want,and I would give back...when i'm not so broke :D .By the way if not so blind it also has the rating in the front,but in the back...
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    Should Sex in videogames be banned?

    Screw you guys.You just don't get it don't you.Nobody that plays videogames would actually do what they see in games unless they were crazy,unlike me.I don't really know why people that play this game just go insane and go kill everone they see.But still I think that even us teens should use a...
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    Should Sex in videogames be banned?

    I completely agree with you.Thank God someone that thinks a bit like me :rolleyes: .
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    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Oh yeah,hey sixes.Hope we become cool friends!L8r :cool:
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    Should Sex in videogames be banned?

    GTA has always had a M rating and it should have stayed liked that from back then,to now,and so on.It doesn't deserve to get a AO rating.The government has alot more things to worry about such as:the war on terror,the destruction of New Orleans,high gas prices,etc.If you can rate the news well...
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    What's the worst genre of music?

    At least you like some pretty good songs,your pretty cool to me :cool: L8r
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    What's the worst genre of music?

    **** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!YOU PUNK ASS SON OF A MOTHER****ING BITCH!You obviosly don't have any good taste in music whatsoever.Every band has talent it's just that you are so blind you can't see it.So what if you can play 3 chords,I can play the whole song of Ozzy Ozbourne:Crazy Train.BURN IN HELL...
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    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Sorry that was me,not my father!!!!!!Ok
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    What's the worst genre of music?

    First of all what the **** is up with your name?Secondly Screw you for disin most of Punk.Thirdly how the **** can you like rock without some punk???And how can you like rock :D ,classical :eek: ,jazz :rolleyes: ,and Latin :eek: ???all together.Is something ****ed up in your mind?!
  20. S

    What's the worst genre of music?

    **** you dude with you hating Green Day,they ROCK!!!I don't think Heavy Metal is as bad as Hip hop.At least you understand what Heavy Metal dudes are screaming about...most of the time.