What's the worst genre of music?

WildBaldMonkey said:
I'm sure I'll get some **** for this, but in the 80's Prince was the ****! Especially Purple Rain. C'mon someone has to agreee with me.........


Prince had his moments, but I'm not a huge fan. My ex-wife, however, is from Minneapolis. She finds Prince's music intoxicating and can sing every word from every song.
I like some of the old rock-n-roll stuff. Also a LOT of Alice Cooper songs. is listening to "School's Out" :D Also some KISS songs. ;) :D
RoyalOrleans said:
Punk is perhaps one of the WORST music genres EVER. I don't know which is actuall worse the music or the ****ing tatooed bastards that churn that rubbish out.

For me, and I am just speaking for myself (A person with good taste in music.) a band, a man, a person, a group needs talent. They need to be able to draw me in and maintain my attention.

For example: John Coltrane has talent and is a capable of holding my attention, soothing my mood, and has class and dignity. On the other hand, Johnny Rotten is a vile limey ****sucker with no talent, no diginity, and his music insights ****-filled hate fests and moshing. The Sex Pistols and their ilk are an insult to true talent.

"Yeah... I can bang three chords out on my guitar and spew vodka all over the front row audience. I'm so cool.".
**** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!YOU PUNK ASS SON OF A MOTHER****ING BITCH!You obviosly don't have any good taste in music whatsoever.Every band has talent it's just that you are so blind you can't see it.So what if you can play 3 chords,I can play the whole song of Ozzy Ozbourne:Crazy Train.BURN IN HELL :mad: !!!!!!!!!
Kryptonite Man said:
I like some of the old rock-n-roll stuff. Also a LOT of Alice Cooper songs. is listening to "School's Out" :D Also some KISS songs. ;) :D
At least you like some pretty good songs,your pretty cool to me :cool: L8r
Switchblade said:
**** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!YOU PUNK ASS SON OF A MOTHER****ING BITCH!You obviosly don't have any good taste in music whatsoever.Every band has talent it's just that you are so blind you can't see it.So what if you can play 3 chords,I can play the whole song of Ozzy Ozbourne:Crazy Train.BURN IN HELL :mad: !!!!!!!!!




Chill son, chill.
UMMM I had three guitar lessons on a $5 acoustic piece of crap and I can play crazy train. Bad example to pick REALLY!!!! We all have our own taste. (damn I just can't rip into a kid young enough to be my own)
tizz said:
UMMM I had three guitar lessons on a $5 acoustic piece of crap and I can play crazy train. Bad example to pick REALLY!!!! We all have our own taste. (damn I just can't rip into a kid young enough to be my own)
Can you play The whole entire guitar solo from Iron Maiden's hit song:Fear of the Dark.I can.L8r
Switchblade said:
Can you play The whole entire guitar solo from Iron Maiden's hit song:Fear of the Dark.I can.L8r

I took a few lessons and sold the damn thing. Iron maden is not quite my style, if I was going to seriously study guitar I would opt for Fripp or Matheny (You CANNOT beat the guitar work of Fripp and King Crimson CAN'T BE DONE!!!!!!)

When I WAS a musician it was all about Jazz Trumpet and Sax
tizz said:
I took a few lessons and sold the damn thing. Iron maden is not quite my style, if I was going to seriously study guitar I would opt for Fripp or Matheny (You CANNOT beat the guitar work of Fripp and King Crimson CAN'T BE DONE!!!!!!)

When I WAS a musician it was all about Jazz Trumpet and Sax
Aha,I should have know that there's no one who truly has a mutual bond with music besides me.
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Hey Bitchblade, I bet you could play "The Slobbery Blues" on my skinflute too :D
I'm sorry for my stupidity,but what is a skinflute? :confused: And I don't know that song,sorry.And it's Switchblade,ok Small Rectum
Switchblade said:
Aha,I should have know that there's no one who truly has a mutual bond with music besides me.

And to have a bond with music one must be able to play Iron Maiden? Oh ya, I forgot, you're thirteen
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Anybody want to help him here :)
This is too good to pass up :)

I am not sure I can discuss "skin Flutes" with someone not quite into puberty yet EEEEEEK!!
Well switchblade dear,skin flutes are flutes made of cow skin.The sound floats out so beautifully,try the skin flute,look for it in stores.

is that a poor explanation hugh? ;)
Well switchblade dear,skin flutes are flutes made of cow skin.The sound floats out so beautifully,try the skin flute,look for it in stores.

is that a poor explanation hugh? ;)

HHMMMM I think we should stick with that one (at least for a few more years)