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  1. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    CES is by far the better debater. I'm good at understanding things, not so much at communicating them. Because of this I was able to see I held the high ground in this debate, and I just stuck it out. If CES had been debating my side and I debating his, he would have had me running away with a...
  2. Thermite Wielding Troll

    I must take my leave, soon enough.

    Good luck man, you can make something out of yourself, SO ****ING DO IT OR YOU DIE! Just kidding. I will bitch slap the hell out of you before you let your grades slip too much. You're smart, do well. Just don't make me stomp a mud hole in your ass. I'm probably going out too, but with the...
  3. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Wow! a muslim with a good idea!

    He sounds like one of those John Shelby Spong mutha****as, y'know, the worst of atheism and religion mixed up. Why the **** do I want to hold onto religion if I don't believe there is something behind it?
  4. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Morality...Fact or Fabrication?

    Morality is completely relative, unless it is decided by a being with absolute power and authority, then it becomes objective as long as said being enforces it completely and perfectly. Thus, if there is no God, morality is subjective. If there is a God, morality may still be subjective unless...
  5. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Oh yeah, and there's a really easy and simple way to deal with the issue of pain long past the point of being able to do anything about it. Such pain shut off designs would add extra un-needed components and functions in creatures that could deal with it, and the creatures that can't are dead...
  6. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    I can't help myself, I'm sorry, but I have to leave a note on the suboptimal design thing (the mention of peacock's tails and the recurrent laryngeal nerve). Some of the original examples for this argument are the panda's thumb and the "backwards" wiring of the human eye. The panda's "thumb"...
  7. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    You *******! You really had me going there :) I was going back and forth between thinking that maybe you were serious, then maybe you weren't (on the ad hominem). Yeah, good fight. And it turns out that while you can fight pretty dirty, you are an honorable opponent. I'm going to take away a...
  8. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Finally, you decide to bring your own argument to the table! I am overjoyed!
  9. Thermite Wielding Troll

    More On SD. Oh, Don't You Love Me?

    Just remember, if you do decide to opt out, do it with some machismo!
  10. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Evolution never left the ground because basic Darwinism calls for Lamarckism, which basicly states that developed or trained abilities in a creature will be passed on to their offspring. This brand of Lamarckism does not account for genetic inheritance, so it's invalid. Genetic inheritance was...
  11. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Oh yeah, and the really funny part is that I didn't read your reconciliatory post before I made my apology, because I was expecting more vitriol and didn't want to have that on my mind while I wrote it out... Jinx!
  12. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Well, actually, I said before that I don't believe Intelligent Design should be taught in schools. But I also believe that Evolution shouldn't be, either, because it can be shown that it's not backed up by the evidence. This is really the whole point of ID, as a scientific argument against...
  13. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Looking back at my previous posts, I realized my method of baiting CEG into this argument (calling him a coward) went way too far. I apologize for that. I also realize that he has a good reason for throwing insults because of the way I baited him, whereas I don't (and even if I did, I really...
  14. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Nice pic Phreak. Mind if I steal it? Why am I asking when I already have? Well, thanks anyway :) I'm going to go plaigarize it on some other board whilst giving you the credit for it, because CES knows I do that kinda thing.
  15. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    "In response to some of his critics, Dembski (2000) claimed that intelligent design does not mean optimal design. The criticism of suboptimal design has often been advanced by evolutionists who ask why God would do such a sloppy job with creation that even a mere human engineer can easily...
  16. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    "A tiger develops into a tiger because it is in its nature to do so, and this nature is due to some physical essence given to it by its father (we would call it DNA) which starts the process out. Aristotle makes clear this rejection of god as a final cause (Cohen 2000) when he says that causes...
  17. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Oh damn, I'm so sorry for having to do things in real life. After all, I have nothing better to do than post on this board :rolleyes: Letsee.... So you're idea of arguing my point is to take book reviews that put down the works of the people I draw from, rather than actually take on the...
  18. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Well, I'm gonna get some sleep before I formulate my rebuttal, but first I must clear up one error: That's Michael BEHE. BEHE, B-E-H-E, Phd in BIOCHEMISTRY. I think you failed the reading comprehension. I'll give you an E for effort, though.