Morality...Fact or Fabrication?

Fabrication, morality was created in the days of cavemen to keep from killing each other, and to keep the food stock plentiful, more rules just keep getting added to the SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST theory to create what we have today that is called MORALS.

Fabrication. Who up and decided killing was wrong? What if he stole from you? Should you kill him? I personally think it depends on what he stole. But it is a fabrication.
I have no opinion because all of you took the words right out of my mouth. Morality is just an idea created by a person. I do not see how it can possibly be a fact. Killing someone (for example) for no apparent reason is only a fact or being IMmoral due to a set of rules influenced upon a certain group of people.

Wow, looks like I did have an original explanation after all...
Without morality there would be total K-os.

By man or God in order to keep from K-os but inbred as life has progressed.
Could be wrong, but I'm gonna guess that the whole moral law idea was probably first conceived by a few like minded individuals who were trying to convince the masses that they should maybe not bludgeon each other at the dinner table with the stolen goods from their neighbors tents. Or something along those lines. The big kicker, I guess is based on the idea that whatever the individual or group of individuals that are in power at the time, consider to be acceptable will of course be embraced by the masses. This in mind, there is always the possibility of drastic change in the moral code. :rolleyes:
Where did Spock come from?? Awesome! and McCoy? I am partial to TNG myself, but thank you anyway. BTW, whats up with the "I am an idiot" thing???
MR. DR. said:
Where did Spock come from?? Awesome! and McCoy? I am partial to TNG myself, but thank you anyway. BTW, whats up with the "I am an idiot" thing???
Vulcan..........Earth..............either a low self esteem or high level of arrogance masked by sarcastic "self-cuts". :rolleyes:
Are you trying to insult me or something? cmon, i know you can do better than that. I know Im an arrogant *******.
Morality is something personal; it doesn't apply to everyone. Morality is simply an emotion and/or dogmatic code. Humanism is another story all together.

It is a fact in that the basic survival of a human being hinges upon what is most adventageous to it and what will keep it alive. Most often this involves being nice to others and generally not pissing people off, basic rules that were warped in what we call morality.

However, the concept of morality as it has come to be understood today is a total sham and fabrication (like religion in general) to keep certain people in power and to make money for them.
morality is the word we use to describe not doing something because we know its just pointlessly wrong, immoral people are those who either don't give a ****, or have something to gain from it so follow through anyway
Morality is an idea made by a person(s) who sets a standard on a way of living as far as dealing with respect, honor, and overall goodness. What may be moral to one person may be an atrocity to another. One person may think running around with a bomb strapped to your body and killing children is immoral and wrong while others thing it is okay to suck the dick off an imaginary being, run around with ordinance attached to ya and kill members of your own group. I say, that is immoral.
Morality is completely relative, unless it is decided by a being with absolute power and authority, then it becomes objective as long as said being enforces it completely and perfectly.

Thus, if there is no God, morality is subjective. If there is a God, morality may still be subjective unless God enforces it to the letter.

That's my take on it, anyway.

This is why I believe God could punish those who do not turn to Him even without wanting to, because He has taken it upon Himself to uphold this objective set of standards.
this is same as the oldest question in anthropology.

is it nature or nurture?

you can't say either way, and really can't take one side to it.

its it made up by the environment you're in? or are we built in with this?

I think we are made this way.

look at all the serial killers. They grew up ****ed up with ****ed up childhood and even more ****ed up adulthood, they kill without remorse.