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  1. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    But, if something is illogical, you will eventually find out if you have enough information. In addition, the logical mind can't make things logical that aren't. I sure you implied this without my stating it. Cosmic evolution requires a lot more physics than biological evolution, it's not what...
  2. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Actually, I was kinda serious. You basicly said you didn't know enough to debate, so you point me to the museum site. I knew the site didn't hold anything that I haven't seen before, and my visit confirmed that. You seem to take offense that I would challenge you to produce the information...
  3. Thermite Wielding Troll

    So, what do you think so far of Pope Being-A-Dick XVI?

    Your compassion for humanity warms my heart.
  4. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Alright, I guess you do have a point. For a layman, this is about all you can offer me in the way of an explanation of your point, and I can't fairly expect more directly from you. Excuse me, I didn't realize that everyone who engages in this debate is knowledgable enough to field their own...
  5. Thermite Wielding Troll

    The Truth About SD

    With THE ANGER!
  6. Thermite Wielding Troll

    The Truth About SD

    Who was that again? Some kindof hippy name....Silver Wolf RavenWing? Crystal MoonFire? BlackWing Foul Harpy? Wait, wait, I'll get it, it's got something to do with reptiles.....Jade Iguana? Dripping lizard? Damn, forgot already. Well, must not have been that interesting.
  7. Thermite Wielding Troll

    All you ****s who try to change me

    Well, then I guess it should comfort you to know that I don't give a flying **** about your morals or politics. So much so that I even came here to state it. SD GET ALL ATTENTION NOW, YOU HAVE NONE!
  8. Thermite Wielding Troll

    The Truth About SD

    Well, I would delete that last post, then, but somehow I have no editing options. ADMIN! (Wonder if it has anything to do with me being in the idiot box....Hmmm...:) ) It's ballsy to admit fault there, but there is no fault to admit if you didn't catch that last post before you posted. Well...
  9. Thermite Wielding Troll

    The Truth About SD

    This is amazing. I flat out tell you I wasn't completely serious and you still don't get it.
  10. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Proof of the Qur'an

    How were the Torah and the Bible tampered with? Tell me. And tell me how you know the Qu'ran wasn't tampered with if God's word can be tampered with :) Have I ever used this argument? What if I assume Mohammed copied it and "Allah" had nothing to do with it? So I must assume the Israelites...
  11. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Alright, let me get this straight. You trounced me? How? You state sceince supports evolution, and I ask for science supporting this fact. You then tell me to go look it up. Damn, brilliant method of argument! you really showed me! It's also quite suprising that you aren't qualified to debate...
  12. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    I already know of all the bullshit they'd feed me. In fact, I probably know more of evolution than a lot of them. I was looking for you to actually present some so I could knock you down. But I see you prefer take the coward's way out. Maybe I should say it's the wise man's way out, seeing as it...
  13. Thermite Wielding Troll

    The Truth About SD

    It's amazing how many of you people actually thought I was serious. I knew SD would take the bait, as she is obviously inherently irrational. But you people held on even after the Earth spaceship and the obvious baiting of burning down the rainforest? And my justification of the human race...
  14. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Proof of the Qur'an

    Any seasoned agnostic would tear the first few premises of your post apart, like CEG demonstrated, only I see much more potential. I would like to know which Qu'ranic versus describe the division of gametes, etc. The only thing I've read about is the description of the visual appearance of the...
  15. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    All you did was show me that the Museum of Natural History has collected lots of animal parts and caveman furnishings since 1869, and they claim to be studying how evolution ties in with the sciences. You have yet to actually show me how any of it actually ties in. I'm still listening.
  16. Thermite Wielding Troll


    We could pretend he is.
  17. Thermite Wielding Troll

    The Truth About SD

    I've thought about this, and I agree completely with you. We would not have any of the **** we have, because there wouldn't be animals shitting all over the place! "SO WHAT?" is right! So what if we don't reproducing **** factories eating our food and attacking us all over the place? Like I'd...
  18. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Hey, Cogito, show me how any of those sciences (Except anthropology, because it's welded to evolution's ass) support evolution.
  19. Thermite Wielding Troll

    The Truth About SD

    If the United States is sooo much worse than Canada why do you little bastards hug the border so tightly? What the **** do you people do up there aside from eating ice, shitting brown snowcone, and running from moose? Animals better than people? What do animals do besides ****, breed, and make...
  20. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Is smoking a crime?

    Hah! Smoking hardly poisons everyone to death. If you can't continually smell the smoke, there isn't really an issue. Incidental damage to the lungs and other organs happens all the time, they heal the small stuff. It's constant exposure or large amounts that cause problems. Forest fires...