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  1. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Heya. I like to take a facts first and logical approach to discussion. You'll usually see a disproportionate number of my posts at the ends of threads. Vanity would have me saying that it is because I can lay down the final inapproachable conclusion to a subject. In reality, I think it's because...
  2. Thermite Wielding Troll

    So he was Not a terrorist!

    Here's what Wikipedia says on the whole issue: Muhammad as a warrior From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Muhammad (c.570-632) the prophet of Islam, was a warrior during the last ten years of his life. He preached Islam in his home city, Mecca, from 613 to 622. He and his followers patiently...
  3. Thermite Wielding Troll

    So he was Not a terrorist!

    Well, not knowing much about the Koran, I can't say how what's going on relates to what it says. The Bible, however, comndemns hypocrisy. Jesus called the Pharisees whitewashed tombs, clean and beautiful on the outside, but full of dead men's bones and rot. Jesus said to avoid praying in...
  4. Thermite Wielding Troll

    who do religious rights aply to anyway?

    Female circumcision and male circumcision are completely different things. Male circumcision makes infection in that area much less likely, and is thus a good health benefit. Also, unlike female "circumcision", they aren't removing an entire functioning component. What these assholes do to...
  5. Thermite Wielding Troll

    US May Nuke Mecca

    Y'know, the idea of Allah promising to protect Mecca makes the idea of throwing some small ordinance at it tempting. Nothing big, just a little roof-shaking. I don't believe God made such a promise, so I wouldn't knowingly be testing Him :) I try to be more mature than that :) If we nuke...
  6. Thermite Wielding Troll

    who do religious rights aply to anyway?

    If the religion is not causing someone to act illegally, the government has no business in this affair. Mainstream religion ISN'T defined, and it is against the Constitution to define such a thing. And I'm sure even if it was, it would be Bible based, and nowhere in the New Testament is such a...
  7. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Gay Teens Hanged in Iran ?

    Mixed fabrics were used in making the priesthood of the local pagan worship, so the not using mixed fabric was probably telling them not to make these garments, and, subsequently, not to use them in such things. It also says don't flash your genitals at the altar. Rather specific and strange...
  8. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Slutty Teens and their stupid parents

    Heh, women finally recieve the ability from society to make the decision to be what they want to be rather than being forced into the role of dependant breeder, and pop culture goes out of its way to make sure that the decision is to become a dependant breeder anyway. Pffft.
  9. Thermite Wielding Troll

    The funniest thing about suicide bombers...

    "You pussies" would refer to the ****head (adjective added for effect) terrorist leaders in the sentences before the one quoted, of course :) Murder is so much easier than war. And, of course, those are the only options left for enforcing your ideals when you are so blatantly wrong...
  10. Thermite Wielding Troll

    The funniest thing about suicide bombers...

    ...Is when they blow and and don't get anyone else. Confetti, yay! I mean, the guy was gonna make a grisly silhouette of himself on a wall anyway, right? But here he is, looking to take someone out, and poof , no more terrorist shithead, whilst everyone else looks on and says "WTF was his...