who do religious rights aply to anyway?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
Wish I could get a straight answer on that. The following story just plain offended me as a parent and as someone who follows an undefined spiritual path.

What's so disturbing to you? The fact that there are Wicans, or that some asshole commisioner tried to subvert the constitution of the United States and it's guarantee of freedom of religion and the free exercise thereof.
Great more Dungeons and Dragons geeks living in their parents basement for a score or two.

I shouldn't say anything about DnD, because a few soldiers and myself killed time in Iraq by playing DnD. I'm such a nerd.
UMMMM Maybe the fact that because I choose not to believe in some god elaborately created to control women and give man complete domain of nature, some judge could deem me unfit as a parent!!!! Why should I have to be afraid to celebrate creation and existence? This is extrememly disturbing to me!
i think that the court should not even see the case, if its a question of religion, let it stay out of the court. its that simple
I agree, it IS seperation of church and state after all.

There should not have even been a court case about it.

How ****ing rediculous is it, to have a seperated union in the US, if some conservative ***** is gonna cry about it, find some FLAW in the system, and exploit it to tell a NON CHRISTIAN how to live there life.

WATCH OUT "fullauto", YOU might be next.
What do Wicca and D&D have to do with one another? No Wiccans that I know play it. That was just dumb.
And the only reason there was ever a case is because it involves Wiccans. The Christian Right Wing idiots are afraid of it. When will they realize that it's CHRISTIANITY that causes wars, hatred, CHRISTIANITY that people kill for? Not Wicca. True, Wicca is a relatively new religion, BUT it stems from much older Pagan and Witchcraft practices. The judge needs to mind his own damn business!
I have very, VERY mixed feelings about this.

On the first hand, declaring any religion, expecially one as (in my experience with wiccans) harmless and actually pretty healthy as Wicca, "non-mainstream" in a court of law and threatening to take their child is ****ing sick. What happened to freedom from religious persecution? Actually, the pilgrims came over herw for the freedom to practice one of the most violent and opresssive religions ever created, but the concept stands.

On the other hand, there is a desperate, desperate need for the option of legally removing children from religiously unhealthy environments. I don't know how one would go about seperating these, but kids have died because of their family's religious practices. Families who, say, let their child die because he didn't have the faith to let god heal him without the help of doctors. Parents who neglect a child who refuses to participate in their religious practices. People who bribe juvenile detention centers to get their kids off scoff free when they rape someone - or are raped - because a scandal like that would make the respected family look bad in the eyes of the church. (Yes, I'm listing these from actual incidents I can think of involving my friends or their families.) Most of these spring from christian-based religions, which are all 'mainstream'. Where can you draw the line as to what's healthy for a kid and what's killing him?
Religious rights are a tricky thing...what I know about Wiccans is that they celebrate the earth and natural things. I personally think there is nothing wrong with raising their children in that type of setting. But politicians are afraid of a "slippery slope". For example what if:

I'm a Voodoo practitioner, and want to sacrifice animals in front of my kids.

I follow the Jonestown cult, and love kool aid.

I'm a satanist, and want to raise my child as such.

I'm a christian fundamentalist, and God told me not to give my kid medicine, and i should just pray he gets better. (This really happened by the way where I live)

Religious freedom is NOT absolute, and all you people who think so are wrong.
SOTL is right... If a islamic fundamentalist came here and said it's my religious right to cut the clit out of my 5 year old daughter, that would not stand... Religious rights are only rights if we allow them to be... aka as long as it falls within the boundries of reasonable tolerance...
SickOfTheLies4277 said:
Religious rights are a tricky thing...what I know about Wiccans is that they celebrate the earth and natural things. I personally think there is nothing wrong with raising their children in that type of setting. But politicians are afraid of a "slippery slope". For example what if:

I'm a Voodoo practitioner, and want to sacrifice animals in front of my kids.

I follow the Jonestown cult, and love kool aid.

I'm a satanist, and want to raise my child as such.

I'm a christian fundamentalist, and God told me not to give my kid medicine, and i should just pray he gets better. (This really happened by the way where I live)

Religious freedom is NOT absolute, and all you people who think so are wrong.

Well you are right that this is not an absolute, but unless there is some kind of evidence that the children will be in danger there is no reason to remove them based on assumptions of a misunderstood religion. As for kids not getting medical treatment there are many religions that oppose this and they are allowed to by law. Christian scientologists and jehova witnesses do not accept blood transfusions NO MATTER WHAT!Warped yes, but generally speaking medical care has always been an option not a requirement.
fullauto said:
SOTL is right... If a islamic fundamentalist came here and said it's my religious right to cut the clit out of my 5 year old daughter, that would not stand... Religious rights are only rights if we allow them to be... aka as long as it falls within the boundries of reasonable tolerance...
... that isn't an Islamic right.
If the religion is not causing someone to act illegally, the government has no business in this affair.

Mainstream religion ISN'T defined, and it is against the Constitution to define such a thing. And I'm sure even if it was, it would be Bible based, and nowhere in the New Testament is such a thing prescribed. This is an amazing amount of bullshit.

But why am I trying to reason according to the Bible? How many "Christians" actually give a damn as to what is written in there? This is just an excuse to annihilate an opposing culture, these people probably don't care for God.

Damn, a case where I'd agree with the ACLU, those liberal bastards.

Once the U.S. throws off the fanatical liberalism that has gripped it, I'm afraid it's all going to slide right into rabid conservativism. Instead of making humans to turn into medical meat and teaching that it's a fact that we all magically came from pond slime we're going to be burning Harry Potter books and hanging heretics. So in which direction do you push? I'd say in both, but at the right places and times.
It's part of a cultural right and optional!

Optional to the child or the parent? It is one thing to refuse medical treatment but to actually forcably mutilate a child is just wrong. Unless a woman mature enough to make her OWN descisions decides to slice off her clit, it should not be allowed
tizz said:
Optional to the child or the parent? It is one thing to refuse medical treatment but to actually forcably mutilate a child is just wrong. Unless a woman mature enough to make her OWN descisions decides to slice off her clit, it should not be allowed

While I agree its wrong to do without the consent of the person it is being performed upon, and I assume most people on this board would too...How come removing the foreskin on male infants is acceptable? Seems pretty much the same thing to me, but most people ride circumcision off like its nothing.