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  1. G

    The Lost Wallet Test

    I saw a man drop a shopping bag on the street, yelled after him but he starngely started running away from me.?? Found out why when I looked in the bag. It contained hard core porn!!:D :D Made me laugh, bet that ruined his weekend!! HEhe, Perv.
  2. G

    Brain test. Will you get an A or an F?

    With the link above, of course. not the "f" one. Only got 3 on that 1st time around.
  3. G

    Brain test. Will you get an A or an F?

    I got 23. Quite chuffed with that.
  4. G

    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    Hands on! I'd prefer it if they were hands well off. Most drawings I've seen by over payed pen jockeys are wrong. A bloody 2 year old can draw better. For the money they get paid , what a joke. Qualified, 5 years at tec school , bollocks. I've yet to see a correct drawing, and they have the...
  5. G

    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    Good post builder. Standing along side you, as a fellow builder. Also earning more than most white collar twats. Architects! Need I say more?
  6. G

    My condolences

    Fair shout I think. Sounds like he was a right *******. I had a few of them in my family. Glad they're dead too. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
  7. G

    Worst Songs Ever (the new and old)

    lol,Class word. I'll have to remember to use it in conversation more often.
  8. G

    Happy Ramadan.........

    Yeah, but their Ramadan lasts for years. Talk about extremists.
  9. G

    Worst Songs Ever (the new and old)

    Isn't it those three states where you can actually buy "Happy birthday Uncle Dad" cards?
  10. G

    Worst Songs Ever (the new and old)

    Who was that ****ing bitch that done a remake of "nothing else matters"? She should be publicly flogged. Naked, and then have her **** stuffed in her mouth.
  11. G

    Happy Ramadan.........

    Nice to see that they started the celebrations with a day of anger. "Religion of peace", yeah, my arse.
  12. G

    Happy Ramadan.........

    Happy Ramadan to you all............... :D
  13. G

    Muslims want further apology from pope

    Makes you mad! Me too. Which ****ing Muslim official is going to apologize to us for offending us? They offend us every ****ing day. What do we do about it? **** all. Too scared of them. At least our ***** footing liberal arseholes that seem to run our place are. Democracy working? Think not...
  14. G

    U.N.: Iraq civilian deaths hit a record

    If they had the chance to have Saddam back, of course they ****ing would. We are now about a 5 or 6to1 ratio on deaths out there. So I guess we're not doing too well either. They're living in more of a **** hole now than they were under Saddam. That's why we have more of them moving out here to...
  15. G

    Public Breastfeeding - A Malicious Act?

    Depends on the film. The shittier the film, the more wandering I'll do.
  16. G

    Public Breastfeeding - A Malicious Act?

    But if the **** are out, we'll notice.
  17. G

    Public Breastfeeding - A Malicious Act?

    After reading this thread, I'm pretty much guessing that most here are from the States!. ****! Yeah! And? Fair shout though, it should be done discreetly, not just flopped out like a beached whale that somehow got into the restaurant or park. Yet if a sprog needs feeding, it needs feeding. I'm...
  18. G

    Re: BS! Text of Pope's "apology" (Boyle)

    His apology to the Muslim world is just another slap on the face to decent people who want to live their lives peacefully and honestly without the constant interference of some Islamic twats trying to ram their backward way of life down our throats. The pope offended me by apologizing, lame twat...
  19. G

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    How can you get into trouble debating on another site? None of their friggin business where or which site you go to. Tell them to mind their own.
  20. G

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Ok, better do the introduction bit then. Think I'll like this place. You can really say what you mean and not get slagged off for ****ing swearing. Lets be honest, the swearing is needed on most ofthese pissed off topics. Vent time is here.