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  1. B

    Pet Peeves in Parking lots and in Drive-thru lines

    Lords, being satisfied immediately just isn't in your cards. Not many people drive to a drive-thru knowing exactly what they want and 40 seconds isn't exactly a big slice of life. Chill out and live a little. You're going to make yourself sick with your obsession with waiting. Oh ya, and...
  2. B

    Bad Service vs. Good service: Tipping Opinions

    Lords, many of us have told you before on other websites and I'll tell you again. You are psychotic when it comes to food service. You have this need to be first at all times when it comes to food and drink, and your idea of dining is food dripping in tartar sauce, mayo or ranch. If you want...
  3. B

    Restaurant etiquette 101

    Lords, I'm sorry but you're still pathetic. To most people a few minutes here or there aren't a big deal. They are human beings, those people waiting on you. They're not only waiting on you, but several tables at the same time. They aren't perfect and they certainly don't have to kiss your...
  4. B

    Restaurant etiquette 101

    First of all Lords, you don't "except" an apology, you accept it. Your spelling is atrocious and tells a lot about you. If my culinary tastes (or brain) ever took a dive and I actually ate at a Denny's, I would certainly not be offended if the server asked me to remind him of something. These...
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    Restaurant etiquette 101

    She's an animal. I can just picture her frothing at the mouth with a hot burger in front of her without mayo. I NEED MY MAYO, BRING ME MY MAYO!!! I NEEDS ME SOME CONDIMENTS to suck down this disgusting food (that I consider delicious) while I evaluate your every move.
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    Fat People

    This would be my father in law. All he does is eat and watch TV. When he has to go to the bathroom he has to stop and rest halfway to the bathroom. While eating a meal, all he'll talk about is what he saw on Food TV, the next meal he'll be eating or a meal he ate years ago. He can no longer...
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    Fat People

    Ya, I'm going to post my picture for you. Hold your breath, okay? I'm 5' 8" and weigh 125. I'm 45 years old and have had two kids. I love food and can out-eat most men when I want to. I just don't do it every day. If I ate everything I wanted I'd be as big as anyone out there. I just choose not...
  8. B

    Restaurant etiquette 101

    Lords, honestly, in the grand scheme of life what is 2 minutes? The difference between life and death? It's FOOD for cripes sake! You seem to have a very unhealthy obsession with food and attention. Things that would be minor to most everyone in the world are a serious affront to you. Do...
  9. B

    Restaurant etiquette 101

    Lords is a ****ing lunatic. That said, I admire you and all servers for what you do. I only did it for a short time and it's hard work, and rarely respected. Let me guess. Table A left not because their children were ruining their meal, but the meals of diners around them? Ya think? When...
  10. B

    Fat People

    Ha! Should I get myself all sweaty and smelly first? I do have a few things that would jiggle.
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    Fat People

    And ruin my perfect face? Hardly. FO
  12. B

    Slackers piss me off

    I lost my job in the Enron fallout. I'd been at my job for 15 years and loved it but Andersen got shut down. I couldn't find a job so I temped. I pimped myself out at $10-$15 per hour doing any job I could find. As a temp I worked my ass off because I was glad to have the work. Temping led...
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    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Love it. I'm going to fit right in here, I can tell. I've been doing some reading here and it's great stuff. I should tell all of my friends about this site so they can be grateful for not having to listen to me bitch all the time. :D
  14. B

    Fat People

    Ha, I love it! A few years ago I did the same thing. A fatty sat next to me and I told her to get off of my lap. She said she was sorry and tried to move but there was noplace to move to. She just started squishing around in the seat as if that would make it better. All it was doing was...
  15. B

    Fat People

    True, but the people with true metabolic issues constitute maybe 10% of these obese people. How many fatties do you see at a salad bar, and how many do you see at fast food places? Have you ever checked out the shopping cart of a fatty? Soda, packaged foods, cookies, cakes, etc. Yet they're...
  16. B

    Fat People

    One of my biggest beefs is fat people. I guess that makes me shallow. How I wish I could sit around and eat whatever I wanted. I'm tired of watching them waddle around huffing and puffing. I'm tired of being on the train and having them try to inch their wide butts into a seat made for one...
  17. B

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Thanks. Putting off cleaning the house. I have two kids, work full time and have a hubby. I have lots of fodder for bitching and ranting. I'm a supreme bitch in an inferior world. ;)
  18. B

    Restaurant etiquette 101

    Thanks! I like my food, I'm all about the food. I'm also about treating servers with respect. This Lords person is insane. She's been terrorizing server sites for months. Read the link! I'm a former server and this whacko's ideas of serving are ridiculous. Tonight I'm serving angel hair...
  19. B

    Restaurant etiquette 101

    I'm new here and Lords led me here. Thanks Lords! Lest you servers despair, this woman is a lunatic so don't listen to her. She actually thinks people are "uncaring" if she has to wait 10 second for two sides of ranch, BBQ sauce...
  20. B

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Hi, I'm a newbie. I'm pissed off on a regular basis and can usually laugh about it so I hope I can provide some giggles for you all. In the end all you can do is laugh about it all.