Fat People

Big Momma

Active Member
Sep 24, 2005
One of my biggest beefs is fat people. I guess that makes me shallow. How I wish I could sit around and eat whatever I wanted.

I'm tired of watching them waddle around huffing and puffing. I'm tired of being on the train and having them try to inch their wide butts into a seat made for one person when they're the size of two people. When they finally do make it into the seat, they're hot and sweating and their thighs are resting on mine. Rather than walking one flight of stairs at the subway station they'll wait for an elevator and them limp off of it pitifully.

We have a chef at work and lunch is served at 11:30am. One fatty actually circles the area and if the food is out 2 minutes late she starts yelling. I have a huge appetite but this sow can eat more than anyone I've ever seen.

They have no shame. They eat donuts on the train (who eats on a train?) with their cream laden iced coffee. My father in law is huge and at a wedding years ago he demanded that the servers passing hor's douvres put the plates on the table right in front of him because he wanted them all, just for him.

Don't get me wrong; I'm all about the food. When I eat a baked potato, it's with the butter, sour cream and anything else I can stuff into it. But I don't do that EVERY DAY!

I found out yesterday that my state actually considers fatties disabled at a certain weight, and gives them the welfare check. Yes, they're too fat to be able to work so they get to sit around, collect welfare and eat some more.

That pisses me off. I want to eat until I can't eat anymore, and I want somebody to pay me to do it.
I agree you if they are people that choose to eat way too much. Like going on a diet and eating 5 salads with 5 cups of dressing each. However, some people do not ask to be fat, their matabolism could be slow or the could have thyroid problems. People with these 2 conditions do not choose to be fat.
True, but the people with true metabolic issues constitute maybe 10% of these obese people. How many fatties do you see at a salad bar, and how many do you see at fast food places? Have you ever checked out the shopping cart of a fatty? Soda, packaged foods, cookies, cakes, etc. Yet they're huffing and puffing through the aisles and get upset when they have to wait in line to pay for it, because they have to actually stand for a few minutes.

It's disgusting, but a very good deterrent for me from over-eating. The funniest thing ever is when a fatty tries to get an open seat on a train and they're too slow to get to it. Then they stand there with a pitiful look on their face because standing for a few minutes is just too much for them.
There are 4 kinds of overweight people.

#1 -a little plump.
#2 -pleasently plump.
#3 -fluffy
#4 -and ........ DAMNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Ahhhhhhhhh Memories ...Like the corners of my mind .....Misty watercolor memories.....

My very first post as an unregistered guest: .......

I sit down on the the train headed home after a long day ready to just relax..here comes lard ass and what? Their eyes practically gleam. "oh look at little pencil girl there, why, I can just plop my fat ass right next to her, that way I get my seat and half of hers too!!"

This is why I hate fat people.

I paid for my seat - on the train, on the bus, the plane....I get my seat. All of it. - at least, that's what would seem fair. But no, it's almost like the fatties come onto the train and scope out who's the smallest, so that they can get their twinkie stuffed butt the most room.

Well not long ago I rebelled. To hell with "politeness" - to Hell with good manners. The revolting masses of eye pollution have had their way, protected by my good manners long enough. Lard Ass Lady waddles over and makes a bee line for the seat by me. I looked up and told her, "you can sit there, but you can't take my part of the seat". She obliviously plunked down immediately sqashing over into my seat, partially SITTING ON ME. I didn't move, - I REFUSED to try to sqash my body into the wall - I told her, "you're sitting on me" - I had to repeat it twice. She finally looked at me and said, "are you talking to me?" and I said, "yes. I told you you could sit there but you can't sit ON ME, this is MY seat and you're sitting on me".

She went ballistic. It was wonderful to behold. Not just fat, she was also crazy. She got up and began yelling at me about me being racist! (hohohahahha! - what an idiot!) (she was black, I'm white) .. started yelling some garbled account .. I couldn't even follow it - it had something to do with her idea I had said something about her being black, - she was threatening all kinds of legal retribution. She hollered all the way down the train as she went off to find some other poor person to squash. As she moved away I calmly piped up (for the benefit of all the startled passengers) .."no, I just told you not to SIT ON ME"

I would love to be Jack. ("run along, elephant girl") I'd like to drop all social veneers and stand up and tell the overfed masses, "your right to stuff your face with fast food and junk food does not include the right to then take up all the room on the planet!"

I have no sympathy for fat. Fat = lazy. Period. I'm not thin because I'm lucky or blessed. I exercise, I'm busy, and I eat healthy foods. The mouth is not a gland..and your problem is your mouth and your giant saggy arm that hoists the oily masses of sludge you plug into that pie hole.

I used to smoke. It's amazing that people think nothing of making remarks about other's smoking, but the same outspokenness is not carried over into the realm of fat. I've had complete strangers tell me "you shouldn't smoke". I would have loved to be able to retort, "yeah, well you shouldn't be so fat".

And as a note to all those lardies out there...I didn't get fat when I quit smoking either. I put on a few pounds and then said to Hell with that - I upped my exercise and honed the meal ingredients and got back down to that weight...that looks so enticing...to all those fatties...
out there...
looking for someone to sit next to.

Ha, I love it! A few years ago I did the same thing. A fatty sat next to me and I told her to get off of my lap. She said she was sorry and tried to move but there was noplace to move to. She just started squishing around in the seat as if that would make it better. All it was doing was sloshing her fat around me and the guy on the other side of her.

I had to get up because it was just too gross. She was sweaty and hot and just gross. After I got up she sighed and settled into her seat and mine.

Now when I'm on the train and a fatty takes a look at the seat next to me I'll look at her/him/it, the seat next to me, and her/him/it again, clearly sending the message that their fat ass ISN'T going to fit into that seat. That usually works.

Another fatty tactic I abhor is when the train gets to the station and they maneuver to get to the train doors as it stops so they can get on the train right away, never mind the people trying to get off the train. They'll plow right through the people debarking so they can get their everloving seat on the train. God forbid they should have to eat their Big Macs standing up. At least if they're sitting down the fries will fall into their laps so they can gobble them up, rather than the floor.
Ahh fattys.. sure.. the Phreak will rant about fattys..

One thing about fat people that I can't stand is the stench.

There are different fatty stenches to define

  • [ ]Moldy stench, smell as if their clothes have sat in a wet laundry hamper for days.
    [ ]Ass stench, like they can't reach behind to wipe.
    [ ]Arm pit stench, ****ing smell like a sweaty Frenchman
    [ ]And the ever gross, COMBO stench of the above stenches
Then, you have the "WEEZERS"... no not the rock band... the lungs..

They get up to go get a donut and sit down, and a strong moan of wheezing fills the rooms. I'm unsure if I should get them a paper sack or call a ****ing ambulance.

And myself being a person who works 2 jobs that are in the food industry, all I am exposed to, are people who eat, so I can view eating habits.

It's pretty easy for me to tell based on a steady customer base who orders what, how many people are being fed, etc..

And what really awes me, is the way a fat assed person can order the same HUGE ASS meal, which should be able to feed a family of 4, and eat it themselves..

Example: At my part time pizza delivery job, there is a customer who will order a family sized spaghetti deluxe dinner, which is meant to feed 4 people, It comes with a 4 lb pan of spaghetti, 8 slices of bread, a HUGE salad.

Anyway, this guy LIVES BY HIMSELF and weighs probably 400+ lbs.

He orders the same thing EVERY DAY, so you know damn well he is eating the whole damn thing, no leftovers cuz he sure as hell needs a fresh one the next day !!

OMFG, dude get help !!

Quit wheezing towards the door to pick up more food, get your ass outside, and ****ing WALK!!

Why just wait to die like that ??

I don't understand it. That is not a life worth being proud of.

Alot of fattys let there fattyness be the cause of them getting fatter.. they have a mindset that says " I am a piece of ****, I know this, so **** it, bring on the hostess Twinkies
Big Momma said:
One of my biggest beefs is fat people. I guess that makes me shallow. How I wish I could sit around and eat whatever I wanted.

I'm tired of watching them waddle around huffing and puffing. I'm tired of being on the train and having them try to inch their wide butts into a seat made for one person when they're the size of two people. When they finally do make it into the seat, they're hot and sweating and their thighs are resting on mine. Rather than walking one flight of stairs at the subway station they'll wait for an elevator and them limp off of it pitifully.

We have a chef at work and lunch is served at 11:30am. One fatty actually circles the area and if the food is out 2 minutes late she starts yelling. I have a huge appetite but this sow can eat more than anyone I've ever seen.

They have no shame. They eat donuts on the train (who eats on a train?) with their cream laden iced coffee. My father in law is huge and at a wedding years ago he demanded that the servers passing hor's douvres put the plates on the table right in front of him because he wanted them all, just for him.

Don't get me wrong; I'm all about the food. When I eat a baked potato, it's with the butter, sour cream and anything else I can stuff into it. But I don't do that EVERY DAY!

I found out yesterday that my state actually considers fatties disabled at a certain weight, and gives them the welfare check. Yes, they're too fat to be able to work so they get to sit around, collect welfare and eat some more.

That pisses me off. I want to eat until I can't eat anymore, and I want somebody to pay me to do it.

Hey, post your photo.

I want to see how thin and gorgeous you are.

Also, haven't you ever heard of diabetes, or glandular disorders? Not all fat people sit around stuffing their faces. And if they do, they are probably severely depressed and deserve your pity, not your ****ing disgust.

I don't hate fat people. Their condition is harmless. I feel a little sorry for them on hot days, but there are far better people to hate, and far more important things to get upset about. Try hating rapists and murderers, you stupid bitch.

Besides, the hugely fat guy who makes my kebabs is the most adorably sweet and cute person ever. Nobody could ever hate him.

p.s. You sicken me. Please die.
Anna Perenna said:
Also, haven't you ever heard of diabetes, or glandular disorders?
Type 2 diabetes is caused by lack of exercise and obesity, not the other way around. Type one is genetic and has nothing to do with weight. The sad thing is most cases are type 2, and more and more children are developing type 2, which means insulin shots or pills for the rest of their lives.

I don
Anna Perenna said:
Hey, post your photo.

I want to see how thin and gorgeous you are.

Also, haven't you ever heard of diabetes, or glandular disorders? Not all fat people sit around stuffing their faces. And if they do, they are probably severely depressed and deserve your pity, not your ****ing disgust.

I don't hate fat people. Their condition is harmless. I feel a little sorry for them on hot days, but there are far better people to hate, and far more important things to get upset about. Try hating rapists and murderers, you stupid bitch.

Besides, the hugely fat guy who makes my kebabs is the most adorably sweet and cute person ever. Nobody could ever hate him.

p.s. You sicken me. Please die.

Ya, I'm going to post my picture for you. Hold your breath, okay?

I'm 5' 8" and weigh 125. I'm 45 years old and have had two kids. I love food and can out-eat most men when I want to. I just don't do it every day. If I ate everything I wanted I'd be as big as anyone out there. I just choose not to. I gained 60 and 70 pounds with each pregnancy but once the kids were born that fat got GONE. One thing I loved about being pregnant was no longer counting calories, if only for a short time.

Obesity is not harmless. It costs this country millions in medical care that wouldn't be necessary if these people would curb their eating.

There's one guy in work that will eat two huge bags of potato chips every day. After that it's coke and 6 cookies. Then he sits back and rocks in his chair rubbing his huge belly. Is that a glandular disorder or is it gluttony?

All it takes is self-control. It's about self-respect. If you can't respect yourself, at least respect the space of people around you and don't subject them to your heaving, sweating flesh.
This would be my father in law. All he does is eat and watch TV. When he has to go to the bathroom he has to stop and rest halfway to the bathroom. While eating a meal, all he'll talk about is what he saw on Food TV, the next meal he'll be eating or a meal he ate years ago. He can no longer walk and now has to use one of those cart things. He's missed so many things in life because he's limited his life to a recliner.

I don't know anyone who loves food more than me. I love a filet mignon drenched in bearnaise, with a side of mashed potatoes the size of a mountain, and a salad drenched in bleu cheese dressing. And I'll eat that meal, enjoy every second of it, and go back to normal food for the rest of the week. I'm a gourmet cook, collect cookbooks and enjoy every aspect of food. I just respect the food (and myself) enough not to overindulge.
It is a glandular problem for certain. The Feedme gland sends a trigger to your already engorged brain that tells you to undulate your gargantuan carcass into the kitchen for another round of whole-fried chicken, half gallon of ice cream and fried Twinkies! :p
Hugh, the flip side of the "glandular disorder" argument for obesity is the fact that the glandular disorder was a result of obesity in the first ****ing place... I think I'll go to the kitchen now for that fried twinky (I'll use conola oil instead of the usual peanut oil)
Hey not all fat people are inactive. Take me for example. I'm about 190 pounds, have a few fat spots on me (stomach, cheeks, etc...) and eating is not the only thing i know. I run for 30 minutes everyday, ride a bike, swim, rolerskate and EAT like a pig after, so it kind of balances itself out.

So not all fat people only care about eating.

Another reason for some people being fat is depression. People start to make fun of how fat they are and that lowers their self esteem and they eat constantly because of it. So maybe if you show at least some incouragement to them and that will at least give them some confidence.

What if you get fat, would you want someone to make fun of you???

Show respect you skin and bones!!!
Some of us work hard NOT to get fat.
I'm pregnant and I have wide hips (gotta love being a spic)
And everyone can't get over how "good I look" (in their words)
I put on a lot in the first few months. And then it came right back off. I have gained NOTHING anywhere except my belly. If you see me from the back I look like a normal human being. And it's been hard. I carefully watch everything I eat, and exercise as much as I can. I've had to slow down a bit (had a scare last week and ended up in the hospital in the middle of the night). So don't give me that self esteem crap. My self esteem was **** up until a year ago, and I have NEVER been fat. And I LOOOVE to eat. I cook just about every night of the week, I like going out to restaurants too. But I don't spend all my time sitting on my ass and getting pudgy like many people like to do (especially pregnant women-I've seen many use it as an excuse to sit on their ass for nine months and eat everything in sight)
So I will be one of the lucky few who looks as good (if not better because I eat even better than before) after I deliver. But it didn't come without work.
My willy is fat, but it's also long.... so i guess that doesn't count!

I don't mind fat people... I figure everyone has the right to look how they want... BUT.... I do have an issue with fat people who want to change OUR world when it no longer fits them!

EG... that ****ing meat bag who sued GM because he bought a car and the seatbelt wouldn't fit around his disgustingly fat body! Shoot him

EG2... Anyone who wants to sue McDonalds because thier cholesterol and/or triglycerides have reached the 1980's Dow Jones average! Kill them too!

Anyone who sues thier medical insurance for not paying for a ****ing fat reduction session.... Lyposuction, Stomache staples.... Why the **** should the rest of us have to pay for your inability to recognise the fact that you can't ingest 8000 calories a day for 5 years and remain healthy! **** THAT

SHOOT EM ! ! ! !

and us thier fat to make natural tit implants.....