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  1. Q

    religion the art of disimformation

    Please don't get my wrong I agree with what you've said Cogito Ergo Sum. I also agree the the Mahabharata one of the greatest works written and yes alot of the bible has been taken from its pages. I didn't know wikipedia has some info on it. As to how the bible mentioning Tiberius is a huge...
  2. Q

    organized religion can suck my balls

    Organized religion is the opiate for the primitive mind. The more supersticious and unsure a person is, the more religious they are, the more defensive about there beliefs and closed minded to the truth. Belief in god does not equal religion and religion does not mean you believe in god. Is the...
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    religion the art of disimformation

    I have also read part of the Mahabharata, but I do not class it as a religious book, to me its lessons on life and asks questions of humanity. I aslo like the art of war by SUN TZU which is without doubt one of the greatest works written. Back to the...
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    religion the art of disimformation

    Vietnam was a result of two opposing idological points of view, one being communism, which has been discribed buy its followers as a religion. ww1 started as a spat between the royal families of england and germany, one prodistant one catholic. ww2 was the left over result of ww1, also the...
  5. Q

    religion the art of disimformation

    There is no proof that aliens have visited earth. But there is no proof than anything in the bible(s) happened, but we are still expected to believe? Umm sounds like a flaming pile of **** to me. Also to the statement that it is phycially impossible to travel from one solar system to another...
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    religion the art of disimformation

    I like you quote Hogo at that bottom of your post. But you have missed the point of John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859. I quote "The worth of a State, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it; and a State which postpones the interests of their mental expansion and...
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    religion the art of disimformation

    Rodney Stark views are based on a religious sociological view point so his work will always be bias towards this point of view. As far as saying Judaism and Christianity have enabled the development of democracy, I would like to point out that the princibles of modern democracy come from the...
  8. Q

    religion the art of disimformation

    I will start by saying organized religion is the true root and cause of all war, hatred and fear that has held back the technological, social and Intellectual development of the human race for more that three thousand years. How does it do this, the answer is simple, disimformation. How do you...