organized religion can suck my balls


Jan 23, 2006
i hate the fact that in a "bible thumper's" eyes, if you enjoy your life, your condemned to purgatory. to live is to sin, you only have one life to live, blah blah and all that happy horseshit. those aren't just mindless babblings of a 98 year old satanist with cerebral pulsey, they're TRUE. Look, I'm all for believing in a higher power, but people, for ****s sake, don't get caught up in the notion that you have to sacrifice your only life to have a descent AFTERLIFE, worry about that **** when it happens. cheers.
BassMasta said:
i hate the fact that in a "bible thumper's" eyes, if you enjoy your life, your condemned to purgatory. to live is to sin, you only have one life to live, blah blah and all that happy horseshit. those aren't just mindless babblings of a 98 year old satanist with cerebral pulsey, they're TRUE. Look, I'm all for believing in a higher power, but people, for ****s sake, don't get caught up in the notion that you have to sacrifice your only life to have a descent AFTERLIFE, worry about that **** when it happens. cheers.
[/"To Live A Live Of Sin Is To Live A Good Life"- Matt Jackson]
Welcome to GF BassMasta, enjoy ranting and raving about.. everything and post good quality threads to increase your knowledge and understanding. :)

Organized religion can suck my balls as well and also lick my scrotum sack and give me a rim job.
Gee whiz, another baseless and pointless rant about religion. How enlightening. I am personally opposed to organized religion, but if your gonna bitch about it please try and make your point come across a little more intelligent. There are some people here that will run you over hot coals for coming with such a weak statement cough cough Papabryant cough cough .

My opinion on it is that organized religion is in the business of selling mortality insurance for the insecure masses. I don't know of anyone who subscribes to a religion without some sort of monetary donation to the cause. Which makes me suspicious from the get go. If you choose to believe in such things then do it without paying some crooked bastards.
Agreed, if organized relgion esp. born-again christianity really believed what they preached then they wouldn't need to collect tithes, because the Lord would provide, right? Give your tithes right to the poor not to a corrupt organizaton who will fruitlessly waste it on plasma tvs and italian leather boots then try to justfy their gluttony by quoting some verse from the bble whch is completely out of context. Jesus said something like "what you have done for these (the poor and needy) the least of my brothers you have done for me." So I think it's better to give your money right to Jesus than some fat, rich idiot who can't tell the dfference between a christian and a republican.
....who can't tell the difference between a Christian and a republican.

Is there a difference? Politics dance very eloquently with religion as they both share a common motivation.
using content words doesnt make your statement any more valid than mine jhony, you said the exact thing i did, i just made it understandible for stupid people
Organized religion is the opiate for the primitive mind. The more supersticious and unsure a person is, the more religious they are, the more defensive about there beliefs and closed minded to the truth.
Belief in god does not equal religion and religion does not mean you believe in god.
Is the priest who rapes a child closer to god, or is the child he abused?
Belief in god does not equal religion and religion does not mean you believe in god.
Is the priest who rapes a child closer to god, or is the child he abused?

Good points, that is exactly why I don't believe in religion even though I am a christian. I am an intellectual, a thinker and I don't believe in any institution which inhibits my own interpretation of what I have read (or interprets it for me i.e. The Papacy). What I have a problem with is people who totally write off spirituality in general, and I think many would agree with me.