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  1. Led_Zep_Sx

    Your fired you lazy piece of ****.

    well good luck with that. i would say aim for the college kids i guess. most of the time they can't afford to quit their job. i could be wrong.
  2. Led_Zep_Sx

    Your fired you lazy piece of ****.

    wonder how the pizza place is goin?
  3. Led_Zep_Sx

    Van vandalism sinks wedding plans

    stupid ****ing women...that's just wrong
  4. Led_Zep_Sx

    Loud Music

    I'd rather listen to that mexican kind of guys know what i'm talkin about....over that new rnb **** you gotta crank rockin like a hurricane by the scorpions
  5. Led_Zep_Sx

    Loud Music

    The people on youtube seem to love it...haha
  6. Led_Zep_Sx

    Loud Music

    Well I guess you would know grandpa, but instead of insulting people randomly why don't you show us where you found ur facts, cuz the last time i checked....repeated noise levels of 80db or above can cause permanent hearing loss. I think you've lost ur "edge".
  7. Led_Zep_Sx

    Loud Music

    uhhh....yea right
  8. Led_Zep_Sx

    VA shooting

    What floor were they on?
  9. Led_Zep_Sx

    VA shooting

    forgot to add...nice job by the his name and face everywhere. it's exactly what he wanted so lets just give it to him right? I don't think his name or face should have been mentioned at all, he's not worth it! Who cares about the victims right...I don't think I've seen their names...
  10. Led_Zep_Sx

    VA shooting

    so unless you're the juggernaut i don't see running as an option
  11. Led_Zep_Sx

    VA shooting

    according to the media the once he was in the room he chained the doors shut.
  12. Led_Zep_Sx

    The Lost Wallet Test

    One time i was in a crowded area and seen someone drop a 10 and i saw the back of his head. I picked it up and tried to find that head again, but it was too late. So i said f ck it and put it in my pocket. One time some guy was paying the cashier at a restaurant and then it was my turn to pay...
  13. Led_Zep_Sx

    Your fired you lazy piece of ****.

    Jeez, i knew some kids in Columbus were pretty pathetic, but you'd think you could find some decent help. Don't worry man pizza hut had the same problem when I worked there back in college. Don't hesitate to fire them though, if you think they are stealing, they most likely are, and yes most of...
  14. Led_Zep_Sx

    VA shooting

    No I haven't, but I'm guessing it'd be like driving with a cell phone. Most people can't do both at the same time. I'm thinking when he's reloading probably several times to injure that many people, you'd have a chance to do something. Ur absolutely right. It's not going to do any good to make...
  15. Led_Zep_Sx

    I am proud of Britney Spears.

    I always thought she was a dirty least everyone else is finally realizing it.
  16. Led_Zep_Sx

    Utter Bullshit...

    I was gonna bring up this topic but someone beat me to it. I saw it on the news and they interviewed the husband. Seemed like a pretty nice and normal guy. She knew he was a busy man and obviously cared about his money, cuz she probably married him for it in the first place. I was gonna state as...
  17. Led_Zep_Sx

    Fat Chicks!!!

    This one wigger (white gangster wannabe) said what's up nigga....I was like say what???? But the dude was huge so i was like hey and walked away very quickly. That pissed me off though. Oh I know fat bitches like that and yea you just gotta tell em they are fat, it works most of the time.
  18. Led_Zep_Sx

    chick flicks, stop the pain

    I just watched Spanglish...biggest waste of 2hrs of my life...well idk about that but it wasn't a very good movie.
  19. Led_Zep_Sx

    Making out at the gym

    I was working out at the Y and lifting weights. When there's a couple making out right by all the barbells when I want to do my curls. It pisses me off enough when theres guys that bring their gfs in the first place. But you don't need to be kissing and touching in front of everyone. What's next...
  20. Led_Zep_Sx

    Columbus-another stoplight

    Umm hes the one who brought it up, why can't I respond on here...does this piss you off? well too bad...