I am proud of Britney Spears.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Yes I have gained infamy on the net with such subjects as "**** BRITNEY SPEARS" and I stand behind every word. But I think I must speak out in defense of Ms. Spears this time around.

She has made the first step in improving her life.

Shave that ****ing hair off and never do a god damn thing to it ever again except wash it and comb it... for ****s sake !!

Now take all that god damn makeup off, and let the ****ing press have their "LOOK AT BRITNEY NOW" bullshit jizzfest of media fodder till it wares out, and spend the rest of the money you made with the 15 minutes of fame you squandered and whored yourself out for, and use it to give your children a life of self worth and education.

Yeah, I might be a dick, but my ethics are actually quite family oriented.

But I truly believe that stupid bitch Britney would be a happier person if she just lives her life out of the spotlight, and remembers the 15 minutes she had like alot of others before her, and the many to come after.

Otherwise, quit ****ing crying about how ****ing mad you are people follow you around when you purposely do **** that you know will make people want to photograph you.

That would be called attention whoring now , wouldn't it ??
Britney is a ****ed up ****. She no longer has her personal image consultants to hide behind or fix her. The public has had a glimpse of her true self and it isn't pretty. I would love to see her fade from the spotlight. She is nothing short of irritating.
She is obviously crying for help. It's scary that K Fed is now appearing to be the sane and rational one in their relationship.
K-Fed does seem to be the more sane of the two. And after seeing this stunt he should be leaping for joy he is away from that dumb bitch.

As much as we want her to ****ing go away, imagine how bad it is going to be if she dies. We will NEVER, EVER hear the end of it.
Outlaw2747 said:
K-Fed does seem to be the more sane of the two. And after seeing this stunt he should be leaping for joy he is away from that dumb bitch.

As much as we want her to ****ing go away, imagine how bad it is going to be if she dies. We will NEVER, EVER hear the end of it.

There is actually a blog that is taking bets she would be dead by the end of 2007. Some said a few weeks, some said a matter of days, months, etc. I should be upset at this but in reality could not care less. She is in self-destruct mode at the moment and is just a general annoyance.
Phantom said:
There is actually a blog that is taking bets she would be dead by the end of 2007. Some said a few weeks, some said a matter of days, months, etc. I should be upset at this but in reality could not care less. She is in self-destruct mode at the moment and is just a general annoyance.

General annoyance? She is the attention whore queen. She is one of the most abominable celebrities in recent history. And the sad fact is since our country sees celebrites that act like complete and total idiots as heroes (as opposed to scientists, soldiers, cops, etc.) Britney has a huge amount of followers who will do the whole "stupid ass see, stupid ass do".
Outlaw2747 said:
And the sad fact is since our country sees celebrites that act like complete and total idiots as heroes (as opposed to scientists, soldiers, cops, etc.)

but if you tell them they are worthless you go to jail HOW IS THAT JUSTICE?!

ever notice that the only people that hold nationally televised awards shows several times a year and vote for themselves are movie and tv celebs?

I wonder what the media would do if all Navy Cross and Medal of Honor presentations were televised nationally. bet there would be allot of bitching.

there is something to be said for modesty...
smutt butt said:
How long will it be before she does a "anna nichole"?

not fast enough, wasn't she murderd? they found pills in her fridge and what's-his-**** killed her son too or something...
What in the name of **** caused her to start acting like an angst-ridden teenager in the first place? Wouldn't someone who gets paid millions to lip sync and to act like a five cent whore have VERY LITTLE TO BE PISSED OFF ABOUT? Well at least not enough to digress to the point of having THAT extreme of a temper tantrum?
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
What in the name of **** caused her to start acting like an angst-ridden teenager in the first place? Wouldn't someone who gets paid millions to lip sync and to act like a five cent whore have VERY LITTLE TO BE PISSED OFF ABOUT? Well at least not enough to digress to the point of having THAT extreme of a temper tantrum?

Not enough dick or no chicks to kiss in front of millions will drive a 5 cent whore to the brink of insanity.
You take away her money, glamour, fame, and name; all you have left is poor white trash. And that's all she is or will ever be.

That goes double for Anna Nicole Smith.
RoyalOrleans said:
You take away her money, glamour, fame, and name; all you have left is poor white trash. And that's all she is or will ever be.

That goes double for Anna Nicole Smith.

Well said. Rep worthy.
Last I saw of that skank, she looks like the cleaning lady that does the lavs at the local skive.

She now has swimmer's shoulders?
Her life is no more perfect then yours or mine. Imagine if every move you made, every mistake you committed, was broadcast and mass printed to entertain every loser with nothing better to do than judge a complete stranger.

Shaving her head was a way for her to say "**** YOU" to the paparazzi and every piece of shat that gets off on reading exaggerated accounts of her supposed "downfall". Probably also a manner of washing away her pop-star image.

Shes going through a divorce and watching her family get ripped apart. Add to that her world-wide fame and fortune, and its easy to say that none of you have the slightest clue what its like being her.

How can anyone say her antics are any worse than the same **** y'all pulled when you were her age?

**** you people....a lot of young women run around with their friends drinking beer and smoking grass, all while wearing no panties. A lot of people have kids whom have an accident and get a bump on their head.

Britney worked hard as a coal miner on her first two albums, all while trying to be a teenager. Six to seven day weeks that stretched on for many months. Recording, performing and attending publicity events. When she was off work she has been stalked night and day by throngs of paparazzi with fully zoomed cameras, just waiting for her to bend over to get her morning paper and show some ass. Then they can have their headline....:"Wild Britney shows skin in public":

Next time you hear a **** scandal report doggin Mrs. Spears and you think to yourself how trashy she is. Just remember, she could buy and sell your poor ass.
Not because she was born rich. Because she worked her ass off for those ends.
Jhony5 said:
Her life is no more perfect then yours or mine. Imagine if every move you made, every mistake you committed, was broadcast and mass printed to entertain every loser with nothing better to do than judge a complete stranger.

Shaving her head was a way for her to say "**** YOU" to the paparazzi and every piece of shat that gets off on reading exaggerated accounts of her supposed "downfall". Probably also a manner of washing away her pop-star image.

Shes going through a divorce and watching her family get ripped apart. Add to that her world-wide fame and fortune, and its easy to say that none of you have the slightest clue what its like being her.

How can anyone say her antics are any worse than the same **** y'all pulled when you were her age?

**** you people....a lot of young women run around with their friends drinking beer and smoking grass, all while wearing no panties. A lot of people have kids whom have an accident and get a bump on their head.

Britney worked hard as a coal miner on her first two albums, all while trying to be a teenager. Six to seven day weeks that stretched on for many months. Recording, performing and attending publicity events. When she was off work she has been stalked night and day by throngs of paparazzi with fully zoomed cameras, just waiting for her to bend over to get her morning paper and show some ass. Then they can have their headline....:"Wild Britney shows skin in public":

Next time you hear a **** scandal report doggin Mrs. Spears and you think to yourself how trashy she is. Just remember, she could buy and sell your poor ass.

It's called jealousy. The successful hot girls with self esteem are always hated by ugly people who can't stand the fact there are hot people who are in excellent shape and don't feel the need to hide their body.