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  1. R

    LP n00bs

    Well I heard one guy say in WID that was the only song in which the guy (he didn't know the name!), was singing. He also said in ALL other songs he was SHOUTING LIKE A RABID MADMAN. He said WID was a blessing for LP... =.=""
  2. R

    What happens at Midnight?

    Well, to me it wasn't really AMAZING ya know... Just a simple change and that's it. :P
  3. R

    What happens at Midnight?

    Yes. Right, that is :P
  4. R

    What happens at Midnight?

    84... This is not spam. EDIT: Lol now it's 64... Can't wait to see what'll happen... EDIT2: Getting really close now... 14... EDIT3: 4... EDIT4 (I promise it's the last): 2!
  5. R

    What happens at Midnight?

    136 minutes now... Hey tell ya guys what. In my country it's 12.45pm now. Want me to tell you what'll happen? It's fine by me.
  6. R

    Which album are are you looking forward to more?

    KoRn is my fav. among the four, so yeah. Although I kinda like Taproot. :P
  7. R

    MOST Purchased...

    Duh. WTF?!?! I hate JZ personally, thus hating CC. Duh. Mhmm. What's'at mean. HT: Duh. Duh. Re-An: Well, I preferred many other songs than EEN. Again, the only official one. M: I hated Numb, after a while. The vid is awesome, tho. CC: Not gonna say. See above. Sorry if...
  8. R

    Least Purchased...

    Oh no Session?... My fav. of Meteora... Easier to Run was kinda emo, IMO. LOL. What do you expect. It's a CC song. LiT sucked too. (shows you how much of a fan I am) Ok... (?) HT: I disliked BM, but liked CFTI. PPC was ok, I guess. Re-An OMG Riff Raff is teh...
  9. R

    The I bought MTM thread^^

    I am angry. I went to my CD shop today. Looked around. Didn't find it. Asked the counter dude why. He said it'd arrive at... 5-6pm!!! (it was around 11.30am at the time, when it just opened) I couldn't go back later as my mom well, you know... Then, I pre-ordered it so I could get it on...
  10. R

    Is Minutes to Midnight...

    Well, a little, like Valentines' Day and whatnot. But it's not really EMO emo.
  11. R

    MTM Officially OUT in Cyprus !!

    Lol. Jealousy strikes me... Ah well, 1 more day's not that bad. *waits in frustrated anticipation*
  12. R

    [Blue vs. Orange]

    Blue FTW!!!
  13. R

    [Web Browser]

    IE... I tried FF once but I can't remember how it was like anymore... And I can't use it cause it ****s on my comp... Lol.
  14. R

    minutes to midnight title.

    Aah. Oh no. The world is gonna explode. Help. What am I gonna do. Oh yeah. It'll long before I die when that happens. :) No wait. It's not. Aah. Aah. Aaaaaaaaaaaah. :(((( (Hope you guys don't think this is spam :P) Damn, I'm scared of the 2012 thing. But if it were real, what would end the...
  15. R

    MTM Officially OUT in Cyprus !!

    Well, the designs, except the cd one, were kinda lame, but well, what can I do? Hah. :) Why is it released in Cyprus already? I thought it was 14/15.05... Unreliable dates. :)
  16. R

    [Bad Habits]

    Biting nails and the skin around them. Hehe... Scratching my hair. Going to the mirror to check my face, etc. Drooling when sleeping (I can't help it!). Drooling on purpose on the floor (not in the house, of course). Sleeping with my glasses on (if it counts as a bad habit). Using the...
  17. R

    Video compression: DivX vs Xvid vs WMV

    WMV coz I haven't heard of Xvid or DivX haha...
  18. R released

    Aww, that's too bad. Well, hope you can get it back sooner or later... :)
  19. R

    [One Square Of Toilet Paper]

    Lol saw this on the front page and all it said was "Good Idea?" so I clicked WTF?... But I think no. I need at least 5 squares for a clean butt :)
  20. R

    >>>[ Jess' Stuff ]<<<
