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  1. Asmodai

    Girl Expelled Because Parents Are Lesbians

    Tizz... a lesbian version of you would scare the crap out of LESBIANS.
  2. Asmodai

    Anti-Rape Condom Unveiled

    I personally wouldn't be able to do it, since I have problems putting anything into my vagina, but... It's a pretty interesting idea. Easily abused, though. I can definitely see myself in a spiteful mood putting one of those on, seducing a random stranger, and running off cackling into the night...
  3. Asmodai

    Girl Expelled Because Parents Are Lesbians

    Or have her parents send her to a school that they know she won't have to keep secrets in.
  4. Asmodai

    Day of Silence/Day of Truth... which one?

    The contenders? The Day of Silence - in which gay kids and their friends spend a day being quiet as a metaphor for their harassment and exclusion. The goal is to eventually in a weird, "national day of ___" way, get people to eventually be nicer to them at school...
  5. Asmodai

    Girl Expelled Because Parents Are Lesbians

    I talked about this at school, actually. They have every right to kick her out, although they're flaming assholes for doing it. But... they're a private school, that's their choice. And although there ARE laws determining rights/policies that all schools have to have, not discriminating against...
  6. Asmodai

    On behalf of underling -

    He's sitting right here and wondering why he can't log in. So, I'm using my account to ask. Thanks all
  7. Asmodai

    What the hell is WRONG with us?

    I'm only on for a second, but honestly... What the **** is happening that the whole country can't get together a little rescue effort? Yes, these people stayed where they were when a hurricane was coming. Though, lots of them probably either couldn't afford to get out or had nowhere to go...
  8. Asmodai

    Look at me! I'm an attention whore! (My pic)

    heh, thanks guys. And believe me, phreak, I posted the picture BECAUSE I wanted you to do terrible things to it. ...I guess it's my way of seeking attention and love. =P By the way - that's 16% of the original size. These new cameras are scary - zoom in on the original and you can see the...
  9. Asmodai

    Look at me! I'm an attention whore! (My pic)

    Miniscule feet, and.... do they really look lopsided? Thanks, critter, now I have something to keep me awake at night. XD
  10. Asmodai

    Look at me! I'm an attention whore! (My pic)

    Of coourse. XD I was only borrowing it, I swear.
  11. Asmodai

    Look at me! I'm an attention whore! (My pic)

    Don't worry, I'm not one of them. Although there is a little pang when my mom calls me "really fat", but I guess that's understandable. XD
  12. Asmodai

    Look at me! I'm an attention whore! (My pic)

    Nah. I'm actually one of those people who criticize themselves and don't expect anyone to immediately follow up with "Nooo, you're fiiineee". I'm really just hard on myself, and wanted people to have an idea of what I looked like. -Shrug-
  13. Asmodai

    Gas prices are HIGH? Not nearly high enough

    On another note... My father was interviewed on the local news today and he quoted this thread. He figures it'll be edited out, but I'm gonna watch for it anyway.
  14. Asmodai

    Having to read Fox news every other day at school

    Depends on your view of right... And the phrase "Anti American organisms" is going to keep me awake laughing for a week. Thanks.
  15. Asmodai

    Look at me! I'm an attention whore! (My pic)

    Heh... Thanks, but honestly, I only read cosmo occasionally for the laughs. I just have harsh standards for myself. ^ ^
  16. Asmodai

    Look at me! I'm an attention whore! (My pic)

    I don't know why I'm doing this - probably because I find the thought of one of you getting pissed and photoshopping my head onto a lewd picture kinda flattering. That, and now I'm open to physical insults. Now, I'm the first to admit that I'm a fat, pimply bitch, so if you want to really...
  17. Asmodai

    Having to read Fox news every other day at school

    I really hope you don't have that high of an opinion of peanut butter... I hate Bill O'Reilly. Well, not really hate - he doesn't deserve that. The point is he's a goddamn idiot and he really, really annoys me. And to quote Patton Oswald... Why do the conservative extremist assholes have all...
  18. Asmodai

    Too many stereotypes at once

    Well, it SHOULDN'T happen, goddamn, it SHOULDN'T. Not at ****ing NASCAR. -sob-
  19. Asmodai

    People copying your stuff and showing it to everyone before it should have been shown

    Meep. I actually DID give him permission to copy it, but he'd asked if he could burn a copy for himself because he liked it so much. Okay, I figured this would be fine, considering he'd already seen it, and it IS a pretty great little movie. The boy should have at least ASKED before showing it...
  20. Asmodai

    Peeing on the goddamn toilet seats.

    LOL, good idea, Vortex. I actually get uncomfortable when people want to come into the bathroom with me... I'm one of those people that go to great lengths to make sure they're alone when they relieve themselves. XD What also gets me is when, at school, a whole TEAM of little girls will swarm...