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  1. M

    What Can America Do To Improve It's Global Reputation?

    First off, for the record I'm no right wing American lover. However, can America ever be right? It seems that no matter what the yanks do these days they'll be criticised for it. If they use force they're policing the world and if they ignore wrongdoing they're the stuck up western pigs who...
  2. M

    Is talking on a cell phone too distracting to drive?

    I read something about this not too long ago. A study was done on driving while talking on your cell and apparently it has nothing to do with your hands, but rather it's what's going on in your head. Your attention is on talking, taking away from your overall awareness. Personally I only talk...
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    Wolf Creek

    If you can get past the first half hour of utter bore, it's a pretty good movie. I recommend fast forwarding the movie by 25 mins.
  4. M

    Builder is a very BAD boy!

    Builder is a pretty good guy. I've known him for a little over two years now and can vouch for his sensibilities. I have no idea what his moderation style is like, but I would assume it reflects his laidback personality. Stormin gets my vote. :) Kudos.
  5. M

    I Hate American Idol!

    American Idol is for people with poor attention spans if you ask me. Who even remembers the winners two years after the fact anyway? I sure as hell don't. Kelly Clarkson and that Clay Whathislastname... The music is all manufactured and crap. That's just my $0.02 Enjoy
  6. M

    Your best pick-up line.

    Are you cute? I've been drinking.