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  1. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Oh how hurt i am that you called me a fag, wow how witty and clever are you, not.Listen sausage jockey we all know you and Phreakwars/Benny are up each others arse but not everyone is as sad and lonley as you pair, if that is the best insult you have you need to go back to kindergarden and learn...
  2. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Yawn, zzzzzzzz
  3. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Wow didn't realise i was arguing with a five year old, at least your posts will cure insomnia.
  4. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Oh look Benny the coward is back from behind his mod board, typical cowardly behaviour though attack but cry when attacked back, well cry Benny because you make me cry with laughter reading your inane posts.So what else you going to ban me on next Mr Coward.
  5. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Is that the best you got little pictures of a lesser known 80s actor, who cares who you idolise but don't you think that inviting ridicule is a tad silly, so the sign says you are a homo, i do not care what your sexuality is pal so why inform me are you so desperate for friends you jump on the...
  6. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Oh look another immature cretin slimes out of the woodwork, way to show your maturity.I would call you a moron but eh morons haven't done me any harm, anyway why do i wish to see your picture i don't care what you look like pal.
  7. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    First of all is this place a debate or flame board because i all i see are flames.Second i take it Benny as boxed me for whatever pathetic reason he has because i cannot make new threads and it says i am banned, wow that was damn quick even for me.So Benny tell me why, yes i know it was you...
  8. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Please reread what was posted, it was not called a race it was said to be four different races.
  9. C

    Top Stories > Israel completes withdrawal from Lebanon (AP)

    I do not agree with what is happening with the war in the middle east but i to am pissed off that the Israelis can do what they want without condemnation even down to killing un inspectors, civilian peace protestors, they go up against some kid who has a few stones with guns, yet no one...
  10. C

    Abusive, Bullying Bastards never change!

    Revenge is a dish better served cold, be carefull when you strike has he already assumes you are going to do something, make sure if you do the poster campaign that everything you put in it you can prove and then it is not illegal, that is the best idea aswell.If you word it correctly it can be...
  11. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Oh look another southern softie who cannot read.I am not a Brit i am ****ing English and should i let some idiot have a go without defending myself, typical Londoner.
  12. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    This from the country that butchered the English language, that is a joke lmao
  13. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Ohh look a clever twat, nice try though for a benny look alike.:cool:
  14. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Is that idiot really a mod or just a wanna be mod.
  15. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Well thanks for that you *****, at least you saved me wasting time on a ****ed up site like this, if you are a mod i am surprised this place lasted so long.Well that was a quick one but to be a dickhead like you must of taken some time.See you knobhead.
  16. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Whatever,i agree with your signature.
  17. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    I am English but i have to agree since Joe Montana went they haven,t done anything of note.I am a soccer fan and my team is Everton.
  18. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    hi Floyd here from the best damn country in the world England yes England not the British isles or Great Britain because i am English not British, well there you have it that is me not very political though i do have my views, im old 38 yrs old so i have been through a time when things were...