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  1. C

    Hating The Fat Lifestyle

    We don't hate fat people... we just make fun of them
  2. C

    Does a woman really need a man?

    Anything can change, but my beliefs rarely and I mean RARELY do. Some women are desperate to not be alone, but I was alone and I learned to enjoy it and deal with it. I got comfortable to be without and that's when I found Will. Being desperate nearly every single time means you will end up with...
  3. C

    Does a woman really need a man?

    I don't believe in divorce.
  4. C

    Does a woman really need a man?

    You don't need to be all needy, but it is nice, speaking as a woman about to marry, to have someone share in your adventures. Sure you can do all the physical crap, but with whom are you going to share all your acheivements, joys, and sorrows with. And friends can only go so far. I thought...
  5. C

    whites who say there's no racism

    I despise the double standard racism is. There are some smart black people, hard working mexicans, but I don't believe that your ethnic background has anything to do with what you do with your life. Sure b/c of your background it will influence your path, but it doesn't lay claim to it. And if...
  6. C

    The idea that the US government is racsist

    Racism is so overly used anymore. It feels like it has lost some of its original meaning. No one should get special treatment just b/c their ancestors were once oppressed. The US government isn't racist, but it will use racism to acheive it's needs to succeed. Look at the new deal!