whites who say there's no racism

No offense to my own race but damn man, blacks are usually the first group of people to pull a race card from their pocket if things don't go their way.
Skaterdude409 said:
well waht do u expect? its walmart. they need dumb workers

****tard. Careful who you call dumb workers. I've known people that would start off as buggy haulers and in ten to twelve years become Division President.

Wal-Mart creates jobs and will employ virtually anyone, however can we really condemn a company that creates revenue for the town they are in? For Christ's sake, Wal-Mart (Along with Home Depot.) were the first to respond to Hurricane Katrina!
Skaterdude409 said:
they had thousands of years to do it. They never did. Stop making excuses for the ******s. Europeans lived under the same tribal conditions, you said it yourself, yet they moved on. blacks didnt. You know why? cuase their lazy stupid people.

Even today they gripe about slavery. NEWS FLASH. every race has been slaves at one time or another. Blacks are blood suckers trying to live off the rest of the human race while they sit on their asses. So stop making up excuses as to why they are so missunderstood or disfortunate

The reason why the more primitive cultures have not changed is because they're unable to due to the constraints of the tribal mentality. That is why the aboriginal culture in Australia had not developed or evolved in over 30,000 years, because no one was given the opportunity to question the status quo and that is the one thing that separates the cultures in Africa from Europe. But I would also like to point out, most of the developments in the western world have only occurred in the past 200 years, up to that time the sum of human knowledge had only doubled once, the curve has slowly increased and we are now the sum of human knowledge is doubling around ever seven years.
So even European cultures were primitive up to the late 1700s, hell we were still using the horse and cart up to the early 1900s, they were still used in WW1 to transport artillery and supplies.
Also it was the Asian cultures that were more advanced that the European cultures for thousands of years, the Japanese weaponry, military tactics, as well as medical and scientific discoveries were far more advanced than that of Europeans, not to mention the Chinese who were the creators of gun powered.
No race is superior or inferior to any other and to say one is, is ****ing narrow minded, stupid and just plain ****ing dumb.
Quarky1.0 said:
The reason why the more primitive cultures have not changed is because they're unable to due to the constraints of the tribal mentality. That is why the aboriginal culture in Australia had not developed or evolved in over 30,000 years, because no one was given the opportunity to question the status quo and that is the one thing that separates the cultures in Africa from Europe. But I would also like to point out, most of the developments in the western world have only occurred in the past 200 years, up to that time the sum of human knowledge had only doubled once, the curve has slowly increased and we are now the sum of human knowledge is doubling around ever seven years.
So even European cultures were primitive up to the late 1700s, hell we were still using the horse and cart up to the early 1900s, they were still used in WW1 to transport artillery and supplies.
Also it was the Asian cultures that were more advanced that the European cultures for thousands of years, the Japanese weaponry, military tactics, as well as medical and scientific discoveries were far more advanced than that of Europeans, not to mention the Chinese who were the creators of gun powered.
No race is superior or inferior to any other and to say one is, is ****ing narrow minded, stupid and just plain ****ing dumb.

what are you smoking. europeans were building castles, cathedrals, look at th roman empire. there are ruins throughout europe that show advancement form far before the 1700s. they started out with the same trbial roots as blacks. where are the blacks castles? stop saying the bullshit line about tribal rule. if they couldnt break it, it only shows how inferior they are to europeans

every one was using horses in the 19th century/ early 20th. whoi invernted the car? the white man it came form america. asian advancements just prove even further that the black race sucks. both races are superior to blacks
RoyalOrleans said:
****tard. Careful who you call dumb workers. I've known people that would start off as buggy haulers and in ten to twelve years become Division President.

Wal-Mart creates jobs and will employ virtually anyone, however can we really condemn a company that creates revenue for the town they are in? For Christ's sake, Wal-Mart (Along with Home Depot.) were the first to respond to Hurricane Katrina!

im was just pointing out the fact that walmart doesnt have the best track record when it comes to employee treatment and a lot of people wont work their because of it.
RoyalOrleans said:
****tard. Careful who you call dumb workers. I've known people that would start off as buggy haulers and in ten to twelve years become Division President.

Wal-Mart creates jobs and will employ virtually anyone, however can we really condemn a company that creates revenue for the town they are in? For Christ's sake, Wal-Mart (Along with Home Depot.) were the first to respond to Hurricane Katrina!

They do all that and provide jobs for the terminally stupid. God bless Wal-Mart.
Skaterdude409 said:
what are you smoking. europeans were building castles, cathedrals, look at th roman empire. there are ruins throughout europe that show advancement form far before the 1700s. they started out with the same trbial roots as blacks. where are the blacks castles? stop saying the bullshit line about tribal rule. if they couldnt break it, it only shows how inferior they are to europeans

every one was using horses in the 19th century/ early 20th. whoi invernted the car? the white man it came form america. asian advancements just prove even further that the black race sucks. both races are superior to blacks

Siegfried Marcus created the mobile combustion engine, he was not american! Henry ford was the first to mass produce it, he didn't not invent the mobile combustion engine.

The roman empire, if you don
hugo said:
They do all that and provide jobs for the terminally stupid. God bless Wal-Mart.

I have a cousin, whether he is terminally stupid or terminally lucky has yet to be determined, who has worked for Wal-Mart since he was sixteen years old. He is now forty-two and sits on the Atlanta Division's Board of Directors and is a General Manager of fifteen plus stores.

Wal-Mart put him through school, paid most of his tuition, helped him out with various expenses, provided counsel for his divorce last year, and the list is endless. The company is like the USMC, in that they have the ability to take care of their own. Whether its financial or psychological, Wal-Mart is there.

Wal-Mart, despite their hiring practices and the rank of people that frequent them, has become the center in whatever community they are in. I shop there, only at four in the morning, because the freaks start at eight and the ne'erdowells and scofflaws start at eleven.
I despise the double standard racism is. There are some smart black people, hard working mexicans, but I don't believe that your ethnic background has anything to do with what you do with your life. Sure b/c of your background it will influence your path, but it doesn't lay claim to it. And if it does then you are no better than the rednecks, nergros, and spics that people call you.

I don't believe it should really matter what color you are. The world is what you make it. And yes, there are those individuals who are racist and mean spirited, but those people are trash and should be ignored anyway.

For the people of the world, quit trying to prove something to the world. Prove it to yourself and screw the world.