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  1. C

    Insulting peoples children

    I know that is true. It's simply that IRL I have seen some very callous treatment of children(one of my neighbors), and it is doing a good job of eliminating my faith in people.
  2. C

    Insulting peoples children

    It sickens me that you think pedophilia is something to joke about. At least I hope you are joking, otherwise God help any children in your life.
  3. C

    Insulting peoples children

    Hey sick ****. My kid is 8 years old. You really sure that you want to post something like that? Even in jest, comments like that are taking it WAY too far dude.
  4. C

    Insulting peoples children

    Yeah, thats the truth... But some places here are a hell of a lot scarier than others. Let us not forget that Texas is also the home of the infamous Leslie....
  5. C

    Insulting peoples children

    NazzNegg, Thankyou for your response. I was reacting(yes, my error I realize) to Lashton's post. Had a bad day at work, and reacted accordingly...I know I shouldn't have. It would have been better to be much more calm when reading what that person wrote. What you said did ring true. I had...
  6. C

    Insulting peoples children

    Forget it. I came in here to clarify a few points, due to something NazzNegg said that rang true. I did NOT come in here to be blasted by people who ADAMANTLY refuse to consider the possibility that I(being someone that they do not even KNOW) just might be speaking the truth. Damn it, I realize...
  7. C

    Insulting peoples children

    Ok, I will give this one more shot. well I apologize for misspelling your name. Doing right by my child? Well, it's simple, really. When he was very young, obviously it began with the basics of making sure his immediate needs were met. Above and beyond that, were a myriad of other things...
  8. C

    Insulting peoples children

    NazzNeg, Whatever. I mean, really. You don't know me at all, and to make all these assumptions, just shows that you are unwilling to accept that there might be some people out there that do right by their kids. What I told you is fact. You can accept it or not, it makes no...
  9. C

    Insulting peoples children

    Couldn't be more wrong. As a matter of fact, every single thing you said was about as far off as a person can get. 1. His opinion onanything. I value what my child has to say. He doesn't always get his way, but he has learned that I will listen to him and consider what he has to say. It has...
  10. C

    Insulting peoples children

    True, children should not be visiting this forum, but that is neither here nor there. What does it say about a person, when the insulting resorts to being nasty about someones' kids? If someone has a problem with me, I expect them to be mature enough to take it up with ME, and not bring my...
  11. C

    Insulting peoples children

    Actually, I disagree. I have no need of providing proof to you regarding who I am, or why I am. I owe you nothing, as you are nothing more than words on a screen to me, at this point in my involvement in this forum. I barely know anyone here, therefore my life is not as yet an open book. As to...
  12. C

    Insulting peoples children

    No proof necessary. The only person whose opinion I care about is my child's. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other what people here think of me personally. I didn't start this thread to debate about myself anyway. Original intention was simply to state that it isn't right to bring...
  13. C

    Men Who Hit Women.

    I feel that violence in a relationship, coming from either direction, is unacceptable. It amazes me that there are some couples out there that seem to thrive on it. If either party feels that their only option is to act or react with violence, then that relationship doesn't need to continue. I...
  14. C

    Insulting peoples children

    You know, I did spend a short period of time thinking that exact thing, but then I realized that my SINGLE lapse in judgement resulted in a child that has proven to be the best part of my life. He, on the other hand, made multiple lapses of judgement that caused him to be tossed out on his ass...
  15. C

    Insulting peoples children

    I know that it is schoolyard tactics....but it is one thing that gets to me. I do view kids as innocents...even if they have shithead parents. My kid has a shithead dad, and I am here to tell you that he is a GREAT kid, despite that. Other than that, people can spew anything they want and it...
  16. C

    Insulting peoples children

    Ok, first of all, I know that I am new here, and I am still getting to know the place. I also realize that people are going to say whatever they are going to say.... But here is my gripe.... Those of us that are members here, are members knowing that there is going to be mud slung in our...
  17. C

    Idiot parents

    Preventing abuse and/or neglect is hardly a puritanical Christian value.
  18. C

    Idiot parents

    I agree. But she managed to have 5 kids. One lives with his father. One lives with her parents. 2 were adopted out, and the 10 year old will be in foster care. She's been kicked out of my apt complex...supposed to move out tomorrow. Thank God. My son doesn't need exposure to that kind of crap.
  19. C

    Social Expectations

    I agree with you...but like you said, your FULL attention was on your daughter. The woman who was nursing her child at my work was not focusing on her daughter. She was shopping. Meaning taking clothes off the racks, carrying them around(we do not have shopping carts, so this had to have been...
  20. C

    Idiot parents

    I think, strangely, that some people are afraid of calling it will make them be scrutinized themselves.... I honestly hope for the best for the 10 year old. I am hoping that his situation isn't so far gone that he can't come out of this with minimal scarring, but I think that may be...