Insulting peoples children

True, children should not be visiting this forum, but that is neither here nor there. What does it say about a person, when the insulting resorts to being nasty about someones' kids? If someone has a problem with me, I expect them to be mature enough to take it up with ME, and not bring my children into it.
Anything else is cowardly, as I see it. When someone resorts to that, it tells me that the reason behind the insulting in the first place is based on little more than hormonal, pissy behavior with no grounds in reality.
eddo said:
so the "grown ups" that you hang out with enjoy childish nicknames like "Captain Snacks" or "buffarillo" ???

You either got some immature friends, or they are mighty stupid to find either of those in any way humorous.
I have to give credit where credit is due. I got that line from a police officer working the picket line at Verizon when we were on strike, he was referring to this girl that worked there who was trying to tell the police what to do, real bossy? Anyhow, I laughed so hard when he referred to her as Captain Snacks. Never forgot it. :D
GF Admin said:
His opinion on what? the type of sugary goodness he will be eating in the form of his breakfast cereal? or maybe his opinion on when its time to go to bed perhaps. Or what TV show he will be watching etc... Unless your asking him his opinion on what brokerage firm you should be using or the benefits of one vehicles MPG -vs- another

Translation, your imprinting your son onto yourself so he can be emotionally crippled as an adult, your bitter and you do not get along with real people in the real ADULT world.... just a guess.

I bet you brought your son into the argument when you where getting a divorce, and over custody and I bet you didn't say nice things about his father then or now.

Your son will grow up to be an emotionally unstable adult man. On his journey to becoming an adult he will most likely be an addict of some kind (probably addicted to your prescription drugs) he will under-perform in school and he Will never take any responsibility for himself. He will be a loser.

Couldn't be more wrong. As a matter of fact, every single thing you said was about as far off as a person can get.

1. His opinion onanything. I value what my child has to say. He doesn't always get his way, but he has learned that I will listen to him and consider what he has to say. It has taught him to present a good case. Not a bad thing.
2. My not dating anyone has to do with the fact that I do not have tiime to waste on men right now. ****ing someone is not a priority, but raising my son in a good, healthy, loving environment is. I don't need a man to facilitate that. I am extremely busy trying to make a good life for my child and myself. I get along great with people, but have no tolerance for assholes or idiots.
3. Despite the shitty things his father has done, both then and now, I have CONSISTENTLY encouraged a relationship between my son and his father. I have gone out of my way to facilitate it.(To the point of giving my ex money so he would have no excuse not to take our son to a movie.)

I have never spoken ill of his father. To this day, my son has NO idea what the real reason behind the divorce is.As far as he knows, his father and I just couldn't live together any more. reading your response to me, the only person who seems bitter is you, NazzNeg. A woman do you wrong somewhere?
GF Admin said:
Not bitter at all, just pointing out your bullshit, and as far as a woman doing me wrong wellllllll any woman can do me wrong, sideways, upside down, bending over and on her knees for all I care.... But since you brought that up, the woman doing a man "wrong" thing, is that even possible?? How exactly can a woman "do" a "man" wrong?? sexually speaking I believe it would be close to impossible. relationship speaking I guess you don't know us "Men" so good, do us "wrong" as you say and we simply move on, we continue our journey in life and forget all about you... we give it all closure and move on... The best part is we get to meet new people and become a better person outselves having learned from the whole experiance... what do women do?? dwell... thats what they do, as far as money goes phuttt!!! on that, men can make more money, or we can live in a tent, most of us really dont care which one it is. Ooo I would say you are plenty bitter about your life, and it is a safe bet you will screw that kid up for the rest of his life.

Nazzy boy, are you on better meds or am I? Because you are starting to make sense again.

Whatever. I mean, really. You don't know me at all, and to make all these assumptions, just shows that you are unwilling to accept that there might be some people out there that do right by their kids.

What I told you is fact. You can accept it or not, it makes no difference to me. I know who I am, and how I live my life. Thats what matters, and not your miniscule little opinion.

You are right. I could easily have taken the time away from my child, that he needed after his Dad left. I could have gone out with men, and found him another daddy... BUT, thats not who I am. I feel it is more important to be independent, and a strong constant figure in my child's life...especially since his father essentially abandoned him for another woman and the ready made family she had.

However you are going to see things as you see them. I am not interested any longer in trying to show you your errored thinking. You don't know me, and apparently will never know me, as you have already decided(through a computer screen, no less) exactly who you think I am.

Too bad that you will never know how wrong you are. I am not going to waste my time with this anymore.
GF Admin said:
Thats NazzNegg with 2 G's please.

What do you consider doing right by your children?

What you have told me is your opinion of events, in most cases an individuals opinion of events is skewed towards their point of view, a rare individual it is, who is truly objective about such things. And you are correct my opinion is absolutely valueless, however i am not presenting my opinion, I am drawing conclusions based on probabilities, observation and in some cases experience. While you can deny the specifics you can not deny the broader paint strokes that encompass human tendencies. In denying such things you are simply highlighting them as truer then others, by refusing to lay it out and discuss it you are in effect admitting to it, as well as denying what is common human reactions and motivations, you are saying you are not human, not governed by the usual human response mechanisms, and that, unless you are an alien, is impossible.

I am going to see things as you present them, no more no less.

I can not mourn for losing something I never had. In your giving up you may be losing what it is you have been looking for. Scared is not a way to go through life.
Ok, I will give this one more shot.

well I apologize for misspelling your name.

Doing right by my child? Well, it's simple, really. When he was very young, obviously it began with the basics of making sure his immediate needs were met. Above and beyond that, were a myriad of other things, that made him feel loved. Giving him my time and attention, socializing him, teaching him right from wrong, reading to him from an early age, so that he picked up on it early.(He was reading books on his own before kinder, and is now on a 6th grade reading level in 3rd grade.)
After his father left, there was a lot more involved in doing right by him, because it became more and more obvious that I would be the ONLY parent, effectively. When his father and I "had it out" about his affair, my son was at school. His father moved out that day(before school let out), but when he came back over the weekend to pick up his things, I insisted that we tell our son together that we were going to get a divorce. I made sure that my son knew(and still make sure he knows) that the divorce was no where near his fault, and that it simply happened because his father and I could not live together any more.
Unfortunately, his father couldn't stick to the story. He not only moved the girlfriend he cheated with in with him immediately, but got her pregnant within 2 months. All this happening while he essentially ignored his son...calling and telling him he would see him the following weekend, then calling me to tell me he couldn't come see him, because he was out of gas money, or because she wanted to do something that weekend, so he would have to reschedule his visit with our son.
I have spent a lot of time, over the past 3 years undoing the damage that my ex leaves in his wake. Most recently a trip that my ex took to disney world (via a disney cruise) with the girlfriend, her daughter, and their son. My son was not invited.(told by his father that he didn't invite him because he lives with me. Despite the fact that in private, I made it clear to my ex that he was welcome to take Jordan.) Yet they were "kind"enough to show him all the pictures from the trip, and the souvenirs that they bought for themselves, and that the other kids came home with.
I will admit that there have been many times that I have been tempted to blast my ex in front of my son, but I haven't done it. I won't do that to my child. I WANT him to have a good relationship with his father. I have done everything in my power to facilitate that, but I cannot force the man to visit his son. I don't speak negatively about him to my child. Just as I do not talk negatively about my ex's child with the girlfriend. This child is my son's half brother, and despite the child's origins, I encourage a good relationship between he and his brother. Family is important.

Of COURSE, I was hurt by the way things went with my ex. It kills me every time I see my childs' heart break due to his fathers' callousness. But I have not, and will not contribute to his heartbreak by fighting with his dad, in front of him or not. I keep a blog, for that very reason, as well as attend a divorce group once a week. These things help me to vent my frustrations without causing my son to be in the line of fire. I have moved on with my life, but have simply chosen to not move on with another man. A relationship is not a priority for me right now. My son, my work, my education(I am going back to school), and maintaining my home and my financial stability...those are my priorities. Perhaps one day I will make room for a relationship, but not right now. I have too much else on my plate, and I refuse to allow myself to get into the position I was in before. When I enter into a relationship next, I will be standing on my own 2 feet, and can have a relationship that is on equal footing. Depending on my undependable ex was my biggest mistake, and one that I have learned from.
well I apologize for misspelling your name.
Well good spelling does show good maturity, nah bullshit, i couldn't resist saying that.

Doing right by my child? Well, it's simple, really. When he was very young, obviously it began with the basics of making sure his immediate needs were met.
OMFG this is not a parenting guide is it!
Above and beyond that, were a myriad of other things, that made him feel loved. Giving him my time and attention, socializing him, teaching him right from wrong
"Yes son, Mum is right, DAD is a **** sucking conniving little ****en piece of dog ****"
reading to him from an early age, so that he picked up on it early.(He was reading books on his own before kinder, and is now on a 6th grade reading level in 3rd grade.)
Why he'll never read again, once he discovers movies allow him to see the sex rather than read about it!
After his father left, there was a lot more involved in doing right by him, because it became more and more obvious that I would be the ONLY parent
WRONG whoo hoo, here comes the clue train, next stop is you, YOU are NOT the ONLY parent, and never WILL be, there will always be HIS dad, even when dead!
effectively. When his father and I "had it out" about his affair, my son was at school. His father moved out that day(before school let out), but when he came back over the weekend to pick up his things, I insisted that we tell our son together that we were going to get a divorce. I made sure that my son knew(and still make sure he knows) that the divorce was no where near his fault, and that it simply happened because his father and I could not live together any more.
Unfortunately, his father couldn't stick to the story. He not only moved the girlfriend he cheated with in with him immediately, but got her pregnant within 2 months
Maybe she was simply better than you, i mean he did knock her up to, maybe you need to analyze WHY he cheated on you?
All this happening while he essentially ignored his son...calling and telling him he would see him the following weekend, then calling me to tell me he couldn't come see him, because he was out of gas money, or because she wanted to do something that weekend, so he would have to reschedule his visit with our son.
Meaning you could not offload him onto the father.
I have spent a lot of time, over the past 3 years undoing the damage that my ex leaves in his wake
Man you really are trying hard to look like an angel aren't you, pity when he hit puberty he'll hate you anyway.
Most recently a trip that my ex took to disney world (via a disney cruise) with the girlfriend, her daughter, and their son. My son was not invited.(told by his father that he didn't invite him because he lives with me. Despite the fact that in private, I made it clear to my ex that he was welcome to take Jordan.) Yet they were "kind"enough to show him all the pictures from the trip, and the souvenirs that they bought for themselves, and that the other kids came home with.
True maybe that you hate the fact that you cannot now afford to take your kid on the trip and your ex can!
I will admit that there have been many times that I have been tempted to blast my ex in front of my son, but I haven't done it. I won't do that to my child. I WANT him to have a good relationship with his father. I have done everything in my power to facilitate that, but I cannot force the man to visit his son. I don't speak negatively about him to my child. Just as I do not talk negatively about my ex's child with the girlfriend. This child is my son's half brother, and despite the child's origins, I encourage a good relationship between he and his brother. Family is important.

Of COURSE, I was hurt by the way things went with my ex. It kills me every time I see my childs' heart break due to his fathers' callousness. But I have not, and will not contribute to his heartbreak by fighting with his dad, in front of him or not.
Thats what you are doing here complaining about him, maybe if you said that to him, or is NazzNegg the father ;)
I keep a blog, for that very reason, as well as attend a divorce group once a week. These things help me to vent my frustrations without causing my son to be in the line of fire. I have moved on with my life, but have simply chosen to not move on with another man.
A relationship is not a priority for me right now. My son, my work, my education(I am going back to school), and maintaining my home and my financial stability...those are my priorities
Awww did I get the warm fuzzys there or ... nope ... I just threw up
Perhaps one day I will make room for a relationship, but not right now. I have too much else on my plate, and I refuse to allow myself to get into the position I was in before. When I enter into a relationship next, I will be standing on my own 2 feet, and can have a relationship that is on equal footing. Depending on my undependable ex was my biggest mistake, and one that I have learned from.
Forget it.
I came in here to clarify a few points, due to something NazzNegg said that rang true.
I did NOT come in here to be blasted by people who ADAMANTLY refuse to consider the possibility that I(being someone that they do not even KNOW) just might be speaking the truth.
Damn it, I realize that I am not perfect. I make plenty of mistakes. I also KNOW however that I am a hardworking single mother, who is doing everything humanly possible to be both Mom and Dad to a child that deserves both in his life, but unfortunately has been denied his father(by his father).
I am not remiss in acknowledging the hard won battles. I have fought my way through hell, and have come out of it strong, and happy. I KNOW the child I have, and I KNOW the life that I live. I am proud of that life, and have EVERY reason to be.
If you cannot accept that, then that truly is your problem. It truly saddens me that it seems to be impossible for some people to believe that there really might actually BE a good mom out there, but all in all, oh well.
So, I gave it a couple of shots...but I truly am not willing to waste my time on trying to convince hateful people of the truth.
Good night.
Thankyou for your response. I was reacting(yes, my error I realize) to Lashton's post. Had a bad day at work, and reacted accordingly...I know I shouldn't have. It would have been better to be much more calm when reading what that person wrote.

What you said did ring true. I had reacted defensively to you before, and when I was able to sit back and read through the things that "raised my hackles", I felt more able to address it.

I am defensive of my parenting, due to issues that actually have nothing to do with my life with my son. It's taking time for me to work through them, but I am making headway, certainly.

As to denying myself love? I am not there yet. I was badly hurt by the circumstances of my divorce, and am not emotionally ready to handle trying love again. I want to believe it is out there for me, but I also feel that I am not in a good place to offer someone's heart a welcome home. I am still very insecure about my standing with men, and want to make sure that I am 1) Financially independent 2)Emotionally independent 3) Socially secure among other things, before opening myself up to love again.

I have come a long way in the past three years. I was agorophobic when my ex left. Terrified. When we moved from the home I had shared with him, I not only found myself able to get out and about on my own, but began working in a job that required constant contact with many people every day(retail), and have even been able to go out at night on occasion by myself, without cowering in the corner hoping that no one would notice me.

To many, these things might seem inconsequential, but I can tell you that these were major accomplishments for me. I have a lot to be proud of, but a lot of work ahead of me as well.

Anyway, thankyou for talking with me. Sorry we started off so rough, but I am glad that we are able to talk.
GF Admin said:
Is agoraphobia common in Texas? I have an acquaintance who is agoraphobic and also lives in Texas.

Everythings bigger in Texas. Even mental defects.
GF Admin said:
Is agoraphobia common in Texas? I have an acquaintance who is agoraphobic and also lives in Texas.

Texas is a big, scary place. We are all agoraphobic!
Phantom said:
Texas is a big, scary place. We are all agoraphobic!

Yeah, thats the truth... But some places here are a hell of a lot scarier than others.

Let us not forget that Texas is also the home of the infamous Leslie....
GF Admin said:

  • [ ]Average number of times a man will ejaculate in his lifetime: 7,200
    [ ]Average # of times he will ejaculate from masturbation: 2,000
    [ ]Percent of men who say they masturbate at least once a day: 54%

Hmmm. So, how many times a day do the daily masturbaters have sex in order to create the '# of times in a lifetime' stats...
ToriAllen said:
Hmmm. So, how many times a day do the daily masturbaters have sex in order to create the '# of times in a lifetime' stats...

Yeah Hmmm lets see.. I think your stats are off. If I live to be 60 and ejaculated once per day that would be what?... 21,900 times. of course that wouldn't be acurate either unless I started off the day I was born. So if I started at say 10 years old (I was an early bloomer) that would still be 18,250 times. In reality you would probably do it more than once a day.. So lets just double that just to be on the safe side. That gives us a grand total of 36,500 times. I plan on living until 80 sooooo......