Insulting peoples children


Active Member
Mar 25, 2007
Ok, first of all, I know that I am new here, and I am still getting to know the place. I also realize that people are going to say whatever they are going to say....
But here is my gripe....

Those of us that are members here, are members knowing that there is going to be mud slung in our general direction on occasion. That's all well and good...But what the hell kind of person brings KIDS into the mud slinging?

It's completely uncouth, and in my opinion, anyone that would insult a child as a way to try to upset the parent, is pretty much a scumbag.

So you don't like the parent. So freaking what. Don't bring an innocent child into it.

Just my 2 cents. Take it or leave it, I don't really care...but I had to say something. All that **** being thrown around about somebody's daughter has been pissing me off.
I know that it is schoolyard tactics....but it is one thing that gets to me.
I do view kids as innocents...even if they have shithead parents. My kid has a shithead dad, and I am here to tell you that he is a GREAT kid, despite that.

Other than that, people can spew anything they want and it will just roll off my back. LOL
You know, I did spend a short period of time thinking that exact thing, but then I realized that my SINGLE lapse in judgement resulted in a child that has proven to be the best part of my life.
He, on the other hand, made multiple lapses of judgement that caused him to be tossed out on his ass.
No comparison.
Cassiopeia said:
You know, I did spend a short period of time thinking that exact thing, but then I realized that my SINGLE lapse in judgement resulted in a child that has proven to be the best part of my life.
He, on the other hand, made multiple lapses of judgement that caused him to be tossed out on his ass.
No comparison.

Eh, prove it that you are wonderful. So far, you mean nothing to any us here. What have you done that has made you so much better?
No proof necessary. The only person whose opinion I care about is my child's. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other what people here think of me personally.
I didn't start this thread to debate about myself anyway. Original intention was simply to state that it isn't right to bring people's kids into an insult war.
GF Admin said:
Every single EX says the other one is a screaming asshole.... Just remember you married the guy, sucked his ****, let him slide his **** into you and leave a hot steaming pile of jizz that resulted in the now present child of yours. So every time you speak of how ****ed up he is; your just making a statement about how MORE ****ed up you are, because you married they guy, sucked his **** and let him leave squid juice all up in you....

I would like to give Nazz double rep for this!!!

Shouldn't be a big deal what part of the family you **** with. It shouldn't hit a nerve UNLESS IT"S TRUE?? Where i work we **** with everybody them, kids, sister and damn sure there mom. The catholic priests think it's ok to **** with children, who the hell are you to say we can't. And i do have two girls and take a lot of ****. So toughen up and quit being so emotional, or maybe myspace would be softer.:p
Insulting someone's children isn't right plan and simple.

I was at a playground once where some girls wouldn't let my son and his friend go down the slide, so after the kids asked them about 4 times to move politely, and one father also asking the girls nicely and getting a rude response I told my son to just come down we'd go to another slide. My son called one of the girls mean as he was leaving. So the girl runs to her mommy (who is not paying attention because she's busying chatting with the other fat stepford moms). I had already spoken to my son about saying that to her when Captain Snacks as I nicknamed her comes over with a tude, and starts yelling your son called my daughter a name, he's bad. Well you can bet your ass she's lucky she was at a playground or I would've dropped her to the ground. I let her have it verbally though, but I made sure I was right in her face and the kids couldn't hear me. First off, kids are kids. Her kid was being a little brat, but I would never say that in front of the child.

The girls appeared to be about 8 at the time, my son and his buddy were 3. Huge difference.
Cassiopeia said:
Ok, first of all, I know that I am new here, and I am still getting to know the place. I also realize that people are going to say whatever they are going to say....
But here is my gripe....
Those of us that are members here, are members knowing that there is going to be mud slung in our general direction on occasion. That's all well and good...But what the hell kind of person brings KIDS into the mud slinging?
It's completely uncouth, and in my opinion, anyone that would insult a child as a way to try to upset the parent, is pretty much a scumbag.
So you don't like the parent. So freaking what. Don't bring an innocent child into it.
Just my 2 cents. Take it or leave it, I don't really care...but I had to say something. All that **** being thrown around about somebody's daughter has been pissing me off.

I completely agree. Some of the cheap tactics being used lately against one member in particular is pretty low, even for this place. and that is saying a lot.

atlantic said:
My son called one of the girls mean as he was leaving....
I had already spoken to my son about saying that to her when Captain Snacks as I nicknamed her...

So you scold you son for calling someone mean, but you call someone "Captain Snacks"?
eddo said:
I completely agree. Some of the cheap tactics being used lately against one member in particular is pretty low, even for this place. and that is saying a lot.

So you scold you son for calling someone mean, but you call someone "Captain Snacks"?
I didn't scold him, I merely told him to not bother with them, as I knew they would twist it around just like you seem to be so good at :cool:
GF Admin said:
Proof is ALWAYS necessary its what separates facts from fiction. And if your looking for approval from a child, especially your own child I think the fuzzy tuning on you is clearing up significantly in many areas of your parenting skills as well as what contributed to your divorce from ass-hole #1 is there and asshole #2 yet??

Actually, I disagree. I have no need of providing proof to you regarding who I am, or why I am. I owe you nothing, as you are nothing more than words on a screen to me, at this point in my involvement in this forum. I barely know anyone here, therefore my life is not as yet an open book.

As to looking to my son for approval, that is not the case. His opinion matters to me, yes, but not because I need his approval. It matters to me because he is a human being, not a robot. I do not run a dictatorship in my house. We have some pretty strict rules, but I encourage him to be open with me. If my son feels unhappy, or displeased about something, I want him to be comfortable talking to me about it.

About the asshole #2, no, there isn't. I don't have the time to waste on a man right now, and I won't let just anybody into my life or my son's life. My ex and I separated 3 years ago. He moved on before he left. I haven't even gone out on a date since. My son comes first.

Think what you want to think. Doesn't matter one bit to me. I still stand behind my belief that it is inherently wrong to bring people's children into an argument, or fight.
atlantic said:
I didn't scold him, I merely told him to not bother with them,

oh, like how you don't bother with them... </sarcasm>

Or would be creating multiple childish nicknames not be considered "bothering with them"?

Sometimes you really make me wonder...
eddo said:
oh, like how you don't bother with them... </sarcasm>

Or would be creating multiple childish nicknames not be considered "bothering with them"?

Sometimes you really make me wonder...
I didn't call the woman that to her face, just what I like to refer to her as with grown ups, now run along little Eddie and go play with your tonka trucks.
If you have a young child you should not let him, or her, access this forum. Therefore, the only way a child could be hurt by any response in this forum is if they have a very irresponsible parent.
atlantic said:
I didn't call the woman that to her face, just what I like to refer to her as with grown ups, now run along little Eddie and go play with your tonka trucks.

so the "grown ups" that you hang out with enjoy childish nicknames like "Captain Snacks" or "buffarillo" ???

You either got some immature friends, or they are mighty stupid to find either of those in any way humorous.