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  1. K

    Symbols of Songs

    these are my thoughts: Crawling=Me One step closer=darkness,fight. Faint=me,ignorance,loneliness Breaking the habit=Blood,and i don´t know what else. nobody´s listening=ignorance too. well,my ideas are over,bye!
  2. K

    What type of teenager are you?

    hey!I told you that i made that quizz and i made others too...I found a lot of quizz about LP in .I made these: What song of Meteora are you?-I´m Faint!! What song of LP are u´? -I´m In the end! And what Lp video are u´?-I´m Somewhere I belong :D If you can make ,are cooL!
  3. K

    What type of teenager are you?

    I am the sad teen too! hahahah!I think that is true
  4. K

    "What are you doing?" game

    I´m just chatting,and listening to music ,im listening Marilyn Manson (The golden age of grotesque,it´s a great album).And i have to say that i´m bored,very bored! :confused:
  5. K


    I cant choose a song,it can be because i love all their songs,but i identify myself with Crawling because of the lyric,it talks about pain,etc and in a moment of my life i felt like i was inside the song.So i can´t choose a favorite song
  6. K

    How do you feel about Chester's song off of the Queen of the Damned soundtrack?

    System is one of my favorites songs,i love it, because it sounds like a gothic song,it´s very cool,and is very diferent from Lp´s songs.
  7. K

    Hello! i am new here. ( already love it:p )

    Welcome to the forum! :thumbsup:
  8. K

    The Video For Numb

    that video is so beautiful!I love it ! and the song is very beautiful too!I will never forget that video and song (well,i will never forget all songs or videos,is better say that i will never forget Linkin Park!,i hope that you think the same!
  9. K

    hi everybody!!!!(i'm new here)when lp live in ARGENTINA

    yeahh!i want them to come to Argentina too!This is a nice country with a lot of lp´s fans so they have to come!!that will be great!!LP ROCKKSSS!they are the best!! :D
  10. K


    Hi! do you know where can i download avatars??and what are sigs?? i´m new here so i have no idea! well...thanks :thumbsup:
  11. K

    Chester's new crazy eyes

    its so cool!!
  12. K

    please join me with msn

    I will add you...this is mine or the other is
  13. K

    is it true??

    they didn´t come to argentina yet,so thats why i´m so interested in this rumor...well,thanks for your answer!!
  14. K

    is it true??

    HI!!I want to know if it´s true that Linkin Park will come to Argentina in their next tour. People were saying that but i have no idea;i know that if they come,they will come in 2006 i think but the thing that i want to know if its true that they will come to argentina...i´m waiting for your...
  15. K

    Hiii!! I´m new!

    HI!!i´mnew here! my name is Sofia and i´m from Bs as ,Argentina and i am 12 years old but in February 4th is my birthdayy!!!!If you want to talk with me my email adress is ...I want to meet people from anywhere, I just want to meet people that LOVE linkin park like i...