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  1. Prop

    Im gunna say something random coz i am really bored

    ^-^ hehe you have no idea misery how true that is
  2. Prop

    Im gunna say something random coz i am really bored

    Thank you Mikes Shadows See Tia knows me, she knows I am female and she knows I was just joshing around with the weapons of mass destruction one should get to know the other before dissing on them like that Woods
  3. Prop

    Im gunna say something random coz i am really bored

    BTW woody I am female you should check into the artistian Jhonen Vasquez he is the creator of the sedistic humorous comics Johnny The Homocidal Maniac, Squee, I Feel Sick and Filler Bunny as well as the cartoon series Invader Zim.
  4. Prop

    Im gunna say something random coz i am really bored

    -_- *aims barrel machine gun at Woody* its obvious you are not a Jhonen Vasquez fan or else you would have know its a phrase by Happy Noodle Boy and Prop is my nickname so back off man
  5. Prop

    Im gunna say something random coz i am really bored

    Bark Make me Tia *takes out barrel machine gun, sword, axe, gernade launcher, and flamethrower and smiles sinisterly*
  6. Prop

    Im gunna say something random coz i am really bored

    Hiya Meow Meow Cat Chow
  7. Prop

    Did the USA really land on the moon?

    Hiya Nope their is a layer of radiation that no pre-existing spacecraft could fly through that the astronauts would be safe from they would die.
  8. Prop

    hehe the aussie queer eye are so cute

    Survivors is still da boom. The one guy I have ever loved turned out to be gay.
  9. Prop

    Newbie in the ranks

    so do I all of yours are way awesome
  10. Prop

    Newbie in the ranks

    *playfully tackles Egg* yep thats me
  11. Prop

    Newbie in the ranks

    Yes I am a newbie to this site but mess with me I am a vicious rper so show respect and thow shall get respect in return.