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  1. smurf

    has any1 experience any supernatural stuff?

    Well once I heard somthing walking around my room when I was younger. It woke me up and I was very tired so it took a while to get my eyes focused to the dark. When I could finally see the noise made its way to the door. So when I looked at the door I saw what looked like a black cat dart out of...
  2. smurf

    Introducing Mike Kenji is hot as

    Welcome :D
  3. smurf

    Smurf's Journal

    well today was boring i had finals and the only break was lunch and that's about it. Well at least I only have one more day of school left :thumbsup:
  4. smurf

    Smurf's Journal

    thanks i hope so to
  5. smurf

    Smurf's Journal

    hi this is my first journal ever/ and just wanted to start one to update once in awhile and all so yup ......... that is all for now Smurf
  6. smurf

    whats your favoret quote? ( song lyric)

    If you don't eat your pudding you can't have any meat. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat? - Pink Flyod, Another brick in the wall part 2
  7. smurf

    Smurf's Forums

    Well I cant find anywhere else to post this so... I finally made my own forums :thumbsup: It is brand new so if you want to be a moderator just PM me. Also I need a skin so if you would like to make one please also PM me about that. Or you can IM me.
  8. smurf

    Scrambeld Words

    distiled gulanega
  9. smurf

    Never Ending Story

    Numb. Suddenly the music stopped and he heard foot steps coming closer. Whos there asked Jim.
  10. smurf

    Never Ending Story

    passed out. When he came through he saw he was chained to a table. In the corner of the room he heard
  11. smurf

    stupid pointless question

    Well Lpp to answer your question, I don't think your annoying. :)
  12. smurf

    This or that!

    Ocean Biking or Skate Boarding
  13. smurf

    This or that!

    Japanese Coke or Pepsi
  14. smurf

    Scrambeld Words

    Oh whoops. Oh well.
  15. smurf

    Band name Game

  16. smurf

    Never Ending Story

    oddly just got up and left. Jim stood in the middle of the cabin. He saw that nobody was in the cabin so he walked outside to see
  17. smurf

    Scrambeld Words

    members, right?
  18. smurf

    Scrambeld Words

    I will post a scrambeld word. Once you guess correct it is your turn to make a scrambeld word. Oh and by the way 'fi oyu nac erda htis eoury oolc!' :thumbsup: Well heres the word: kobo
  19. smurf

    Never Ending Story

    bear! The bear came out of nowhere. HELP screamed Jim, but was cut short when
  20. smurf

    Watch the car, an interesting video clip

    Yeah I have seen it like 100 times but it is still pretty interesting. :D