Never Ending Story


Apr 20, 2005
Wouldn't you like to know?
(I have looked and there is no topic like this, but if there is one and I missed it please don't get mad) Anyway here are the rules...
This is what you do, I will start a story and you continue it. The most you can add to the story is 3 sentences per post and once you have posted wait for someone else to reply before you post again. When you want to reply just copy and paste the story so far. Your post should be in bold letters.
Ok this is the story:

Once there was a boy named Jim. One day Jim went outside for a walk. He came up to the woods and couldn't decide wheather to go in or not.
Jim went into the woods and found a knife on the ground.
He was really hungry,so he decided to kill a rabbit...
he was scared that his pants were on fire, but he remembered the ever so helpful "stop, drop and roll" technique... of course it worked. He noticed some other person lying next to a stream, he didnt know if he should give them some of the rabbit (considering he/she (you pick) looked very hungry) or should he just leave them be.
he noticed he had pissed his pants. The bear didn't like the smell, so it ran away. When he was going home to change his pants and take a shower, he realized he was lost in the woods.
another 3 bears. he then thought he would pop (thinking he was a balloon) the 3 bears...