Search results

  1. Aional'

    Chester has throat problems?

    Ha! Many singers had had a problem with voice - but noe they are still popular and good-voices-stars... It's not so strange, I think)))
  2. Aional'

    Linkin Park pics

    Haha! I love Chester! Who thinks that he is ugly??!! I'll kill they!!!*pfff...dammit...I must have mooore patience*
  3. Aional'

    Who's your favorite LP Member

    No! You aren't right, I think. If you love a band so you love all of them, yeah? But usually we love BANd becouse of their music and SOMEBODY from band like the idol, I think. So, I REALLY INSTANITY love Chaz, but I've voted for Mike, couse I respect him.... :thumbsup:
  4. Aional'

    LPF Exclusive: Dedicated live download

    Haha! Someone will killed while next few hours.... Hahninator, who is it, what do you think??? :p
  5. Aional'

    Chester's Birthday!!!

    Happy happy happy bithday!!!!!
  6. Aional'

    Chester a proud father

    Congrats Chester, Talinda and Draven... Who is Jaime??? I've never heard about him before...why??
  7. Aional'

    chester's DAMN cute

    Someone don't love Chazz??? I can't believe in it....
  8. Aional'

    From The Inside

    Cool song from cool album of cool group... What I can say another about that?
  9. Aional'

    Numb vs Crawling

    Hmm... Crowling, I think... Couse it's more intresting for me...
  10. Aional'

    In the end -vs- Numb

    In the end! In the end!!! IN the EEEND!!!! And only in the end....
  11. Aional'

    Petrified vs. Believe Me

    Petrified, I think.... Intresting video... And intresting song... But also I like Believe me! :rolleyes: I don't know, what I like moreeeeee..... :p
  12. Aional'

    Hi! I'm new.

    ;) Hello everyone! Of course I'm a fanat LP and of course I love, love, love LP!!! Especially I love Chester.... I really love him... :p
  13. Aional'

    Happy Birthday Mike!!!

    Happy birthday and don't drink much... :p
  14. Aional'

    Chaz Solo Album Complete

    It's bad.... I'm crying............ :confused: :confused: :confused:
  15. Aional'

    Chaz Solo Album Complete

    Hmmm... I think it's don't so bad... Maybe Chaz thinking about ALL LP fans?